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No-Bake Paleo Chocolate Protein Bars. Have you been looking for the perfect post-workout snack?

No-Bake Paleo Chocolate Protein Bars

Something that will refuel your system and taste delicious but without all that artificial crap found in most convenience foods? Well I gots the perfect recipe for ya: No-Bake Paleo Chocolate Protein Bars. Yum! A few weeks back at the Affiliate Allstars CrossFit competition, when we weren’t on the arena floor competing, we were on the floor (literally) foam rolling, stretching, and…eating. Such abnormally high levels of energy expenditure required lots and lots of refueling! In fact, I was tempted to make another batch for Day 2 of the comp and walk around with a plate, offering them to all the cute, buff, shirtless guys…(to promote my blog, of course) But to be honest, I was so exhausted after Day 1 all I could do when I got home was shower, eat more food, and drop into bed! These protein bars are grain-free AND sugar free.

Blueberry Bliss Breakfast Bars (No-Bake, Vegan, Gluten Free, Naturally Sweetened) Even under the least desirable conditions (rain, snow, sleet, ice, and let’s not forget those – 40 C wind chill temperatures), I always come back to thinking that walking my dog first thing in the morning is pretty much the best possible way to start the day.

Blueberry Bliss Breakfast Bars (No-Bake, Vegan, Gluten Free, Naturally Sweetened)

An ideal opportunity to welcome the new and rinse out the old before the chaos of the inevitable takes over and the monkey mind sets in. And this time of year, well, it’s hard not to be in love with the outdoors. Everything is lush, fresh and inviting. Flashes of life and color on every corner. Coconut Yogurt Chia Seed Pudding Parfaits - Blissful Basil. I’ve made a lot of chia pudding over the last few years, but this one is far and away my all-time favorite!

Coconut Yogurt Chia Seed Pudding Parfaits - Blissful Basil

It’s luxuriously creamy, subtly sweet, and intensely satisfying. The trick? LCHF-recept (400+), lowcarb och lågkolhydratkost! Rostade rödbetor med Bearnaise. Archives. Steve Phinney – Low-Carb preserves Glycogen better than High Carb. Listen (60 minutes) Dr.

Steve Phinney – Low-Carb preserves Glycogen better than High Carb

Steve Phinney — I can ride continuously for three hours and go 60 miles without any hunger or food cravings or drop off in performance. And I ride as well in the last 20 miles coming home as I do going out. Steve Phinney, can you tell us who you are? I’m a medical doctor and have my training in internal medicine. Just Like Loaded Baked Potatoes Cauliflower Low Carb) Recipe - - 95068. Bread Sticks. Low Carb Cheetos. Something magical happens in my kitchen when you combine cooking attention deficit–oh look!

Low Carb Cheetos

A squirrel! With eggs and cream cheese and popcorn seasoning. When I’m not busy trying to put out oven fires or throwing away something wrecktacular in the waste receptacle, sometimes I end up with something wholly unintended and spectacular. Take cheese doodles as an example. After making the peppermint cream puffs, I had some extra oopsie rolls, so I tossed them into the dehydrator for kicks. I grabbed a plastic sandwich bag, sliced off the edge, stuck 1 cake tip in there (you don’t need a cake tip if you cut a tiny hole in the bag) and went to town.

Oopsie Rolls. <div class="greet_block wpgb_cornered"><div class="greet_text"><div class="greet_image"><a href=" rel="nofollow"><img src=" alt="WP Greet Box icon"/></a></div>Hello there!

Oopsie Rolls

If you are new here, you might want to <a href=" rel="nofollow"><strong>subscribe to the RSS feed</strong></a> or subscribe by entering your email address in the sidebar for updates. <div style="clear:both"></div></div></div> One of my weaknesses is the Wendy’s Baconator Sandwich. Still, at more carbs than I care to admit to, the bun is an ultimate evil; and, unfortunately, I just don’t like my Wendy’s burger without a bun. Thanks to a mistake I made when making the Dr Atkins Revolution Rolls, I don’t have to deal with this bunless ordeal any longer. Not only do my version of the Atkins Revolution rolls hold up to a burger as hefty as a Wendy’s Baconator, but it doesn’t fall apart, is surprisingly sturdy, but isn’t eggy in flavor. My 5 Low-Carb Mistakes And How Nutritional Ketosis Rescued Me From Them.

Vanilla Ice Cream. Cream Cheese Puff with Roasted Bacon Emulsion. You might think I went bonkers.

Cream Cheese Puff with Roasted Bacon Emulsion

A what what with a what? An emulsion? I haven’t had one of those since I saw the doctor in 2004.Let me ‘splain. I’ve basically deconstructed an omelet to bring you something new, fun and fresh. A sandwich. Of course, if the thought of Tom Colicchio and Padma Lakshmi asking you to pack your knives and go sets you on edge, you can bypass the emulsion and just add two slices of bacon to your plate.

Crisp Taco Bowls. Top picture: Taco bowl deliciousness.

Crisp Taco Bowls

Second Picture: Crust inverted over an oven-proof, greased bowl; Third Picture: Bowl as it cools on a rack; Fourth Picture: Side view of the bowl; Fifth picture: I was able to break pieces of the bowl and slather it with taco toppings. It was terrific. I know you’re jonesing for a good, crisp taco bowl recipe. This one is pretty awesome. Minute Microwave Crunchy Nachos. Yay!

Minute Microwave Crunchy Nachos

Really, what else is there to say? Even without a bunch of kitchen equipment, you can create this zippyy, kicky, happy in your face nachos. Cauliflower Crust Pizza Recipe. Heat oven to 425 degrees.

