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Bienvenue sur Ubisphère, les métiers du jeu vidéo by Ubisoft. Understanding Python Decorators in 12 Easy Steps! Python metaclasses by example. 26.2.1. __new__(): New instance creation. Symfony2: 30 astuces et bonnes pratiques. Linux Mint 14 released: It’s like Windows 8, minus the bad bits. The developers behind the Ubuntu-based Linux Mint distribution have announced the immediate availability of Mint 14 (Nadia).

Linux Mint 14 released: It’s like Windows 8, minus the bad bits

The new release brings a number of incremental under-the-hood improvements and tweaks. It combines the Linux 3.5 kernel, Ubuntu 12.10 base, and the latest versions of the MATE 1.4 and Cinnamon 1.6 desktop environments. The edition of Linux Mint 14 with the Cinnamon desktop is particularly interesting as it has created a hybrid between Ubuntu’s HUD interface and the traditional Gnome UI that is as usable and fluid as ever. Free Online XML Validator Against XSD Schema.

Tutoriel XML Schema. Introduction aux schémas W3C XML Schema.

Tutoriel XML Schema

How to make an attribute unique in xml schema? W3C XML Schema (XSD) Validation online. Tutoriel XML Schema. A Practical Guide to Software Architecture. This article provides an introduction to component modeling beyond the UML notation.

A Practical Guide to Software Architecture

It describes how I typically do component modeling, combining the non-functional and functional aspects of software to be built. An exemplary Component Diagram Component modeling has always been pretty clear to me – from a notation standpoint. But it took some time and practice for me to to create something that was of real value to my clients as well as the development team. As modeling notation I typically use the UML2 component modeling notation, as – for example – outlined by Scott Ambler. Model technical components,Model functional components, andCombine them into one component model. Technical Components Technical components are the technical building blocks of the system you are building.

The Component Model. The component model illustrates the software components that will be used to build the system.

The Component Model

These may be built up from the class model and written from scratch for the new system, or may be brought in from other projects and 3rd party vendors. Components are high level aggregations of smaller software pieces, and provide a 'black box' building block approach to software construction. Component Notation A component may be something like an ActiveX control - either a user interface control or a business rules server. Components are drawn as the following diagram shows: The Component Diagram The component diagram shows the relationship between software components, their dependencies, communication, location and other conditions. Interfaces Components may also expose interfaces. Components and Nodes. UML 2 Component Diagrams: An Agile Introduction. Component diagrams are particularly useful with larger teams.

UML 2 Component Diagrams: An Agile Introduction

Your initial architectural modeling efforts during cycle 0 should focus on identifying the initial architectural landscape for your system. UML component diagrams are great for doing this as they enable you to model the high-level software components, and more importantly the interfaces to those components. Once the interfaces are defined, and agreed to by your team, it makes it much easier to organize the development effort between subteams. You will discover the need to evolve the interfaces to reflect new requirements or changes to your design as your project progresses, changes that need to be negotiated between the subteams and then implemented appropriately.


HTML5, CSS3, JS Demos, Creations and Experiments. JS Bin - Editeur HTML, CSS et JavaScript. Lorempixel - placeholder images for every case. CSS Zen Garden: The Beauty of CSS Design. HTML5 Please - Use the new and shiny responsibly. Web. FilePermissionsACLs. POSIX Access Control Lists (ACLs) are more fine-grained access rights for files and directories.


An ACL consists of entries specifying access permissions on an associated object. ACLs can be configured per user, per group or via the effective rights mask. Présentation du langage SysML. Un article de ODcWiki.

Présentation du langage SysML

UML, langage de modélisation très répandu pour les développements logiciels, a été utilisé et adapté pour définir un langage de modélisation des systèmes : ou . Dans cet article nous présentons l’Ingénierie Système, un bref historique sur SysML, puis nous abordons l’utilisation des modèles SysML. Le but de cet article est de présenter de façon non-exhaustive le langage SysML. Ingénierie Système L’Ingénierie Système s’adresse aux secteurs suivants : systèmes embarqués (ex : encodage/décodage audio et vidéo, set top box), automobile, ferroviaire, aéronautique, espace, militaire, télécoms, médical, production d’énergie, etc.

Les méthodes de l’Ingénierie Système (IS) reposent sur des approches de et de pour valider les exigences ou pour évaluer le système. Le diagramme de flux de données (DFD ou Data Flow Diagram) pour définir les données traversant un système et leurs traitements éventuels. BioInformatique Imagerie. Informatique. Microsoft Virtual Academy – Free IT Training, Online Learning of Microsoft Technologies. Successful technologists never stop learning and great technology never stops evolving.

Microsoft Virtual Academy – Free IT Training, Online Learning of Microsoft Technologies

Microsoft Virtual Academy (MVA) offers online Microsoft training delivered by experts to help technologists continually learn, with hundreds of courses, in 11 different languages. Our mission is to help developers, knowledgeable IT professionals and advanced students learn the latest technology, build their skills, and advance their careers. MVA is free of charge, and the entire service is hosted on Windows Azure. Become an MVA member so that you can earn points for your learning, achieve different levels of badges and status relative to others in your country or around the world, and get certificates when you complete an entire course. Your personal dashboard helps you track your progress against your personal learning plans.



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