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Energies / Batteries

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K.R. Sridhar, Bloom Box Pioneer - Tech Pioneers Who Will Change Your Life. Citation. Bloom Energy's CEO talks technology, efficiency. Bloom Box: The Alternative Energy that Terrifies Obama. Bloom Box, l'énigmatique pile à combustible, chez vous dans dix ans ? Elle a été choisie par eBay, Fedex et Google . L'entreprise qui l'a créée, Bloom Energy, vient d'en montrer un modèle réduit, plus petit qu'un carton à chaussures.

Alimentée avec du méthane ou un carburant quelconque, elle pourrait fournir l'électricité d'une maison. Mais dans une dizaine d'années seulement et, d'ailleurs, personne ne sait vraiment comment elle fonctionne. Réponse ce soir ! Le reportage du magazine 60 Minutes de CBS fait un tabac sur le Web et, depuis, le buzz s'amplifie. La Bloom Box est une pile à combustible . Des plaques en train d'être empilées pour former l'unité de base de la Bloom Box. Un empilement de ces éléments forme l'unité de base d'une Bloom Box. Un mystère entretenu Les chiffres manquent cruellement pour se faire une idée des performances et donc de l'intérêt de l'engin. Intox ou innovation ? K. La jeune entreprise a su convaincre plusieurs investisseurs, qui ont injecté 400 millions de dollars. K. Ce sujet vous a intéressé ? Bloom Box. Developing Low Cost Batteries For Energy Storage. Photo: Aquion About one fifth of the world’s population lacks access to electricity.

Developing Low Cost Batteries For Energy Storage

It is one of biggest economic obstacles for people in developing countries, but one that could mean opportunities for a clean energy beginning with alternative energy. There are many possibilities for those excluded people and one of them is being developed by an American company called Aquion Energy, which makes low-cost batteries for large-scale electricity storage. This new battery technology could be the answer for people living off-grid. Aquion’s factory is near Pittsburgh, in a former Sony television factory. “After considering all of our options, including aggressive offers from a number of other U.S. states, we concluded that southwestern Pennsylvania is the best location for Aquion to establish its first high-volume manufacturing operation,” said CEO Scott Pearson in a recent press statement.

Apparently, India could be the first place to benefit from the Aquion’s battery. Group Sadoway: Extreme Electrochemistry. Innovation in Energy Storage: What I Learned in 3.091 was All I Needed to Know. Professor Donald Sadoway on Powering the Future, Discovery Channel. Justin Hall-Tipping: Freeing energy from the grid. Nanoholdings. Nanoholdings. Rethinking ‘normal’ in technology: Q&A with Justin Hall-Tipping. On stage at TED Global 2011 Justin Hall-Tipping set forth a bold agenda for funding innovation – one that makes room for radical changes and complete re-thinking of what’s possible.

Rethinking ‘normal’ in technology: Q&A with Justin Hall-Tipping

TED’s Ben Lillie tracked him down to follow up on the process of innovation, and his plans for the future. You made this point that we often get stuck on this idea of what normal is. Do you think that really impedes our sense of progress? If we have too strong a sense of what normal is, or if we have a normal thing available — like the example of if we have serviceable solar cells — does the fact that we have those available keep us from reaching further and making them better? Yes, I think it does. If you look back in history with the advent of the automobile, at that time, everybody was moving around either by walking or on horses.

And I think your parallel to the solar cell is the same way. Yes. Well I think over time we’re doing it. That’s a great question. EOS Energy Storage. Powering the next generation of electric vehicles. LMBC - Liquid Metal Battery Corporation. We Need A Battery Miracle - Professor Donald Sadoway Liquid Metal Battery. To reduce the impact of climate change and meet the world’s energy demand, we need a reliable source of energy that’s cheap and emits no carbon.

We Need A Battery Miracle - Professor Donald Sadoway Liquid Metal Battery

Many of the possibilities today involve intermittent energy sources such as wind and sun. The only way these can become primary sources of energy is if we develop inexpensive energy storage systems on a massive scale. Without this, renewable energy sources like wind turbines and solar cells will never approach the scale or affordability that is necessary. Over the last 50 years, the technology associated with generating wind and solar power has advanced, but not the technology to store it. Hopefully, that’s changing.

I first met Professor Sadoway after going to MIT’s OpenCourseWare website and watching video lectures of his courses. Aquion Energy : une batterie « salée » pour stocker les énergies renouvelables. Et si Jay Whitacre - fondateur d’Aquion Energy - aimait réfléchir en se préparant une bonne plâtrée de pâtes ?

Aquion Energy : une batterie « salée » pour stocker les énergies renouvelables

Un scénario vraisemblable quand on sait que l’eau et le sel figurent comme ingrédients majeurs de sa technologie innovante de stockage de l’énergie solaire et éolienne. Des pâtes, ce professeur en science des matériaux ne devrait néanmoins pas devoir en manger tous les jours dans les prochaines semaines. Selon le site américain Earth2Tech, sa société – spin-off de Carnegie Mellon University – aurait en effet levé près de 20 millions de dollars cet été. Une somme à laquelle s’ajoute les 5 millions de dollars déjà récoltés par Aquion Energy depuis sa création en 2007. Low Cost, Non-Toxic Batteries. Videos.

Aquion Energy. EV battery breakthrough to halve cost, triple range.