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Various. Ajax. Web Design & Development. PHP MySQL Web Development Security Tips. We are closing down our forums, it’s time to move on, but we are keeping some important threads, here is one… I read about many of these points in books and tutorials but I was rather lazy to think about many of them initially learned some of these lessons the hard way. Fortunately I didn’t lose any major data over security issues with PHP MySQL, but my suggestion to everyone who is new to PHP is to read these tips and apply them *before* you end up with a big mess. If you are expecting an integer call intval() (or use cast) or if you don’t expect a username to have a dash (-) in it, check it with strstr() and prompt the user that this username is not valid. Here is an example: $post_id = intval ( $_GET [ 'post_id' ] ) ; mysql_query ( "SELECT * FROM post WHERE id = $post_id " ) ; Now $post_id will be an integer for sure JavaScript validation is only good to reduce the server load.

Use mysql_real_escape_string() to escape the user input. Then you can use it like this: deny from all Thanks! HTML5 Tutorial - Welcome. HTML5 & CSS3 Fundamentals: Development for Absolute Beginners. 10 minutes, 20 seconds 35 minutes, 14 seconds 29 minutes, 21 seconds 25 minutes, 25 seconds 48 minutes, 58 seconds 20 minutes, 18 seconds 6 minutes, 59 seconds 15 minutes, 30 seconds 13 minutes, 0 seconds 27 minutes, 27 seconds. Regular Expressions. IE7 Recalculated Offset Bug | CSS Class. IE7 now has support for dynamic pseudo classes :hover and is commonly used for the purpose of hiding elements from view and bringing them back into view when a ancestor element is hovered over, but the support is buggy depending on the property and values used for either hiding the elements or for bringing them back into view.

Setup: Container Absolutely Positioned Element What we have above is a container element containing an absolutely positioned element. The code will look like this. <div class="container">Container <div class="absolute">Absolutely Positioned Element</div></div> In the below examples, the absolutely positioned element is hidden from view by the normal position value and brought back into view by the hover position value.

Example 1: a.p element: normal position left:-999em; - hover position left:auto; Example 2: a.p element: normal position left:-999em; - hover position left:0; Example 3: a.p element: normal position left:-999em; - hover position left:auto; margin-left:0%; pForm - Free HTML Form Builder - Create Web Form Template Online. Web Application Development with Sencha Ext JS Framework | Ext JS 4.1. IE CSS Bugs. IE 6 actually had the best CSS support of any browser when it first came out... SEVEN YEARS AGO. The little bugs in it's CSS support still haunt us to this day. I still get comments from people who roundly reject any technique that doesn't work in IE 6. While I generally refuse to pander to IE 6's limitations, I still feel it is important to make things look right in it whenever possible.

Here are that major bugs in IE that'll get you every time: The Box Model This is perhaps the most common and frustrating bug of all in IE 6 and below. IE 6 will calculate the width of the box to be 100px. This kind of discrepancy can cause HUGE layout problems. I generally work around this issue by just not using padding on boxes I am using for layout. The Double Margin Bug Using our box example from above, let's say we need that floated to the right: IE 6 will double the 20px to 40px. I also like to side-step this bug whenever possible. No Min Widths / Min Height Stepdown No Hover States So... Share On. Charts. How to Handle Bookmarks and Back Buttons. Published on ( See this if you're having trouble printing code examples by Brad Neuberg 10/26/2005 This article presents an open source JavaScript library that finally brings bookmarking and back button support to AJAX applications. By the end of this tutorial, developers will have a solution to an AJAX problem that not even Google Maps or Gmail possesses: robust, usable bookmarking and back and forward behavior that works exactly like the rest of the Web.

"AJAX: How to Handle Bookmarks and Back Buttons" explains the significant issues that AJAX applications currently face with bookmarks and the back button; presents the Really Simple History library, an open source framework that solves these problems; and provides several working examples. The principal discoveries of the framework presented in this article are twofold. The Problem Bookmarks and the back button work great for traditional, multi-page web applications. The Solution Example Conclusion. How to Enable IE 8 Compatibility View for your whole Web site or for specific Web site directories - Deviations. With the release of Internet Explorer 8, many customer sites suddenly had rendering errors and problems displaying the site correctly.

In order to avoid expensive and time consuming corrections Internet Explorer 8 has a new functionality called Compatibility View which enables the browser to emulate Internet Explorer 7. Internet Explorer 8 Compatibility View The question many customers asked is ”How can I force the client browser to use the Compatibility View when they visit our site? Web Developers and Site Administrators can configure IIS and their sites to tell Internet Explorer 8 to automatically Emulate Internet Explorer 7 when they visit their site or just specific WebPages.

