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Library Access. What QR Codes Can Do For You! During one of my workshops this afternoon at Carondelet High School some asked for suggestions about using QR codes.

What QR Codes Can Do For You!

Here are some of the uses that I suggested. TagMyDoc is a tool that allows you to apply a QR code to Word documents and PDFs that are stored on your computer. Upload your document then TagMyDoc creates and applies a QR code to it. You can print the document with the QR code on it or simply project the QR code for your students to scan and get a copy of the document on their mobile devices. is Google's URL shortening tool. QR Voice is a free tool that allows you to create QR codes that when scanned will play a short audio message. QR codes can be used to combine the physical world with the digital world.


Puppet Pals HD. Reverse Charades. Improv Suggestifier. Pollock's Toy Theatre. Stagework - from the National Theatre and its regional partners. Digital and Media Literacy: How Can It Support 21st Century Learning? Hybrid Pedagogy: A Digital Journal of Learning, Teaching, and Technology. Top 35 Must-Have Educational iPhone and iPad Apps Used by Real Teachers in the Classroom - iPhone app article - Shara Karasic. For the 2012-2013 school year, teachers with access to mobile technology are teaching kids with these great education apps for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Educators use apps to let their students do everything from practicing their math equations, to determining a leaf’s parent tree, to joining Paul Revere on his ride.

Lots of educators (including Apple Distinguished Educators) on Appolicious share their lists of the best education apps for elementary, middle school, junior high, and high school. (See picks for 2011/2012.) These are the education apps recommended by educators on Appolicious. Art/Creativity Art (iPhone and iPad, $0.99) Recommended by LaurieFowler: “I love the paintings on this app and they have a quiz mode to test your knowledge, too.” Grade: 5-12 Listed by: justatitch, LaurieFowler, uwcsea. Pinnacle Studio (iPad, $9.99) Recommended by educator kathyschrock: “Pinnacle Studio is a really easy to use, powerful video editing app for the iPad.

Integrate iPads Into Bloom's Digital Taxonomy With This 'Padagogy Wheel' How To Use Pinterest With Bloom's Taxonomy. 5 Critical Mistakes Schools Make With iPads (And How To Correct Them) Over the last few years K-12 schools and districts across the country have been investing heavily in iPads for classroom use.

5 Critical Mistakes Schools Make With iPads (And How To Correct Them)

EdTechTeacher has been leading iPad professional development at many of these schools and we’ve seen firsthand how they approach iPad integration. While we’ve witnessed many effective approaches to incorporating iPads successfully in the classroom, we’re struck by the common mistakes many schools are making with iPads, mistakes that are in some cases crippling the success of these initiatives. We’re sharing these common challenges with you, so your school doesn’t have to make them. 5 Apps for Social Reading. Social reading is revolutionizing the way anyone reads.

5 Apps for Social Reading

While most participate in social media, such as Facebook or Twitter in their personal lives, social media in the form of social reading is expanding into the classroom, making reading more enjoyable and exciting for all readers young and old. The basis of social reading is simple, through the use of apps and devices reading goes beyond the actual words on the page and opens up a myriad of options for readers to share their thoughts, favorite quotes, and overall opinions of the things they have read. Visual storytelling: 14 tools for journalists.

Credit: Image by TapiF on Flickr. Some rights reserved Over the past year here at we have reported on a number of new tools and platforms which have been launched or updated, which offer journalists different ways of telling stories visually. Our news:rewired events have also highlighted a number of those tools, most recently in a dedicated session on visual storytelling at news:rewired - digital stories, which was held last Thursday (6 December). Here is a list of just 14 tools that journalists might find useful. Some launched this year, while others have been around for some time now but continue to be used by news outlets today. Timelines. 6 iPad Apps That Help You Create Interactive Study Guides. With the end of the semester drawing near, so are the plans of preparing students for final exams and standardized tests. Check out these six iPad apps to create fun, engaging, interactive study guides for your students. 1.

ScreenChomp - Create a list of equations for students to solve. Student’s task will be to work out the equation and record the steps they took to solve the equation. 2. 3. The Art Of Storytelling » Tell A Story. Get inspired by featured artwork from the Delaware Art Museum and write a story through the interactive Tell a Story activity. Look through the images below for a brief introduction on how this activity works, or click on the link below to begin telling your story. Launch the Tell a Story Activity 1) Choose an inspirational work of art First, select a work of art as the inspiration for your story. 2) Tell your story Next, you'll write a story to accompany the artwork.

Picturebook. Video Editor FREE.