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DataRepositories. Bem vindo - Portal Brasileiro de Dados Abertos. Bem vindo - #datapoa - portal de dados abertos da cidade de Porto Alegre. Spend Network : professional insight from public data. Welcome - OpenSpending. All our datasets: the complete index. Aleph - Databases. Insert paragraph here...

Aleph - Databases

Aleph is a tool, built by Friedrich Lindenberg during his ICFJ Knight Fellowship, for indexing large amounts of both text (PDF, Word, HTML) and tabular (CSV, XLS, SQL) data for easy browsing and search. It is built with investigative reporting as a primary use case, and it allows cross-referencing mentions of well-known people and companies against watch lists, which are built from prior research or public data sets. The tool was first developed for ANCIR, as part of Grano, a reporting tool for investigating the connections between public and private officials. Following his ICFJ Knight Fellowship, Lindenberg used Aleph to power a data search feature for OCCRP's Investigative Dashboard. Public Data Explorer. Men's marathon. National football teams of Europe, international matches history.

Investigative Dashboard. The Open Database Of The Corporate World. New Eurostat website - Eurostat. 15 December 2014 The website has been subject to a complete design overhaul to make it more attractive and easier to use, although the overall structure of the website will remain the same.

New Eurostat website - Eurostat

Furthermore, the technological infrastructure supporting the website has been replaced. The data extraction and visualization tools will not change and keep the same functionality. What will change for you: Data Search. Statistics - release calendar. Publications. Wählen Sie eine Sprache. Wählen Sie eine Sprache. World Bank Group.

Welcome to the United Nations. World Health Organization.