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HTML Working Group. The mission of the HTML Working Group, part of the HTML Activity, is to continue the evolution of HTML (including classic HTML and XML syntaxes).

HTML Working Group

Scope This group will maintain and produce incremental revisions to the HTML specification, which includes the series of specifications previously published as XHTML version 1. Both XML and 'classic HTML' syntaxes will be produced. The Group will define conformance and parsing requirements for 'classic HTML', taking into account legacy implementations; the Group will not assume that an SGML parser is used for 'classic HTML'. The Group will monitor implementation of and conformance to the HTML specification, construct test suites, and from them produce interoperability reports. The Group may hold Workshops, Interoperability Meetings, and other events as required to fulfill its mission. Data and canvas are reasonable areas of work for the group. Chrome Experiments - WebGL Experiments. Chrome Experiment #500. IonMonkey in Firefox 18. Today we enabled IonMonkey, our newest JavaScript JIT, in Firefox 18.

IonMonkey in Firefox 18

IonMonkey is a huge step forward for our JavaScript performance and our compiler architecture. But also, it’s been a highly focused, year-long project on behalf of the IonMonkey team, and we’re super excited to see it land. SpiderMonkey has a storied history of just-in-time compilers. Throughout all of them, however, we’ve been missing a key component you’d find in typical production compilers, like for Java or C++. The old TraceMonkey*, and newer JägerMonkey, both had a fairly direct translation from JavaScript to machine code. IonMonkey provides a brand new architecture that allows us to do just that. Translate JavaScript to an intermediate representation (IR).Run various algorithms to optimize the IR.Translate the final IR to machine code.

KineticJS - HTML5 Canvas JavaScript Library Framework. 3.2.3 HTML5 Canvas Mobile Touch Events Tutorial. Html5 Hover Menu. HTML5 Rocks - A resource for open web HTML5 developers. How to use F12 Developer Tools to Debug your Webpages. Firebug. Chrome Developer Tools: Overview - Chrome Developer Tools.

JavaScript Debugger and Profiler : Firebug. JavaScript Profiler 3.0. Summary JavaScript Profiler 3.0 is a context-menu extension for Internet Explorer 6 and later.

JavaScript Profiler 3.0

It identifies JavaScript functions by internal script blocks and external files, object model inspection, and accesses the live DOM via the Active Source utility. For monitoring JavaScript performance across browsers, refer to the Function Monitor project. All features of JavaScript Profiler 3.0 are available in the Hemi JavaScript Framemork Framework Explorer template. L'évolution du Web. The History of HTML5. When the first version of HTML5 published in 2008, it raised more questions than it answered.

Would it be a force of unification or division? Would content producers, browser programmers and device manufacturers agree to new standards? And would it finally solve issues related to multi-platform development? Its fate was uncertain for some time, especially as heavyweights Apple and Adobe duked it out in the mobile arena. The future of Flash, the standard for streaming video on the web, hung in the balance. In November 2011, Adobe announced it would stop development of Flash for mobile browsers. Check out the history of the language, from its inception to the major sites that have adopted it along the way (and even those that still lag behind). Wappalyzer. Ringmark. ← back to the ringmark test.


S 2012 Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies Identifies "Tipping Point" Technologies That Will Unlock Long-Awaited Technology Scenarios. STAMFORD, Conn., August 16, 2012 View All Press Releases 2012 Hype Cycle Special Report Evaluates the Maturity of More Than 1,900 Technologies Big data, 3D printing, activity streams, Internet TV, Near Field Communication (NFC) payment, cloud computing and media tablets are some of the fastest-moving technologies identified in Gartner Inc.'s 2012 Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies.

s 2012 Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies Identifies "Tipping Point" Technologies That Will Unlock Long-Awaited Technology Scenarios

Gartner analysts said that these technologies have moved noticeably along the Hype Cycle since 2011, while consumerization is now expected to reach the Plateau of Productivity in two to five years, down from five to 10 years in 2011. C HTML5 Logo. Five things you didn't know the web could do.

W3C HTML5 Specifications

WHAT WG (Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group) HTML Standard. Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group

Le Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (ou WHATWG) est une collaboration non officielle des différents développeurs de navigateurs web ayant pour but le développement de nouvelles technologies destinées à faciliter l'écriture et le déploiement d'applications à travers le Web. La liste de diffusion du groupe de travail est publique et ouverte à tous.

La Mozilla Foundation, Opera Software et Apple, Inc. en sont les premiers contributeurs. Ce groupe de travail se limite aux technologies qu'il estime implémentables dans les navigateurs Web sur la base des implémentations actuelles, et particulièrement de celles d'Internet Explorer. Il se présente notamment comme une réponse à la lenteur supposée du développement des standards par le W3C et au caractère supposé trop fermé de son processus interne d'élaboration de spécification. Dive Into HTML5. Initializr - Start an HTML5 Boilerplate project in 15 seconds! Creating a Complete HTML5 Drag and Drop File Uploader with jQuery. Today we’re going to be creating a file uploader using HTML5 drag and drop, along with the file reader API and some PHP.

Creating a Complete HTML5 Drag and Drop File Uploader with jQuery

We’ll also be using local storage to remember which files were uploaded by the user. Getting Started For this tutorial I’m using jQuery and an icon font called symbolset. If you don’t want to get symbolset you could use an alternative or just not use a symbol font all together! So first off, we need to include the appropriate files in our index.html file: Next lets do the main HTML in the body: There is also a little bit of simple CSS. jQuery Effectively what we want to do is get the Data URI for all the images that the user drags into the drag area.

To begin, we need to initiate some variables: 15 Most Useful HTML5 Tutorials. We have already posted quite a number of tutorials related to a great many designing and developing topics but we think that learning never stops!

15 Most Useful HTML5 Tutorials

So with that in mind today we are again with fresh and really easy to understand HTML5 tutorials. HTML5 as known by all is a great language with endless capabilities. So it is important to keep your guns on this great website polish. 10 Major Advantages of HTML5. Basically HTML5 has it’s many new syntactical features, which include the <video>, <audio>, and <canvas> elements, as well as the integration of SVG content.

10 Major Advantages of HTML5

Due to these new elements, it will be very easy to integrate multimedia and graphical content to web without using flash and third party plugins. There are also another new elements like <section>, <article>, <header> and <nav> which enrich the semantic value of the document. Other major advantages of HTML5 are described below. Advertisement 1. Due to usability purpose the web sites made by developers are highly interactive nowadays and for this developers need to include fluid animations, stream video, play music and Social Network sites like Facebook and Twitter into the websites. Advertisement 2. Le jeu de plateau certifié HTML5 » A propos. HTML 5 : la phrase incomprise de Zuckerberg. Facebook : Zuckerberg rassure les actionnaires en lâchant le HTML5. Mark Zuckerberg était sur scène mercredi soir, lors de la conférence Techcrunch Disrupt, pour répondre à sa première interview publique depuis l'entrée en bourse de Facebook.

Facebook : Zuckerberg rassure les actionnaires en lâchant le HTML5

Le fondateur du premier réseau social du monde a reconnu à cette occasion que la chute du cours de Facebook était "une déception", due en grande partie à la difficulté qu'a Facebook à convertir son audience mobile en revenus.