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Bougies parfumées... etc. Sewing 101: recycled paper basket. Thanks to a few recent online purchases, I had an enormous pile of long brown packing paper strips in my studio.

sewing 101: recycled paper basket

I couldn’t bear to just recycle it; it seemed to have so much crafty potential. So tasked with the challenge of creating a project to help get organized for the new year, I decided to turn that pile of paper into a woven basket. Folded into strips and edged with stitching, the paper took on a whole new quality that calls to mind upholstery webbing or even leather. This project is super easy to do, takes only an afternoon and is a great way to give new life to leftover materials. Let’s get started! Read the full how-to after the jump! Materials long lengths of paper (I used packing paper, but wallpaper scraps or gift wrap would work great, too.)sewing machineglue or hot gluepaperclips Instructions 1. Starting with a large piece of paper (mine was 30″ wide), begin folding the strips. Next, sew along one edge of the strip, about 1/8″ or so from the folded edge. 2. 3.

Upcycling: Toilet Roll Bird Feeder. Now that fall is here, it’s time to start feeding the birds for the winter.

Upcycling: Toilet Roll Bird Feeder

During the leaner months, providing bird food for your neighborhood feathered friends will guarantee that they give you a show every day. This little bird feeder is a great reuse of empty toilet rolls and is simple enough for even small fingers to help with! Things you’ll need: Peanut Butter Birdseed Toilet tubesRibbon Knife Coffee filters or paper towels Plate Things to do: 1. Spread peanut butter over the outside of the cardboard tube as if you were icing a cake. 2. 3.

Comment recycler de vieilles cuillères. On peut faire de jolies bagues avec le manche de cuillères argentées.

Comment recycler de vieilles cuillères

Source : Pinterest recyclage. Palettes. 30 Façons de Recycler des Objets du Quotidien Pour Faire Revivre Votre Maison. Palettes bois. Idée recup. Animaux - Animaux décoratifs… - Animaux et leurs… - Animaux et leurs. Lundi 9 avril 2012 1 09 /04 /Avr /2012 14:56 Animaux pour customiser des habits , des sacs ou pour le scrapbooking , accompagnés de leurs grilles gratuites , trouvés sur la page facebook.

Animaux - Animaux décoratifs… - Animaux et leurs… - Animaux et leurs

Les bonnes idées recyclées ! Vos rouleaux de papier toilette... - Blog de Madiwi. Home Work - The TP Flower Project. Some months ago I stumbled upon a really fun DIY with your kids blog post.

Home Work - The TP Flower Project

While I have no kids, I still thought of saving that post and perhaps even try it myself one day (with or without kids...). Page corner bookmarks. This project comes to you at the request of Twitterer @GCcapitalM.

page corner bookmarks

I used to believe that a person could never have too many books, or too many bookmarks. Then I moved into an apartment slightly larger than some people’s closets (and much smaller than many people’s garages) and all these beliefs got turned on their naïeve little heads. But what a person can always look for more of is really cool unique bookmarks. Crafty Monster Bookmark Perfect for Father's Day. This fun and simple bookmark came out of inspiration from Kari and Becky at UCreate.

Crafty Monster Bookmark Perfect for Father's Day

We all attended a conference a few weeks back and got to talking about how people come up with creative ideas. It can simply come from naming 2 supplies like googley eyes and pipe cleaners. Then Becky said how about a bookmark, so this Monster Bookmark idea was born. Joli tuto : paper flower « L'heureuse imparfaite. Tissue Paper and Tulle Flower Tutorial. Well, here it is - a tutorial on how to make a tissue paper flower (with tulle).

Tissue Paper and Tulle Flower Tutorial.

Good luck and please feel free to ask any questions in the comments section if anything is unclear. First of all, assemble your stuff - tissue paper (2 colours if desired), tulle, string and scissors. Cut two rectangles of each colour and two rectangles of tulle. The flower I have made used 38cm x 25.5cm sheets but it doesn't really matter, just so long as the pieces are all rectangular and of the same size.

Lay the six sheets on top of each other. Paper flower tutorial. I thought some of you would enjoy a quick tutorial on how to make those little paper flowers I used as part of my table setting a couple weeks ago.

Paper flower tutorial

The credit for these go to Martha Stewart (I saw this idea nearly 10 years ago in her magazine, but haven't been able to find it on her website). Recycling newspapers/magazines. Fluttering Hearts Valentine. Here's a quick tutorial for a sweet, simple valentine.

Fluttering Hearts Valentine

Gather your supplies: card stock (white, red, pink); heart punch, glue stick, white glue, sewing machine Make a card out of the white card stock. Punch hearts out of the red and pink. How to make gift bags from newspaper. When I bought something at a store recently, the clerk handed me my purchase in a bag made from a newspaper.

