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Le compte Twitter d'Alain Berset aurait été piraté. Un lien menant vers une vidéo de la RTS a été publié mardi matin sur le fil Twitter d'Alain Berset, avant d'être effacé. La raison: le conseiller fédéral n'était pas l'auteur du message, affirme-t-il. Son compte aurait été hacké. Le compte Twitter d'Alain Berset a laissé apparaître mardi matin un lien de la RTS, "États-Unis: le soldat Manning a été reconnu coupable d'espionnage et de vols". Il s'agit du titre original du sujet directement extrait du 12:45 du 31 juillet. Un sujet sensible Ce lien a déclenché une avalanche de réactions sur les réseaux sociaux. Le problème: le conseiller fédéral se serait permis de commenter l'affaire de la taupe de Wikileaks, un fait d'actualité hautement sensible.

Quatre minutes après sa publication, le lien est effacé. Suivi de: "Même en été, changez régulièrement vos mots de passe. " Les réseaux sociaux, un danger? » Military struggles to support claim of Manning’s ‘disloyalty’; Govt tries to change charge sheet: trial report, day 20 Bradley Manning Support Network. By Nathan Fuller, Bradley Manning Support Network. July 19, 2013. Specialist Jihrleah Showman, drawn by Debra Van Poolen. Bradley Manning’s former supervisor at Ft. Drum and then in Iraq, Specialist Jihrleah Showman, testified this morning that in a counseling session, Manning said that the American flag “meant nothing to him” and that he felt no “allegiance to this country or any people,” but that she never even wrote the statement down. The government elicited that allegation in very brief rebuttal questioning, after which defense lawyer David Coombs spent nearly two hours drawing out her support for that statement, why she failed to document it at the time, and why she didn’t report it when first questioned for this investigation, implying throughout that Showman fabricated the allegation after Manning’s arrest.

But she never wrote the statement down. Showman also said that in June 2009, she’d recommended Manning for ‘soldier of the month.’ Paul David Adkins, drawn by Clark Stoeckley. Wikileaks Was Just a Preview: We're Headed for an Even Bigger Showdown Over Secrets | Matt Taibbi. As Bradley Manning Trial Begins, Press Predictably Misses the Point | Matt Taibbi. Weekly Wrap-Up on Week 2 of Bradley Manning’s Trial. Judge Army Col. Denise Lind (Courtroom sketch by Clark Stoeckley) With the identity of Edward Snowden, the whistleblower behind disclosures on National Security Agency top secret surveillance programs, forming a backdrop that dominated the news, Pfc.

Bradley Manning’s trial entered its second week. Another whistleblower, who the military has aggressively prosecuted for releasing US government information to WikiLeaks, the trial received minimal attention from media this week. The number of reporters in the media center was down to around ten. Both The Guardian and the New York Times were missing in action. The following are some of the significant developments that occurred in the trial against the soldier who released US government information to WikiLeaks.

—Defense supports crowd-funded stenographers’ presence at the trial “We believe that this enforces Pfc. —Army Counterintelligence Center senior analyst testifies on center’s report on WikiLeaks During cross-examination of Cpt. Bradley Manning evidence. Leaks meant to 'enlighten' on US policy Bradley Manning confesses that he sent material to WikiLeaks but maintains he did not think it would harm the United States. P 1, 2013 FORT MEADE, Maryland: Bradley Manning has confessed in open court to providing vast archives of military and diplomatic files to the antisecrecy group WikiLeaks, saying he wanted the information to become public "to make the world a better place".

Appearing before a military judge for more than an hour on Thursday, Private Manning read a statement recounting how he joined the military, became an intelligence analyst in Iraq, decided that certain documents should become known to the American public to prompt a wider debate about the Iraq War, and ultimately uploaded them to WikiLeaks. I believed if the public ... had access to the information this could spark a debate about foreign policy in relation to Iraq and Afghanistan. Advertisement. I am Bradley Manning. Bradley Manning's Nobel Peace Prize. I am Bradley Manning (full HD) Government Moves to Prevent Bradley Manning’s Defense from Discussing Over-Classification.

Cpt. Angel Overgaard, military prosecutor (Sketch by Clark Stoeckley) The government argued two motions in the court martial of Pfc. Bradley Manning intended to constrain the defense from being able to discuss motive and over-classification of information. Manning, who the military is prosecuting for allegedly releasing classified information to WikiLeaks, faces the following charge, which is an Espionage Act charge: In that Private First Class Bradley E. He also faces the charge of “wrongfully and wantonly” causing to be “published on the internet intelligence belonging to the United States government” and “having knowledge that intelligence published on the internet” would be “accessible to the enemy.”