This is done by adding a custom HTTP Header to the IIS and the website web.config or to add a meta tag to specific pages. X-UA-Compatible: IE=EmulateIE7 Pedro M. Textures. Treehouse - learn how to design and develop for the web and iOS. PHP. JQuery & JS. Learning WebGL. A year ago, at a biggest-ever, record-breaking HTML5 Meetup in San Francisco all about WebGL, I predicted we were a tipping point; I think I was right. Let’s take a look at 2014, a banner year for 3D on the web! A Year of Great Content John Cale and Liam Young’s City of Drones brought together experiments in music and architecture; Isaac Cohen continued to blow minds with visualizations like Weird Kids and Webby; Google’s A Spacecraft for All chronicled the 36-year journey of the ISEE-3 space probe; and SKAZKA showed us an alternate world created by The Mill and powered by Goo. A Year of Killer Apps In 2014, WebGL made its mark– an indelible impression– on advertising, e-commerce, music, news and engineering.

A Year of Pro Tools Goo, Verold, Turbulenz and PlayCanvas all made great strides with their WebGL engines and development environments. A Year of Gaming WebGL is definitely up to the challenge of creating high-quality MMOs. A Year of Virtual Reality A Year of Ubiquity. Javascript Full Screen API. Posted at Paulund The full screen API is an easy way to get the full web content to be displayed on the page. It's very similar to pressing F11 on your keyboard but this can be done at the developers choice. This is a great feature to use for things on slideshows, you can make the browser go into full screen on a click of an image. The best thing about this feature is that it doesn't have to be the entire page, you can make any HTML element go full screen. Full Screen API support Unfortunately not all browsers support this feature so you need to make sure that your visitors browser supports this feature before you try to use it.

If the browser they are using supports this then you can use it, if the browser doesn't support this feature then you can make sure you do something else instead of using full screen. According to the website Can I Use the full screen API is currently supported on Firefox, Chrome/Safari and Opera. Check if the browser supports Full Screen API Exit the full screen. Ajax. Web Design Questionnaires, Project Sheets and Work Sheets. Advertisement It’s nearly impossible to provide an accurate quote to a prospective Web design client without first gathering information about what that particular client needs.

Some designers do this in either a face-to-face meeting or over the phone, but more often, they have a questionnaire that prospective clients fill out. This is preferable for a couple of reasons; the most important, is probably that this document then becomes an integral part of the design process and is available to refer back to. So the question is, whether you should put that questionnaire up on your website or only send it to prospective clients once they’ve contacted you. There are a couple of reasons you may want to make it available online, but the obvious one is that clients are often eager to get started with their projects; providing the questionnaire online eliminates a step in the pre-contract part of the process.

Downloadable Questionnaires We Are Pixel8 Happy Cog Clearleft Ltd Lunamedia 45royale Inc. Duoh! PHP: The Right Way. Privacy. ShieldsUP! — Internet Vulnerability Profiling. Your Internet connection's IP address is uniquely associated with the following "machine name": The string of text above is known as your Internet connection's "reverse DNS.

" The end of the string is probably a domain name related to your ISP. This will be common to all customers of this ISP. But the beginning of the string uniquely identifies your Internet connection. The concern is that any web site can easily retrieve this unique "machine name" (just as we have) whenever you visit. If the machine name shown above is only a version of the IP address, then there is less cause for concern because the name will change as, when, and if your Internet IP changes. There is no standard governing the format of these machine names, so this is not something we can automatically determine for you. Just something to keep in mind as you wander the Internet. Web Design Questionnaires, Project Sheets and Work Sheets. Internet. Practical PHP Programming.

PHP. Open Port Check Tool. LogMeIn - Remote Access and Desktop Control Software for Your Computer. HTML. HTML5 Tutorial - Welcome. Network Tools. Nmap - Free Security Scanner For Network Exploration & Security Audits. HTML5 Template Generator. FreeSWITCH | Communication Consolidation. Internet Security Info. Php Scripts :: Hot php Scripts. Network Scanning.

Networking Tools. 9 Most Common IE Bugs and How to Fix Them. Internet Explorer - the bane of most web developers' existence. Up to 60% of your development can be wasted just trying to squash out IE specific bugs which isn't really a productive use of your time. In this tutorial, you are going to learn about the most common IE bugs and rendering disparities and how to easily squash them or deal with them.