I liked it very much and had to make some more—thus today's DIY recycled newspaper project: gift bags made from the Wall Street Journal. You can vary the dimensions, of course, but here's what I used to create a bag that's 5" tall, 4.5" wide, and 3" deep. Pet Bed Step by Step. Maybe it was all the adorable puppies on other peoples blogs?

Maybe I just didn't want to tackle a drugery project like closet cleaning? Whatever it was, I spent the better part of Sunday on a pet bed for Brooklyn Limestone's very own mascot, Big Cat. I started off with this vintage suitcase I bought for $3. Our cat seems to just love to sleep in our suitcases, so I figured it would make a perfect place to sleep. Paper Basket Panier en papier. 22 DIY Projects with Repurposed Hangers. Do you think that your hangers is unusable in your home. You’re wrong… Hanger Holder This is a hanger holder which you can use for magazines and newspapers. It’s basically just a hanger attached to a knob. You can use any hanger, not just wooden ones. Loose Leaf Tea? Make Your Own Tea Bags! Like many of you, I LOVE loose leaf tea. However, I'm always looking for cute and creative solutions to use my tea.

These D.I.Y. tea bags are super cute. DIY / tutos - DIY champignons en… - DIY / tuto galon… - DIY / tuto… - DIY petits cintres… - DIY tie and dye - DIY p'ti stamp - Coccinelle en… - DIY & tuto noeud en… - DIY & Craft petits… - DIY mini cupcake en… - DIY et tuto étoile… - doudou en crochet… Box… - C'est l'avent… - DIY / PQ rolls une… - DIY / tuto étoile… - DIY porte-clés… - tuto sapin au… - DIY & tuto ange en… - le test gomme à… - DIY broche en cuir. Crayon Roll. I have been looking for a crayon roll/holder tutorial but can’t seem to find one. I have found plenty of these little holders for sale but no directions. So here is my version. And if anyone finds/has other instructions, let me know and we can link them. DIY Cereal Box Gift Tags. With Christmas right around the corner, there are a million things to do in the way of decorating, list making, gift buying and travel planning. It can be overwhelming, especially if you’ve resolved to have a handmade holiday.

Because DIY projects can be a bit of an investment and a little more work, I like to focus on ones that will serve me year round (while staying season-appropriate). It’s easy to get lost in the idea of “doing it yourself” in order to save money and vent some of that creative energy, but the “saving money” part can get tossed out the window fast if a lot of your projects are only useful once or twice a year. On that note, I’d like to introduce Cereal Box Gift Tags! What’s more Christmas-appropriate than a gift tag (…besides a Christmas tree)?? In addition to sprucing up pretty packages, I plan on using these for all kinds of decor. Tutorial. ...heute bekam ich ein ganz feines Päckchen zugeschickt und zwar von.. Tchibo. Boite cadeau en rouleau de papier toilette. Comment faire des petites boites de rangement à peut de frais ? 5. Un rangement malin récup' pour vos WC. Sewing 101: fabric boxes.

It seems no matter what I do, I can never get a handle on all the tiny odds and ends that accumulate around my house. From craft materials to hair ties, the bits and bobs are constantly trying to take over, so in the never-ending quest to corral them, these little fabric bins were born. You can make one of these soft boxes in almost no time, and in almost any size, so you can customize them to perfectly fit whatever you need to hold. Top each one off with a label holder (also customizable in any shade of the rainbow, thanks to nail polish), and you’ll have a leg up on clutter . . . for a little while, at least. — Brett Bara Read the full how-to after the jump . . .

Materials a sturdy fabric, such as canvasthread to matchsewing machine, iron and basic sewing supplieslabel holdersnail polish (optional) 1. Reversible Coffee Cozy. Mandy's Krafty Exploits. Lined Canvas Diaper Box. Meubles & décorations. Tutoriel Fabriquer des perles en laine feutrée : les bases.

FurnityurMolds: Master class #3. Transparent floral bracelet. Great DIY tutorials to turn a towel into something fun for the beach! 10 Homemade soap recipes. Magazine, blogs & créative shops ! Do it yourself. Construire une serre en bouteilles plastique. Lampara de vasos de plastico. Lampe Gobelets - Meubles et objets. Pop Top Lampshades. Avec des briques de lait. Lampes papier. Avec papier de magasines. Lampe en papier. Avec des bouchons. DIY Confetti Bowl. 20 Creative DIY Project Ideas. Corbeille avec des sacs plastiques. Recyclez vos sacs plastique : faites de jolies créations !

Couper 1 sac plastique en 1 fil continu. Sac avec un vieux pull. Défi café, défi relevé! - un rien, une idée, une bricole, Ma bricole ! Ou, que faire avec des emballages de café ? Regardez les images sont parlantes. Le sac transparent en plastique. Recycler et crocheter des sacs plastique ! Double Ruffle Gift Topper Tutorial.