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SKOS: Tesauro de la UNESCO. Browse thesaurus The UNESCO Thesaurus is a controlled and structured list of terms used in subject analysis and retrieval of documents and publications in the fields of education, culture, natural sciences, social and human sciences, communication and information.

SKOS: Tesauro de la UNESCO

The Thesaurus is structured into seven major subject fields, or domains, broken down into microthesauri which allow you to gain a quick overview of the subject matter. Meaning of symbols SN - Scope Note: if present, provides an explanation on using the given descriptor. MT - Microthesaurus: indicates number and name of microthesaurus to which the descriptor belongs.

The AGRIS Application Profile for the International Information System on Agricultural Sciences and Technology. MODS Schemas: Metadata Object Description Schema: MODS. Segundo seminario web LOD@AIMS con Daniel Vila "Linked Data: ¿qué es y qué nos ofrece?" El grupo de interés sobre metadatos de AIMS se complace en anunciar el segundo evento de la serie de seminarios web Linked Open Data @ AIMS titulado Linked Data: ¿qué es y qué nos ofrece?.

Segundo seminario web LOD@AIMS con Daniel Vila "Linked Data: ¿qué es y qué nos ofrece?"

What is Open Data? — Open Data Handbook. This handbook is about open data but what exactly is it?

What is Open Data? — Open Data Handbook

In particular what makes open data open, and what sorts of data are we talking about? What is Open? This handbook is about open data - but what exactly is open data? For our purposes, open data is as defined by the Open Definition: Open data is data that can be freely used, reused and redistributed by anyone - subject only, at most, to the requirement to attribute and sharealike. The full Open Definition gives precise details as to what this means. Availability and Access: the data must be available as a whole and at no more than a reasonable reproduction cost, preferably by downloading over the internet. Formación: Cursos on-line. Free Your Metadata. Conocimiento – Dentro de Google – Google. (LOV) Linked Open Vocabularies.

How to enter the webinar and use the platform? Use headphones with a microphone 1.

How to enter the webinar and use the platform?

Click on the URL provided to you by mail. Preferably more or less one hour before your session starts so you have enough time - in case necessary - to install the Java-plugin [Browser used: Firefox] 2. Enter your first and last name and log in. 3. 5. 7. Go to 'Tools' > 'Audio' > 'Audio Setup Wizard' to check your settings. If you still can not hear the presentation, use the chat box to let us know and we will provide you with assistance. 8. Please reserve questions regarding the presentation for when the speaker has finished. You can ask your question using the chat box or by clicking on the 'raised hand' icon.

VOA3R Controlled Experiment for Reviewing Lifecycle Services. The objective of the CEREALAB database is to help the breeders in choosing molecular markers associated to the most important traits.

VOA3R Controlled Experiment for Reviewing Lifecycle Services

Phenotypic and genotypic data obtained from the integration of open source databases with the data obtained by the CEREALAB project are made available to the users. The first version of the CEREALAB database has been extensively used within the frame of the CEREALAB project. This paper presents the main achievements and the ongoing research related to the CEREALAB database. First, as a result of the extensive use of the CEREALAB database, several extensions and improvements to the web application user interface were introduced. Second, always derived from end-user needs, the notion of provenance was introduced and partially implemented in the context of the CEREALAB database. Contributed by Domenico Beneventano, Sonia Bergamaschi, Abdul Rahman Dannaoui, Justyna Milc, Nicola Pecchioni, Serena Sorrentino You can view/ download the submitted paper from HERE.

Ontologías de control de autoridades en el ámbito de los datos abiertos enlazados. Introducción Suele suceder que la aparición, desarrollo, aceptación y despliegue de una nueva tecnología conlleve nuevas oportunidades de evolución para herramientas y aplicaciones que en un principio parecían haberse quedado obsoletas, o bien relegadas a su uso en ámbitos muy reducidos.

Ontologías de control de autoridades en el ámbito de los datos abiertos enlazados

National Information Standards Organization: login. Cursos online de Metadatos. Presentación. Módulos para la difusión sobre las nuevas pautas de catalogación: RDA: Recursos, Descripción y Acceso. Informe Final del Grupo Incubador de Datos Vinculados de Bibliotecas. Este documento es una traducción al español del "Library Linked Data Incubator Group Final Report", publicado el 25 de octubre de 2011.

Informe Final del Grupo Incubador de Datos Vinculados de Bibliotecas

Los criterios seguidos pueden consultarse en Nota a esta traducción. Se concluyó el 21 de febrero de 2012. La versión original en inglés es el único documento válido y se encuentra en: La última versión del documento original está disponible en: Se ha tratado de respetar al máximo el contenido del documento original en inglés. Esta traducción puede contener errores, en ningún caso achacables a sus autores. ADMS-enabled Federation of Semantic Asset Repositories_Brochure_1.pdf (application/pdf Objeto) RDA in MARC - January 2010: MARC Standards (Network Development and MARC Standards Office, Library of Congress) AgriOcean DSpace Support Material. How to submit records? Overview Video: How to enter the Submission Module Video: Example - Submit a Journal Article Upload a file Video Methods to enter name of file File Description File Format Verify upload Checksums Verify submission License Submission complete Handles Journal Contribution Book Book Section Proceedings Paper Conference Material Research Report Theses and Dissertations Working Paper Map Data Set Audiovisual Material Other Content types The submit module in AgriOcean DSpace has a different template for the most important document and content types.

AgriOcean DSpace Support Material. How to submit records?

Submission process. Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0.


CARTOGRAFIA. Guía Breve de Linked Data. TemaTres: servidor de vocabularios controlados. Wikipedia. SmarThesaurus service. Schools online thesaurus (ScOT) Paperlandia. TemaTres keywords extraction service. TemaTres Keywords Distiller Schools Online Thesaurus (ScOT) Topics base: Schools Online Thesaurus (ScOT), education, australia, New Zealand, english The Massachusetts Arts Curriculum Framework sets the expectation that all students in the Commonwealth’s public schools will become proficient in understanding the arts and communicating in at least one arts discipline by the time they graduate from high school.

TemaTres keywords extraction service

In order to achieve these goals, it is recommended in this framework that students begin their study of the arts in the elementary grades, and continue to study one or more of the arts disciplines throughout middle and high school. Designed to provide guidance to teachers, administrators, and parents, the Framework is composed of five major sections. EUROVOC. Redes Escolares y Portales Educativos de América Latina. METADATOS. Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion Thesaurus Project.

Perú. Peru - LinkSailor. VIAF. VIAF. Mozilla Firefox. Tesauro de Legislación Histórica de España. APAIS Thesaurus. ISOC-Economía. Standards. Tesauro de historia de las mujeres. Taxonomía PIUPC - UNAL. Clasificación Decimal Universal - Wikipedia en español. TemaTres: servidor de vocabularios controlados. Google Ngram Viewer. Cómo podríamos pensar1.

A Timeline of Information History.