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Learning WebGL

Learning WebGL
A year ago, at a biggest-ever, record-breaking HTML5 Meetup in San Francisco all about WebGL, I predicted we were a tipping point; I think I was right. Let’s take a look at 2014, a banner year for 3D on the web! A Year of Great Content John Cale and Liam Young’s City of Drones brought together experiments in music and architecture; Isaac Cohen continued to blow minds with visualizations like Weird Kids and Webby; Google’s A Spacecraft for All chronicled the 36-year journey of the ISEE-3 space probe; and SKAZKA showed us an alternate world created by The Mill and powered by Goo. A Year of Killer Apps In 2014, WebGL made its mark– an indelible impression– on advertising, e-commerce, music, news and engineering. A Year of Pro Tools Goo, Verold, Turbulenz and PlayCanvas all made great strides with their WebGL engines and development environments. A Year of Gaming WebGL is definitely up to the challenge of creating high-quality MMOs. A Year of Virtual Reality A Year of Ubiquity

SpiderGL - Home One Geek's Blog WebGL: Frequently Asked Questions - The WebGL Cookbook This is a list of frequently-asked questions about WebGL. It is not a tutorial -- if that's what you want, you can check out the Learning WebGL lessons. It's also not a set of WebGL how-to "recipes" -- take a look at the Main Page of this Wiki to see some of them. What is WebGL? WebGL is a low-level JavaScript API giving you access to the power of a computer's graphics hardware from within scripts on web pages. It makes it possible to create 3D graphics that update in realtime, running in the browser. WebGL is managed by Khronos, an organisation which is responsible for a number of other open standards, including the well-known OpenGL desktop graphics library and its lesser-known version for "embedded" devices like smartphones, OpenGL ES. How do I get WebGL running on my machine? Right now, you need to install a special version of a web browser to use WebGL. What about Microsoft and Internet Explorer? When will WebGL be ready for production use? This is really three questions: It's there!

NeuroSky Store — MindWave Mobile MindWave Mobile: MyndPlay Bundle Designed in Silicon Valley by the world’s leading innovator of brainwave technology, the new MindWave Mobile headset is evolved for today’s mobile user. It is compatible with Apple iOS products, including iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad and Android phones and tablets. And you can double your use of the MindWave Mobile with Mac and PC compatibility. Also, another 5 bonus apps for PC/Mac are included: Brainwave Visualizer, Man.Up, ZombiePop, Meditation Journal, and the MindWave Tutorial. Main Benefits MindWave Mobile is the world’s least expensive research-grade EEG headset available. Overview The MindWave Mobile safely measures and outputs the EEG power spectrums (alpha waves, beta waves, etc), NeuroSky eSense meters (attention and meditation) and eye blinks. Note: Headset is rated at 60 Hz and is intended for use in 60 Hz electrical regions only, such as the United States. Apps Included: MyndPlay Brainwave Movie Player included:

CopperLicht - JavaScript 3D Engine using WebGL Commercial grade WebGL 3D engine with editor CopperLicht is a WebGL library and JavaScript 3D engine for creating games and 3d applications in the webbrowser. It uses the WebGL canvas supported by modern browsers and is able to render hardware accelerated 3d graphics without any plugins. Optimized, Fast and Free CopperLicht originally was the WebGL rendering backend of the CopperCube editor, and was made free to be used by anyone. Many supported 3D file formats Currently, the following 3D file formats are supported: 3ds, obj, x, lwo, b3d, csm, dae, dmf, oct, irrmesh, ms3d, my3D, mesh, lmts, bsp, md2, stl and more, see below. Read more about CopperLicht on the features page Games using CopperLicht Although WebGL is a relatively new technology, there are already a couple of games using it, also thanks to the popularity of CopperCube. Want to get notified when a new version of CopperLicht will be released? Latest News CopperLicht 1.7.1 released. CopperLicht 1.7 released. CopperLicht 1.6 released.

GLGE WebGL Library/Framework Flash 11 contre WebGL : la spécification WebGL 1.0 finalisée 01net le 07/03/11 à 14h39 Hasard du calendrier ou sortie accélérée ? Contrairement à Flash, WebGL ne nécessite pas de plugin, il sera mis en œuvre directement dans les navigateurs le supportant. Le Khronos Group a également annoncé la formation du groupe de travail OpenCL, une spécification destinée à exploiter la programmation parallèle avec les CPU multicœurs et les GPU à travers le navigateur. La position de Microsoft encore inconnue Le Khronos Group est un consortium regroupant des constructeurs (AMD, Apple, ARM, Intel, Nokia, nVidia, Oracle, Samsung, Sony, Texas Instruments…), et des éditeurs (Adobe, Google, IBM, Mozilla, Opera…). Microsoft ne fait pas partie de ce consortium et ne s’est pas encore prononcé sur le support de ces standards dans son navigateur.

Inear – Interactive Development Blog » Wave More time playing with Three.js and WebGL. My primary goal was to get a deeper understanding in shaders by just messing around a little. If you want to know the basics about shaders in three.js I recommend reading this tutorial by Paul Lewis (@aerotwist). Run the demo The wave I started of making a wave-model, and a simple plane as ocean in the distance, in 3D Studio Max. I always likes the “behind the scene” part showing the passes of a rendering with all layers separated and finally blended, so here is one of my own so you can see the different steps: Animating with the vertex shader My wave is a static mesh. vertexPosition.y += sin( (vertexPosition.x/waveLength) + theta )*maxDiff; The time-offset (theta) together with the x-position goes inside a sin-function that generates a periodic cycle with a value between -1 and 1. A side note: I tried to use vertex texture look-ups (supported in ANGLE version) for real vertex displacements. Animating with the fragment shader Collision detection