Cauliflower Crust Pizza Recipe

Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper. Grate the cauliflower using a box grater until you have 2 cups of cauliflower crumbles. Low Carb Strawberry Crunch Smoothie. Low Carb Smoothie Recipes - Healthy. How to Make a Healthy Smoothie 3 Ways Learn how to make a smoothie healthy and delicious without extra sugar and calories. Learn which ingredients to avoid, healthy ingredients to use and how to make 3 healthy smoothie recipes for a veggie-packed Green Smoothie and fresh fruit smoothie recipes. How to Make Fruit Smoothies Learn how to make fruit smoothies and you will instantly have a great breakfast meal or post workout snack. Low Carb Recipes: Meals, Snacks, Desserts and More : Recipes and Cooking. 10 Best Low-Carb Snacks. Why do I need to register or sign in for WebMD to save? We will provide you with a dropdown of all your saved articles when you are registered and signed in. Chips, cookies, ice cream, candy bars, crackers, and microwave popcorn are some of America’s most popular snack foods. But they're often packed with fats and carbs, with little nutritional value. What are your options if you are looking for a smart low-carb snack? You could choose foods that are higher in fiber and/or important nutrients, feature carbohydrates with lower glycemic indexes, are balanced with some protein, and contain some of the more heart-healthy fats. Mariann´s LCHF - Low Carb High Fat » The Healthy Swedish Diet - Gluten & Sugar Free Mariann´s LCHF – Low Carb High Fat. - Weight Loss Support. List Of Low-Carb Doctors. LCHF for Beginners. A low-carb diet means that you eat fewer carbohydrates and a higher proportion of fat (with adequate amounts of protein as well).

This can also be called a low-carb, high-fat diet (LCHF) or a keto diet. However, not all low-carb diets result in ketosis. For decades we’ve been told that fat is detrimental to our health. Meanwhile, low-fat “diet” products, often full of sugar, have flooded supermarket shelves. This has likely been a major mistake, that coincided with the start of the obesity epidemic. Studies now show that there’s no reason to fear natural fats. Good News for LCHF. Salmon in Basil Cream While most of my recent posts have focused on the problems with studies, recommendations, and guidelines, I’m happy to say that there has been some very good news on the low-carb front. Carbohydrate Intolerance, Institutional Intransigence. It is time for me to share with you the story of Jimmy. He is a respected leader among the Kwakiutl people of Vancouver Island. He is educated and cosmopolitan while also remaining down-to-earth and connected to his home community.

He is a bright, intelligent and good-hearted man. I am honoured to count him amongst my friends. Not that long ago he was also a classic example of the devastation that metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes are wreaking in the Canadian Indigenous population. The Fat Question: Why fat doesn’t make you fat. Huge new study casts doubt on conventional wisdom about fat and carbs. An international study is casting doubt on the wisdom of eating lots of carbohydrates. Photo by Flickr user Dani Armengol Garreta Fat, once a dirty word when it came to diet, has been edging back toward respectability. New results from a huge international study help continue to reshape its image while at the same time casting doubt on the wisdom of eating lots of carbohydrates and questioning the “more is better” recommendations for eating fruits and vegetables.

Régime cétogène pratique. La surveillance….. à lire ! » Le régime cétogène. Notice En aucun cas les mesures suivantes ne visent à remplacer les consignes de votre médecin traitant * Le principe du régime est de maintenir le corps de l’enfant en état de cétose. Cet état de cétose est obtenu facilement via un régime alimentaire riche en lipides, pauvre en protides et surtout en glucides.

Régime cétogène, encore. La bonne façon de manger (ou comment j’ai enfin compris mon corps) / Blog / Vincent Battaglia. This post is more than 2 years old. La GLYCATION. "Ce n'est pas parce que les choses sont difficiles que nous n'osons pas les faire, mais c'est parce que nous n'osons pas les faire qu'elles sont difficiles" Sénèque.

Nous parlons souvent de glycation alors aujourd'hui nous allons détailler ce que ce terme signifie réellement. Les esters cétoniques. Les scientifiques sont en train de produire l'ester cétonique (une forme concentrée de cétones). En cas de maladie d'Alzheimer, par exemple, l'insulinorésistance empêche les cellules cérébrales d'accepter le glucose, leur carburant principal. Mais dans de nombreuses maladies, nos cellules ont des difficultés à accepter le glucose, donc cette nouvelle ne peut qu'être bénéfique, on va leur apporter de toute urgence un carburant de remplacement, les cétones. L'organisme produit des corps cétoniques lorsqu'on jeûne, que l'on utilise la restriction alimentaire, en faisant du sport, en consommant de l'huile de noix de coco ou en mangeant cétogène. Une diète cétogène pour maigrir et améliorer sa santé.

Céto cuisine - Magali Walkowicz. 150 recettes clé en main pour adopter le régime cétogène Le régime cétogène est efficace pour perdre du poids, accompagner les traitements du cancer, contrôler l'épilepsie, freiner la maladie d'Alzheimer. Plus de gras, moins de sucre : les bienfaits du régime cétogène. Le cancer - "Le régime cétogène est encore trop peu connu des malades du cancer. Pancakes vegan rustiques au sarrasin - Comment j'ai changé de vie. Une présentation du régime cétogène. Régime cétogène, encore. LCHF régime cétogène très efficace. La cétose et les cétones : comment une alimentation riche en graisse améliore le fonctionnement du cerveau.

Régime cétogène pratique. Une diète cétogène pour maigrir et améliorer sa santé.