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Facebook Twitter Nabbber - Let's learn foreign words together! Tracking change and innovation in the enterprise software development community. Knoword | Expand your vocabulary! Video School Lessons. Less Wrong.

The Best Textbooks on Every Subject. For years, my self-education was stupid and wasteful. I learned by consuming blog posts, Wikipedia articles, classic texts, podcast episodes, popular books, video lectures, peer-reviewed papers, Teaching Company courses, and Cliff's Notes. How inefficient! I've since discovered that textbooks are usually the quickest and best way to learn new material.

That's what they are designed to be, after all. Less Wrong has often recommended the "read textbooks! " method. But textbooks vary widely in quality. What if we could compile a list of the best textbooks on every subject? Let's do it. There have been other pages of recommended reading on Less Wrong before (and elsewhere), but this post is unique. Post the title of your favorite textbook on a given subject.You must have read at least two other textbooks on that same subject.You must briefly name the other books you've read on the subject and explain why you think your chosen textbook is superior to them.

Subject: History of Western Philosophy. References & Resources for LessWrong. A list of references and resources for LW Updated: 2011-05-24 F = Free E = Easy (adequate for a low educational background)M = Memetic Hazard (controversial ideas or works of fiction) Summary Do not flinch, most of LessWrong can be read and understood by people with a previous level of education less than secondary school. Nevertheless, as it says in the Twelve Virtues of Rationality, scholarship is a virtue, and in particular: It is especially important to eat math and science which impinges upon rationality: Evolutionary psychology, heuristics and biases, social psychology, probability theory, decision theory. Contents This list is hosted on, a community blog devoted to refining the art of human rationality - the art of thinking.

Overview Why read Less Wrong? A few articles exemplifying in detail what you can expect from reading Less Wrong, why it is important, what you can learn and how it does help you. Artificial Intelligence General Friendly AI Machine Learning Logic. What single book is the best introduction to your field (or specialization within your field) for laypeople? - books introduction. Brainscape. Focus booster - Live; try the pomodoro technique.