Interested? Let's get started. 1. Centering a Layout Centering an element is probably something every web developer has to do while creating a layout. Consider the Following Code: The output you'd expect: But what IE actually gives you: This is mainly due to IE6 in quirks mode and below not recognizing the auto value we set to the margin property. The Fix The easiest and most reliable way to center content for IE6 and below is to apply text-align: center to the parent element and then apply text-align: left to the element to be centered to make sure the text within it is aligned properly. 2.

A standard compliant browser renders it like so: Fix #1 Fix #2. Internet News. PHP & MySQL For Dummies Cheat Sheet. Cheat Sheet When writing PHP programs to create your Web database application and communicate with a MySQL database, you have many things to remember. You must spell code correctly and use perfect syntax. This Cheat Sheet provides a reference for quickly looking up the correct syntax for the code you use most frequently. Use PHP Statements to Create Programs PHP programs are a series of PHP statements, executed one at a time. Communicate with a Database through PHP MySQL Functions PHP communicates with MySQL databases by using a set of functions developed specifically for this purpose.

Mysqli_connect("host","accnt","passwd")mysqli_select_db($cxn, "dbname",)mysqli_query($cxn,"query")mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)mysqli_num_rows($result)mysqli_insert_id($cxn) Make MySQL Database Changes with the ALTER Query The ALTER query is used to change the structure of a MySQL database. Access and Adapt a Database with MySQL Queries PHP communicates with MySQL databases by sending SQL queries. Tutorials for Web Designers and Developers. So many design styles, coding tricks and sense of variations needed to create a well decorated website. Some time you have to take few tips and tricks to create and run an awesome website. This article is a beautiful and important collection of 15 Important Tutorials for Web Designers and Developers. About The Author Dibakar Jana Welcome friends, I am the Founder of, a well known designers blog that spread its popularity rapidly.

View Authors Posts / Visit Authors Website. Internet Security Tools. How to Handle Bookmarks and Back Buttons. Fonts - Typography. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Compendium. Nmap - Free Security Scanner For Network Exploration & Security Audits. Automatic Face Detection in Photos with PHP. I have always wondered how to detect faces automatically with php script. I have seen in many photo sharing and social network sites automatically detect a face and tag a name after being uploaded. In this article, i will explain how possible this task can be achieved with simplicity with OpenCV and PHP Facedetect extension.

Both are free to download and opensource. Goal To auto detect faces in a photo and draw pink box around the faces with a php script running a linux centos server. Requirements - Linux server running Centos with SSH access - PHP/Apache - GD Library - OpenCV [Download] - PHP Facedetect extension [Download] PHP facedetect extension is very simple. Installation We install opencv and then we compile the php facedetect extension with php. How to Install OpenCV If you are running centos then one single line will install opencv. yum install opencv OpenCV may also need the following depencies to work properly and you will need to install them as well. How to test run OpenCV . run . then. OpenVAS - OpenVAS - Open Vulnerability Assessment System Community Site. Scanning the Internet with Nmap (Defcon 16) Tutorial. Scanning The Internet With Nmap (Defcon 16) Description: How would you like to scan millions of hosts on the Internet and catalog all the interesting insights?

This is exactly what Fyodor, the author of Nmap or Network Mapper did last summer. Thankfully, he then went on to share his finding with the community at Defcon 16 in his talk titled "Nmap: Scanning the Internet". Interestingly, as Fyodor notes in his talk that scanning such a large set of IP addresses did help him in uncovering many bugs in Nmap and also forced him to make enhancements and add new features to make the scanner really fast. The slides for the presentation are available here and a high resolution video can be downloaded here.

Disclaimer: We are a infosec video aggregator and this video is linked from an external website. Networking Tools. Tutorials for Web Designers and Developers. How to Capture CSS3 Animation Events in JavaScript. Network Scanning. Dreamweaver Primer. Meta Tag For Forcing IE 8 to Behave Like IE 7. IE Bugs and Fixes. HTML5 Audio element maker. Namespaces With PHP. Formatted Strings With PHP. HTML Tools. Introducing HTML’s new template element. Tutorials for Web Designers and Developers. Blog About Web Development. TCPDUMP/LIBPCAP public repository. HTML5 Drag and Drop Avatar Changer with Resizing and Cropping. HTML5 Placeholder Fallback using jQuery. Customize an HTML5 Webpage using the Bootstrap Framework. HTML5 Boilerplate.