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(3) User Interface Design: As an aspiring UI designer looking to create a career for myself in the startup tech world, is it more important for me to learn to implement my own designs in HTML/CSS, or focus harder on the psychology behind UI/UX.

UX Books

Comment bien choisir son ergonome ou un autre expert UX ? 10 UX Blogs You Should Be Reading. This page you were trying to reach at this address doesn't seem to exist.

10 UX Blogs You Should Be Reading

This is usually the result of a bad or outdated link. We apologize for any inconvenience. 25 User Experience Videos That Are Worth Your Time. Advertisement We’re all mostly accustomed to educating ourselves by reading articles.

25 User Experience Videos That Are Worth Your Time

Rare are the opportunities to attend conferences or watch live shows on subjects that we’re interested in. That’s why we are presenting here phenomenal videos and related resources on the topic of user experience (UX) by different presenters at different events. We have focused on current content but have included some older videos that are still relevant. It will take you more than 16 hours to watch all of these videos.

UX Mobile

Top 10 Mistakes in Web Design. UX Career Guide - User Experience Jobs, Salary, Market Information [Infographic] UX Agencies. Design - What are some good UX books. Best of UX Books (5 books) 20 User Experience Books you should own  52 Weeks of UX. The user experience is made up of all the interactions a person has with your brand, company, or organization.

52 Weeks of UX

This may include interactions with your software, your web site, your call center, an advertisement, with a sticker on someone else’s computer, with a mobile application, with your Twitter account, with you over email, maybe even face-to-face. The sum total of these interactions over time is the user experience. The interaction designer plans for these moments. Part of their responsibility is to make all interactions positive, and includes aspects of the software, the copy-writing, the graphics, layout, flows, physical experiences. It’s a shame when one part of the experience is top notch and another is dreadful.

User experience spans multiple practices. Web designers, traditionally secure in the role of page creators, now have a wider purview. How Can Entrepreneurs Learn About User Experience (UX) Design. How Can Entrepreneurs Learn About User Experience (UX) Design Author: Lis Hubert Throughout my time as a User Experience Designer, I’ve had the privilege of meeting with and talking to people from many different backgrounds.

How Can Entrepreneurs Learn About User Experience (UX) Design

These backgrounds range from people trying to get into the UX field, visual designers, front end/backend developers, product managers, company founders, etc. No matter the background or level of expertise I tend to get one question over and over again: “How do I learn more about User Experience and what it is?” Now, I usually caveat my answer with the idea that it really depends why and what you want to learn about the field. Le UX Design expliqué au Docteur Watson. Lorsqu’il s’installe un peu par hasard avec Sherlock Holmes, le Dr Watson essaye de comprendre à quel curieux travail s’adonne son colocataire, qui semble avoir des connaissances très précises dans certains domaines, et être ignorant dans d’autres pourtant normalement associés.

Le UX Design expliqué au Docteur Watson

Ainsi il s’étonne de le voir posséder des connaissances en anatomie mais aucune en médecine. Il dresse un tableau des compétences éclectiques et inégale de Sherlock Holmes: Connaissances en littérature : nulles.Connaissance en philosophie : nulles.Connaissances en astronomie : nulles.Connaissance en politique : faible.Connaissance en botanique : inégales. How To Redesign Your Resume For A Recruiter’s 6-Second Attention Span. It’s frightening.

How To Redesign Your Resume For A Recruiter’s 6-Second Attention Span

You’ll spend most of your waking life at a job, yet, according to a new study by TheLadders, the average recruiter spends just six seconds looking at your resume. By the end of that time, they’ll determine whether you’re “a fit” or a “no fit.” “The only research that had been done in this domain was self-reporting surveys, which simply was not good enough for us to understand what drives recruiters’ decision-making,” Will Evans, Head of User Experience at TheLadders, tells Co.Design. So Evans led a study that followed 30 recruiters for 10 weeks. Startups, This Is How Design Works – by Wells Riley. Step by Step UI Design eBook. It's all about interaction.

UX Booth: User Experience & Usability Blog. Complete Beginner’s Guide to Information Architecture. Timothy Greig structures the information flow of a library website.

Complete Beginner’s Guide to Information Architecture

Photo by Timothy Greig Information architecture is an often misunderstood job title. Are they Designers? Developers? Managers? Along the way we’ll share some of the tweeters, books, and resources we found useful for budding information architects. A Common Workplace Scenario An information architect joined my team on a project I worked on in Atlanta. Who is an Information Architect? I find it easiest to derive what a job entails by listening to the people who do that job. Jesse James Garrett says: Information architecture encompasses a wide range of problems.

Jesse James Garrett. Complete Beginner’s Guide to Design Research. It actually begins the moment we learn about a project, whether we acknowledge it or not.

Complete Beginner’s Guide to Design Research

We ask questions. We take notes. User Experience - Stack Exchange. How The Airbnb Home Page Lures Us In) Airbnb UX Wins and Losses | How The Airbnb Home Page Lures Us In There must be something to learn from the Airbnb user experience.

How The Airbnb Home Page Lures Us In)

Airbnb, like many startups following in its path of collaborative consumption or others simply trying to power offline action, have the challenge of earning user trust. While PR, word of mouth, and direct outreach can alleviate some trepidation, the product is where Airbnb seals the deal. So let’s dive into the home page and see what we can learn from Airbnb. Clean home page with a focus on booking a reservation — not sign up Action before registration: While a user eventually must sign up, Airbnb wisely pushes you to find and book a reservation first. Tell the user what they can do on the site; NOT what your site does: It’s a subtle difference but notice Airbnb’s language: “Find a place to stay.” Also, note that the pitch to VCs is unique to the pitch for users. 10 Heuristics for User Interface Design. Visibility of system status The system should always keep users informed about what is going on, through appropriate feedback within reasonable time.

10 Heuristics for User Interface Design

(Read full article on visibility of system status.) Match between system and the real world The system should speak the users' language, with words, phrases and concepts familiar to the user, rather than system-oriented terms. Follow real-world conventions, making information appear in a natural and logical order. (Read full article on the match between the system and the real world.)