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Erick Gabriel Ledesma Ruiz

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Nice LEARNING. 6 Killer Examples Of Gamification In eLearning. Let’s first understand what gamification is and how it is different from playing games.

6 Killer Examples Of Gamification In eLearning

In one of my earlier articles on gamification, Top 6 Benefits Of Gamification In eLearning, I had highlighted both these aspects as follows: Gamification is about more than just playing games (in fact, sometimes it does not involve playing games at all). It can be defined as the concept of applying game-design thinking to non game applications.Wikipedia defines gamification as “the use of game thinking and game mechanics in non-game contexts to engage users in solving problems”. What Are The Benefits Of Gamification In eLearning? Again, I will recap from my article the key benefits of gamification: Better learning experience.The learner can experience “fun” during the game and still learn if the level of engagement is high. Does Gamification Really Help Learners Recall Or Retain Information Better? The answer is an emphatic “yes.” Corporate training, e-learning, instructional design, online business simulation games, virtual instructor led training, HR outsourcing, training design consulting services.

Top 10 eLearning Content Development Companies For 2015. This is our third year of publishing the list of top 10 eLearning content development companies.

Top 10 eLearning Content Development Companies For 2015

This year’s list is particularly interesting, with quite a few position reclassifications and dynamic new additions, so we are very excited to share it with you. Ladies and gentlemen of the eLearning world, we proudly present to you the top 10 eLearning content development companies for 2015! As “top” can mean many things, we created this year’s list by following the same process that we used for the top 10 eLearning content development companies for 2014 list. Taking a closer look at the companies that are leading the line when it comes to eLearning, we selected the top 10 based on the following 7 criteria:

Using Storytelling For Compliance: Why Storytelling Is At The Heart Of Great Compliance Training. A storytelling approach makes sense for learning of any kind, but it's particularly effective when you need to make data and complex information meaningful and relevant to your audience.

Using Storytelling For Compliance: Why Storytelling Is At The Heart Of Great Compliance Training

Learning facts is difficult, but assimilating a story is something that comes naturally to most of us. Read how using storytelling for compliance training helps compliance learners not only absorb information, but also change their behaviors. If you reach into the depths of your memory, chances are that the first words you remember from childhood are “Once upon a time…”. You loved a great story back then; you probably still do! And that’s why storytelling is such a vital component of any eLearning program that we develop at Interactive Services.

The attention span of the learner is assailed on all sides, from text messages or email to TV; whatever may be happening right then in the life of the learner. All Articles on Codrops. - Download Free Sound Effects. 70:20:10. Aside from what you’re learning from this website, what was the last thing you learned that was relevant to your job?


How did you learn it? Chances are that you learned it from actually doing your job, perhaps completing some challenging task or just doing something you hadn’t done before. It’s possible you also learned from somebody else, and even less likely the source of your learning was a formal training course. That’s the 70:20:10 learning theory: 70% of what we learn is through our workplace challenges and experiences.20% of what we learn is through contact with other people, either face to face or online.10% of what we learn is through formal training programmes and structured content. Those numbers come from one study group’s research into successful managers may be not precisely match how learning happens in your organization’s workforce, but the exact numbers aren’t important. Tin Can and the 90% Learning Design Transformed. As a technical specification, the relevance of Tin Can to developers is obvious, but Tin Can is equally important to learning designers.

Learning Design Transformed

You don’t need to understand all the details of the code, but you do need to understand the possibilities and how it all fits together. Tin Can takes instructional design out of the SCORM box and enables a whole range of possibilities for the learning solutions you create. E-learning. Hotmail, Videos, Outlook, Noticias, TV, Futbol y más en Prodigy MSN. Access Our e-Learning Demos. Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share. Vectores gratis, fotos y PSD para descargar. RawShorts - Explainer Video Software. Create. EVO I.T. - Empresa de elearning - Argentina, Córdoba - Cursos online, plataformas virtuales y juegos educativos. Ver más » Diseño instruccional Producción multimedia Implementación SCORM.

EVO I.T. - Empresa de elearning - Argentina, Córdoba - Cursos online, plataformas virtuales y juegos educativos

Color converter - HEX to RGB and rgb to hex color converter. Color Converter Convert hex color code to RGB and RGB to HEX (Hexadecimal) This free color converter gives you the hexadecimal values of your RGB colors and vice versa (RGB to HEX).

Color converter - HEX to RGB and rgb to hex color converter

150 Amazing and Free Resources for ELearning Professionals. ELearning Courses development requires time and money, but there are dozens of free resources developed to minimize your efforts and create efficient and well-designed eLearning courses.

150 Amazing and Free Resources for ELearning Professionals

Based on our experience in the eLearning, marketing and management fields we compiled a list of useful tools and online resources to use in eLearning courses design and development. Time Management. eLearning Industry - Post your eLearning article. At eLearning Industry you will find the best collection of eLearning articles, eLearning concepts, eLearning software, and eLearning resources. Dribbble - Show and tell for designers. Los 5 Hábitos Efectivos de los Diseñadores Instruccionales. Cartoon Characters Mascots, Illustrations and Graphics, Business Characters, Female Characters, Male Characters, Ninja and Superhero Characters - ToonCharacters. Los entornos de aprendizaje mediados y apoyados por las TIC son referente para potenciar las plataformas MOOC. Los cursos MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) se imparten en plataformas tecnológicas.

Los entornos de aprendizaje mediados y apoyados por las TIC son referente para potenciar las plataformas MOOC

Estas plataformas operan como medio de gestión y de seguimiento de un portafolio de cursos MOOC. En este sentido, las plataformas son esenciales en la formación MOOC y por lo tanto un estudio y conocimiento más profundo de ellas es necesario. En momentos en que la literatura actual de MOOC es creciente pero centrada en intentar definir que és o son los MOOC, este post aporta una visión formativa donde las plataformas se revisan como entornos de aprendizaje en base a 4 espacios de comunicación. El post revisa y compara las plataformas COURSERA, CANVAS, Open2Study, MiriadaX y Ventura-Lab como entornos de aprendizaje y se sugieren las características que debe tener una plataforma MOOC como un entorno de aprendizaje. Antecedentes Cuando se habla de MOOC hoy en día suele pensarse en lo que dije, un curso o un paradigma de formación.

Ambientes/entornos virtuales. Web : The Future of Learning: Preparing for Change. Relpe - Red Latinoamericana de Portales Educativos. Ergonomic.pdf. OEI(2011)_DesafiosTICCambioEducativo.pdf.