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Practice frame shifting to spot untapped innovation opportunities. Perception separates the innovator from the imitator. To see anew, learn to set aside preconceptions by exploring new perspectives. How might we shift our perspective and explore what we might be missing? This is a common question I ask myself all the time because I want to overcome our human tendency to bring our preconceived notions with us whenever we are attacking a problem; therefore limiting our view of potential alternatives. How do we overcome that? Innovation is more a matter of attitude and perspective than process. I’ve written previously that there are four ways we can discover new insights. Insights are unexpected shifts in the way we understand how things work, and one way to get insights is by shifting our frame. Ed Catmull makes a poignant point in his book, Creativity Inc., that Pixar has avoided stagnation because they’ve created mechanisms that force them to constantly fight their own mental models, and put Pixar’s collective heads in a different frame of mind.

But first… An Introduction to First Principles. Fabian Perez, one of my favorite artists | Sanctuary | Pinterest. Yves Morieux: As work gets more complex, 6 rules to simplify. Tom Wujec: Got a wicked problem? First, tell me how you make toast | Talk Subtitles and Transcript. Draw How To Make Toast - a Wicked Problem Solving™ Tool. Worldometers - real time world statistics. Are You Ready to Get Creative? What makes companies ready for successful innovation? We know it’s not the size of their R&D budgets, even relative to their revenues. Since 2005, the annual Strategy& Innovation 1000 studies have examined which companies spend the most on R&D and which firms have the most success with it.

The conclusion, year after year, has been the same: There is no correlation between innovation spend and business performance. If it isn’t spending that leads to success, there must be other qualities that distinguish truly innovative companies. Companies need to be set up to encourage, recognize, support, and implement great ideas. Five factors, in particular, seem to make a difference. . • Strategic alignment.

. • Innovative capabilities. . • External networks and partnerships. . • Organization and processes. . • Cultural alignment. Research on innovation often focuses on one or two of these factors at a time, but it doesn’t consider how they overlap and interrelate. Top 20 R&D spenders 2005–2014. (2013) R&D Intensity vs. R&D Spent (Version 2)