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How To Use Pinterest With Bloom's Taxonomy

How To Use Pinterest With Bloom's Taxonomy

The Past, Present, And Potentially Amazing Future Of Smartphones Smartphones are everywhere in education. Heck, they’re just everywhere period. Apple and Google seem to sell about a kabillion smartphones a second and the insatiable appetite of the worldwide market seems unrelenting. So I thought it would be helpful to actually, you know, learn a bit about where smartphones started, what they’re doing right now, and where they’re heading. See Also: 10 Schools Encouraging Smartphones in the Classroom To do that, we can explore the following visual timeline that sheds some light on factoids you may not have known. Source: The 10 Best Web Tools For Flipped Classrooms While flipping the classroom is still one of the hottest trends in education, it’s got nothing on time-saving and downright useful apps and web tools. In an effort to provide a quick look at some of the best web tools for flipped classrooms, I thought it would be useful to poll the @Edudemic Twitter followers . POLL: What are your favorite apps and tools for flipped classrooms? — Edudemic (@Edudemic) April 5, 2013 Including the tweets, I also got at least 40 emails from friends, colleagues, and administrators from around the world. One thing stood out to me: there were a lot of repeats! Below is a simple list designed to help get any educator, administrator, student, or parent a bit more familiar with some of the most popular web tools for flipped classrooms. Wikispaces About The Tool: Wikispaces is a free and useful web tool designed to give students (or ‘users’ of any kind, really) the ability to share their thoughts, reflect on the work of others, and edit a body of work together.

About Jane Hart « Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies Integrate iPads Into Bloom's Digital Taxonomy With This 'Padagogy Wheel' You’re going to want to turn on your printer and fire up a PDF viewer. This is just that good. It’s called the Padagogy Wheel and it offers a fantastically useful perspecitve on how to figure out which iPad apps work with Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy. The Padagogy Wheel takes an expanded approach Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy and offers 62 iPad apps that fit into the organized chaos that is Bloom’s. See Also: 35 Digital Tools That Work With Bloom’s Taxonomy What do you think of some of the apps and where they’re placed on the wheel? The Padagogy Wheel by Allan Carrington is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License .

10 Interactive Lessons By Google On Digital Citizenship YouTube has a firm place in the current classroom. From Khan Academy’s videos to YouTube EDU and beyond, there’s a reason all these videos are finding a home in schools. In an effort to help keep the ball rolling, Google just launched a set of 10 interactive lessons designed to support teachers in educating students on digital citizenship. A topic obviously quite close to Google’s heart. Google (which owns YouTube) built the lessons to educate students about YouTube’s policies, how to flag content, how to be a safer online citizen, and protect their identities. Below is a list of lessons, and the recommended flow for delivery. Or you can download the Full Teacher’s Guide or the Full Set of Slides in PDF . The killer feature for this curriculum is the extra features that come with each video.

Getting started guide How it works Ready to create a course with Versal? Once you’ve signed up for an account, getting started is easy. Still have questions or feedback? Create a course Step-by-step guide Create a course Inviting contributors Naming your courses and lessons Adding gadgets to your lesson Filtering gadgets Adding new headers Adding new text Customizing gadgets Adding a lesson Publishing your course Embedding and sharing your published course “Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.” © 2014 Versal Group, Inc. Padagogy Wheel : Grey-matter Grids “The new version of the Padagogy Wheel tackles a major question that is lurking in the back of everyone’s mind. If it’s not … it should be. It’s about the problem of motivation in education. Jeff Dunn: Editor Edudemic Blog Post:Updated Padagogy Wheel Tackles The Problem Of Motivation in Education In this third podcast episode with Ken Spero, a Senior Strategist with The Regis Company, in Philadelphia, USA we talk about how the pedagogy of Immersive Learning is ideal to tackle the problem of motivation and hits the bullseye at the core of The Padagogy Wheel. Ken introduces Engagement into the equation and how it drives motivation for learning. I asked Ken if he thought Immersive learning would help teachers work with mutually agreed graduate attributes and capabilities, helping the students embed them in their lives. We talked about how simulations are ideal for testing and modeling attributes and capabilities measured in context. Bullseye! Getting Started Podcast Episode: Online Resources

22 Effective Ways To Use Twitter In The Classroom Using Twitter in the classroom is a no-brainer. It’s a powerful and free tool that already has wide adoption among educators, students, administrators, and parents. So how do you effectively use Twitter to resonate with students? Why not start by using the following methods that are organized by Bloom’s Taxonomy? What if you could use your favorite social network in the classroom? That’d be the cat’s pajamas. (For our many international readers not familiar with that term, it simply means ‘that’d be great.’) You can actually use Twitter with Bloom’s Taxonomy thanks to this below table built by TeachBytes . How to Fix: My iPad is Disabled If you have a passcode setup on your iPad and enter the wrong passcode too many times, the iPad will become disabled, locking you out of it. After a few missed attempts, the iPad will disable itself temporarily, asking you to try again after a minute. But if you continue to type in the wrong passcode, the iPad can disable itself permanently. But I my iPad is disabled and I didn't type in a wrong passcode. If your iPad is disabled, someone typed in the wrong passcode enough to disable it. How to Turn On Parental Controls Most of the time, this is just temporary. If your iPad has become disabled permanently, your only choice will be to reset the iPad in iTunes and restore from a backup. How to Restore the iPad From iTunes Remember to restore the iPad from the same computer you used to sync. What if you never synced your iPad with your PC? If you've never plugged your iPad into your PC, there is still a way to unlock it.

Mr Allan Carrington Biography/ Background Allan is available on SKYPE and iChat/AIM and his username is:allansyd Allan is a Learning Designer with the Online Development Team, Division of the DVC & VP(A). He is a winner of a 2012 Office of Learning and Teaching (OLT) Australian Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning. Allan's citation reads: "For sustained commitment to inspiring, challenging and mentoring academics to teach with activity-centric pedagogies and the latest learning technologies, to enrich the student experience." The Citation Synopsis: For nearly a decade, Allan Carrington has provided teaching staff at the University of Adelaide with the tools, knowledge, motivation and confidence that they need to challenge themselves to enhance and develop their own teaching. In 2011 Allan was also awarded the University of Adelaide Award for Excellence in Support of the Student Experience. Allan has a background in printing, publishing, web development and educational multimedia.
