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¿Sabes cuántas horas trabajaba un campesino de la Edad Media? Trabajo duro, malas cosechas, hambruna, enfermedades, guerras… Ser campesino en la Edad Media no era precisamente un camino de rosas. Implicaba muchas preocupaciones por toda una serie de aspectos incontrolables como la meteorología, las pandemias o las luchas de poder en la sociedad feudal. Pero tampoco todo era malo, al menos desde la perspectiva de la vorágine del siglo XXI. Esos trabajadores del campo que se acostumbra a compadecer por las penosas condiciones a las que se enfrentaban tenían una ventaja respecto a nosotros: sus períodos de vacaciones eran mucho más largos que los actuales. ¿Cuántas semanas de descanso van a tener este verano? ¿2, 3, todo un mes? En pleno Antiguo Régimen (entre los siglos XV y XVIII), en España las vacaciones sumaban alrededor de cinco meses al año, según explica la historiadora Juliet B.

Descanso laboral En pleno Antiguo Régimen, en España las vacaciones sumaban alrededor de cinco meses al año Sin horarios. ¿Sabes cuántas horas trabajaba un campesino de la Edad Media? New Medieval Books: 10 Open Access Books in Medieval Studies. Authors and publishers are increasingly making new books available in Open Access. This include the field of medieval studies and here are 10 books published in 2019 and 2020 which you can freely download and read right now. Making the Medieval Relevant: How Medieval Studies Contribute to Improving our Understanding of the Present Edited by Chris Jones, Conor Kostick and Klaus Oschema De Gruyter When scholars discuss the medieval past, the temptation is to become immersed there, to deepen our appreciation of the nuances of the medieval sources through debate about their meaning. But the past informs the present in a myriad of ways and medievalists can, and should, use their research to address the concerns and interests of contemporary society.

This volume presents a number of carefully commissioned essays that demonstrate the fertility and originality of recent work in Medieval Studies. Click here to read this book Medieval Londoners: Essays to mark the eightieth birthday of Caroline M. La primera vuelta al mundo: el brutal viaje de Magallanes y Elcano hace 500 años en el que solo sobrevivieron 18 de los 250 tripulantes. Renacimiento. Jean Mouton "Nesciens mater" - The Monteverdi Choir/Gardiner.


Alta. Temprana. Islamismo. Internet History Sourcebooks. Update Information 2006: In 2006 the Internet Medieval Sourcebooks and associated sourcebooks are undergoing a major overhaul to remove bad links and add more documents. 1. This project is both very large and fairly old in Internet terms. At the time it was instigated (1996), it was not clear that web sites [and the documents made available there] would often turn out to be transient. As a result there is a process called "link rot" - which means that a "broken link" is a result of someone having taken down a web page.

In some cases some websites have simply reorganized sub-directories without creating forwarding links. 2. 3. The Internet Medieval Sourcebook is organized as three main index pages, with a number of supplementary documents. INTRODUCTION: MEDIEVAL SOURCES ON THE INTERNET Historians teaching medieval history surveys almost always want to combine a textbook, a sourcebook, and additional readings.

DOCUMENT SIZE: The size of documents for teaching purposes is an issue.