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Arte urbano para conectar con la gente: Boa Mistura en TEDxMadrid. Un-cloud your files in cement! 'Dead Drops’ is an anonymous, offline, peer to peer file-sharing network in public space. Eleven Principles for Creating Great Community Places. Esta es una plaza. Faq [ PIRATEBOX ] How To Create Engaging Public Spaces. The idea behind creating a public space is not just to build a nice-looking addition to a town, but to create a space that people actually use.

How To Create Engaging Public Spaces

A plaza with no one in it is just an empty space. Creating a space that successfully engages people is an artform and a science that relies on the input of the community, the testing of ideas, sharp observation and detailed planning. A few years ago, the Project for Public Spaces looked at 40 years of research and published the report, Eleven Principles for Turning Public Spaces into Civic Places. Recently, On The Commons republished the key points from the report, rekindling the conversation. Below is an overview of the 11 principles. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. La función del placemaking como una nueva agenda urbana. Imaginar cómo serán las ciudades durante las próximas décadas ha llevado a autores de múltiples disciplinas a representar visiones futuristas sin los atributos que más aportan en la construcción de lugares de permanencia, entre los que están la identidad y la sociabilidad.

La función del placemaking como una nueva agenda urbana

Así es como lo sostiene Ethan Kent, sociólogo y vicepresidente de Project for Public Spaces (PPS), quien plantea que para que estas visiones no sean tan lejanas, es necesario trabajar con un enfoque compartido entre las diversas áreas para enfrentar los desafíos comunes presentes en los espacios urbanos. La función del placemaking como una nueva agenda urbana. Ecosistema urbano . portfolio. Client: Intermediae Matadero Date: 2010 Status: On going Programme: Participation in the cultural event “La Noche en Blanco”.

ecosistema urbano . portfolio

Scope: Design, management and launching of the website Web platform www.lanochedelosniñ to exchange used toys between kids. Le programme du festival ⁕ Alternatiba Montpellier. L’origine del mondo. Apparition, Croissance, Autodestruction, Renaissance.

L’origine del mondo

Les 4 actes de cet opéra “sui generis” mettent en scène pour une représentation unique le cycle de la vie. Une préparation de deux mois et une création in situ en huit jours d’une rare intensité entre danseurs, compositeurs, jardiniers, régisseurs d’effets spéciaux, son et lumière. La préoccupation de la sécurité avant tout. Un dispositif son et lumière digne d’un opéra selon les règles de l’art. Plus de deux cents personnes ont signé une décharge pour pénétrer dans ce chantier sous scéllés juridiques et assister à cette représentation unique qui est un acte politique et citoyen qui affirme: les lieux de culture publics, finis ou non, sont un bien commun au service de la société, qui les a par ailleurs payés. Ecosistema urbano . portfolio. Client: School of Architecture of Alcalá de Henares.

ecosistema urbano . portfolio

Madrid. Public spaces - not a “nice to have” but a basic need for cities. The benefits of public spaces in the poorest parts of the world We often think of amenities such as quality streets, squares, waterfronts, public buildings, and other well-designed public spaces as luxury amenities for affluent communities.

Public spaces - not a “nice to have” but a basic need for cities

However, research increasingly suggests that they are even more critical to well-being of the poor and the development of their communities, who often do not have spacious homes and gardens to retreat to. Quai des bains. Se connecter à Facebook. Seattle will let neighborhoods design their own crosswalks. A Pan-African flag crosswalk on MLK near Powell Barnett Park Remember when community members painted crosswalks in the Central District the colors of the Pan-African flag earlier this summer?

Seattle will let neighborhoods design their own crosswalks

We praised the city for making them official rather than trying to clean them off. Well, now the city has gone one step further. Today, SDOT announced a new program to allow neighborhoods to officially implement custom crosswalks. It’s certainly a longer process than buying some paint and doing it yourself, but it will also last longer and the city will make sure it meets safety standards. Squelettes à habiter. Squelettes est le projet fondateur du collectif.

Squelettes à habiter

TEMPORARY BEACH ON THE MOON SQUARE. Client: Local Association Date: 2006 Status: Completed Program: Urban action to improve a deprived public space in downtown Madrid Scope: Design, strategy management and implementation In contrast to traditional problem-solving methods for reactivating degraded public spaces in historical centers, we believe other forms of intervention are possible without spending vast amounts of money, time, and energy.


We focus on low-cost actions capable of generating responses and reactions from residents. A self-produced revitalization process where citizens play an active role in the creation of public space. Ecosistema urbano . portfolio. Client: Intermediae Matadero Date: 2009 Status: Completed Program: Participation in the collective art project ALTERPOLIS (Curator:Arturo Franco) Scope: Design, strategy management and implementation.

ecosistema urbano . portfolio

Learning how to create a playful urban environment from kids. Is it utopian to turn the city into a field of experimentation and play? Is it possible to integrate the different areas that make up the public space to avoid the fragmentation affecting contemporary cities? Ecosistema urbano . portfolio. Client: Intermediae Matadero Date: 2008 Status: Competition 2nd Prize Program: Temporary cover for the courtyard at Matadero Contemporary Art center Scope: Concept design This is not an umbrella is the confluence of both scientific and poetic reasonings: A lightweight, low cost and superficial solution which enables the climatic control of a large outdoor space.

The proposal is thought as a citizen participation action, incorporating the temporary use of 1.500 everyday objects (umbrellas) that convey a complex and rich new image, and provide the patio with a pleasant shade. With no maintenance required, fast assembly and easy disassembly, nor waste generated, this simple solution can be configured in multiple ways throughout its useful life. Related links: TXTual Healing. URBAN SCENARIO PLACETTE SALENGRO.

DUNKERQUE (FR) Client: Société Publique de l’agglomération Dunkerquoise Date: 2013 Status: Shortlisted competition Program: Urban scenario Scope: Urban revitalization and social activation of Salengro Square in the historical centre of Dunkerque. The idea of the BIG TABLE, developed for the competition Mise en place d’un Scenario Urbain, Placette Salengro, is an added value to the existing project for the urban requalification of Dunkerque’s city center through the activation of a living, mobile and playful urban “layer”. It is a targeted intervention in the city center, where the BIG TABLE can produce a recognizable and identifiable intensification of urban life. Our idea is not a monumental intervention, since it respects the graceful proportion of Placette Salengro, the natural paths in the urban context and the historical presence of Saint Eloi Church with its annexe belfry.

The project has been conceived and developed with our french partners KOZ Architectes and Coloco. What is Placemaking? What if we built our communities around places? As both an overarching idea and a hands-on approach for improving a neighborhood, city, or region, Placemaking inspires people to collectively reimagine and reinvent public spaces as the heart of every community. Strengthening the connection between people and the places they share, Placemaking refers to a collaborative process by which we can shape our public realm in order to maximize shared value. More than just promoting better urban design, Placemaking facilitates creative patterns of use, paying particular attention to the physical, cultural, and social identities that define a place and support its ongoing evolution.