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Product Modelling using Semantic Web Technologies. Abstract This W3C Incubator Group (XG) seeks to enable the use of the (Semantic) Web for Product Modelling (PM): the definition, storage, exchange and sharing of product data. Product data is information about the structure and behaviour of things that are realized in industrial processes. So principally product data is about things that are manmade, but it can also be about things in the natural world that interact with those industrial processes and/or its resulting products.

Typical products would include automobiles, airplanes, buildings, infrastructures, ships and other manmade complex products. This report describes the role and scope of product data, and initial work in two technical areas: Quantities, Units & Scales; and Product Structure - the decomposition of wholes in parts and the interconnection relationships between these parts. Status of this document This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Table of Contents Abbreviations 1. 2. 3. 4. Protege OWL tutorial at Manchester (School of Computer Science – The University of Manchester) What is an ontology and why we need it. Figure 8. Hierarchy of wine regions. The "A" icons next to class names indicate that the classes are abstract and cannot have any direct instances.

The same class hierarchy would be incorrect if we omitted the word “region” from the class names. We cannot say that the class Alsace is a subclass of the class France: Alsace is not a kind of France. Only classes can be arranged in a hierarchy—knowledge-representation systems do not have a notion of sub-instance. As a final note on defining a class hierarchy, the following set of rules is always helpful in deciding when an ontology definition is complete: The ontology should not contain all the possible information about the domain: you do not need to specialize (or generalize) more than you need for your application (at most one extra level each way).

For our wine and food example, we do not need to know what paper is used for the labels or how to cook shrimp dishes. A value of a slot may depend on a value of another slot. Figure 9. Le guide du langage d'ontologie Web OWL. Recommandation du W3C du 10 février 2004 Cette version : Dernière version : Version précédente : Rédacteurs : Michael K. Chris Welty, IBM Research, Deborah L. Veuillez consulter l'errata de ce document, lequel peut contenir des corrections normatives. Cf. d'éventuelles traductions. Copyright © 2004 W3C® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio), tous droits réservés. Résumé Le World Wide Web dans son état actuel ressemble à une géographie avec de mauvaises cartes. Le langage d'ontologie Web OWL est conçu pour décrire des classes et leurs relations, lesquelles sont inhérentes aux documents et applications Web.

Ce document démontre l'utilisation du langage OWL afin de : Les chapitres sont organisés afin de présenter une définition incrémentielle d'un ensemble de classes, propriétés et individus, en commençant par les fondamentaux puis en avançant vers des composants de langage plus complexes. <!


Ppt. Graph. What is the difference between RDF and OWL.