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FIVE STEPS. Google Bought a Zoo [Infographic] Google recently announced a new Penguin update furthering the search giant’s objective to decrease Web spam and reward good quality content and effective white hat SEO techniques.

Google Bought a Zoo [Infographic]

If you’re practicing black hat SEO tactics such as keyword stuffing, duplicate content, and link schemes, be careful; the Penguin or Panda might swallow you whole. For us folks who take our content marketing seriously, these are welcomed updates because Google is rewarding remarkable content and penalizing the poorly written crap. Another important part of this update is that Google is increasingly looking at social signals as a sign of content quality and relevance. The more social shares and interactions that a piece of content has, the more likely it will show up in search results.

But, keep in mind that the number of shares are not the only thing influencing search results, but also the influence of those individuals who are doing the sharing. Social Media Torch How to Make Money on YouTube as a Clickbank Affiliate. How to Make Money on YouTube I’m going to tell you an easy way to help you learn how to make money on YouTube.

Social Media Torch How to Make Money on YouTube as a Clickbank Affiliate

Just stay with me, it’ll only take a few minutes to understand the entire process. First thing to do is go to I want you to click the sign up link at the top of the page. Under Affiliates click “I have an established audience”. In order to make money on YouTube, first pick a product that you are advertising for and trying to sell on YouTube. Ranked Videos Make Money on YouTube Find a Site Explorer you are going to use. So how do you do that? 6 Expert-Endorsed Ways to Improve Your Marketing TODAY. In the marketing world, there’s lots of discussion about shortening attention spans and how we as an industry need to tailor our approach to be faster, better, and more compelling.

6 Expert-Endorsed Ways to Improve Your Marketing TODAY

Often in just three seconds or 140 characters. But where’s the instant gratification for marketers? What can we do in a day’s work that will generate real impact on our business? Below we’ve outlined tips from top experts on tactics and strategies you can employ in the next 24 hours to improve your marketing for the long haul.

We recruited best in class experts including Ann Handley, Jay Baer, Shawn Graham, David Meerman Scott, Kevin Daum and more for their input, and combined their expertise with HubSpot’s own proven tactics. 1) Revamp Your “About Us” Small business marketing expert and Fast Company blogger Shawn Graham describes the “About Us” section of a company’s website, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages as “a window into the soul of your business.” What to Do Today 4) Delight a Customer. Exxaro Digital on Behance. Sowela, Students, Teachers. Gerryspell. Millennium Park Committee Coin on Behance.

Adobe & Education. 48 Significant Social Media Facts, Figures and Statistics - Plus 7 Infographics. I came across some interesting statistics that has me quite concerned about the dental hygiene levels on this planet.

48 Significant Social Media Facts, Figures and Statistics - Plus 7 Infographics

Apparently there are 600 million more people that own a mobile phone compared to those who own a toothbrush. Some research reveals that there are 4.8 billion mobile users but only 4.2 billion people with a toothbrush. Does that mean that every mobile should be sold with a free toothbrush or should you need to produce your toothbrush before you are given possession of your new mobile phone to ensure that future personal close encounters are engaging and pleasant? Another interpretation of those statistic is that toothbrushes are too expensive.

The Importance of Statistics Statistics are used to make important decisions and social media statistics, facts and figures are often used to justify new media marketing strategies and tactics to the CEO. Here are the latest facts, figures and statistics for seven major social networks that marketers need to take notice of. Facebook.