I’ll focus on the over-classification motion and address the motive motion in a future post. Cpt. “Defense contends specific witnesses will say charged documents” were over-classified. The judge was skeptical. For example, Coombs said Col. Coombs argued Col. This is an unprecedented case. Bradley Manning and the trial of the United States Military. Bradley Manning. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Bradley (Chelsea) Manning Bradley Manning en 2012. Biographie[modifier | modifier le code] Petite enfance[modifier | modifier le code] Manning est né à Crescent dans l'Oklahoma, de Susan Fox, originaire du pays de Galles, et son mari, Brian Manning. Brian a rejoint la US Navy en 1974 à 19 ans, et y a travaillé pendant cinq ans en tant qu'analyste des services de renseignements.

Il rencontre Susan dans un Woolworth's alors qu'il est stationné à Cawdor Barracks au pays de Galles. Casey — il a 11 ans à la naissance de Bradley — a témoigné à la cour martiale que leurs deux parents étaient alcooliques, et que leur mère avait été soûle sans arrêt alors qu'elle était enceinte du capitaine Manning. Le père de Manning travaille en tant que chef de projet en technologie de l'information pour une agence de location de voitures, et est souvent en déplacement. Divorce des parents et déménagement au pays de Galles[modifier | modifier le code] Jeremy Harding reviews ‘The Passion of Bradley Manning’ by Chase Madar · LRB 19 July 2012. What was troubling Julian Assange when he made a dash for friendly extra-territorial space? His detractors argue that it’s the usual story, to do with his propensity to see himself as the centre of the universe, and the target of an improbable plot to lock him up in the US and throw away the key.

That last honour has already been bestowed on Bradley Manning. In the leaker, surely, the Americans have their man: why bother with his celebrity publisher? Outside the Ecuadorian Embassy in Hans Crescent, round the back of Harrods, a thin but emblematic presence is maintained by his supporters. While I was there earlier this month a French woman was squatting on the pavement, hunched over a placard, shading in the letters of a message that she later tied to one of the crowd barriers. On a recent visit to Queensland – Assange’s home state – the US ambassador in Australia said the US could have him extradited as easily from Britain as from Sweden, only they weren’t bothered. Gareth Peirce on the torture of Bradley Manning. Gareth Peirce, the renowned UK lawyer who represents Julian Assange, gives her views via the video above on the torture of Bradley Manning, the US soldier accused of leaking war crimes, as well as the use if torture in the US prison system generally.

The video was made during the time Bradley was tortured, but is relevant given there is currently another pre-trial hearing underway. It is a quietly spoken, powerful speech that is worth listening to in full. Bradley Manning was mentally and physically tortured (as attested by Juan Mendez, the UN Rapporteur on Torture) in the precise way he was by the officers of Quantico for two reasons. The prime reason was so that he would implicate Julian Assange, the editor-in-chief of Wikileaks. The secondary reason was to tip him over the edge, to send him insane, so providing an excuse to terminate proceedings (and cover up secrets) and then lock him away in an asylum for the rest of his life.

Rule Of Law Abandoned For Bradley Manning. ASI / Le NYT a laisser tomber BM. Guardian Man of the Year 2012. Bradley Manning denied chance to make whistleblower defence | World news. Bradley Manning, the US soldier accused of being behind the largest leak of state secrets in America's history, has been denied the chance to make a whistleblower defence in his upcoming court martial in which he faces possible life in military custody with no chance of parole. The judge presiding over Manning's prosecution by the US government for allegedly transmitting confidential material to WikiLeaks ruled in a pre-trial hearing that Manning will largely be barred from presenting evidence about his motives in leaking the documents and videos.

In an earlier hearing, Manning's lead defence lawyer, David Coombs, had argued that his motive was key to proving that he had no intention to harm US interests or to pass information to the enemy. "This is another effort to attack the whistleblower defence," said Nathan Fuller, a spokesman for the Bradley Manning support network, after the hearing. An Outpouring of Love and Support for Bradley Manning to Receive the Nobel Peace Prize.

During the last week of March, more than 30,000 people signed a petition urging the Norwegian Nobel Committee to award the Nobel Peace Prize to Bradley Manning. While the numbers continue to mount on the petition website, so do the comments from individual signers. Thousands have already written personal notes to explain their support for the petition. I hope the Nobel committee reads the comments carefully when the petition arrives in Oslo later this spring. As a U.S. Army private — seeing massive evidence of official deception, human rights abuses and flagrant killing of civilians — Bradley Manning did not just follow orders. Instead, he became a whistleblower, supplying vast troves of documents to WikiLeaks, exposing duplicity that had enormous impacts from Iraq and Afghanistan to Egypt and Tunisia.

Manning, now 25 years old, could be in prison for the rest of his life. “Bradley Manning knowingly risked his freedom in order to bring the true facts of war to the public. Ron Paul: Bradley Manning Deserves Nobel Peace Prize More Than Barack Obama. Army Pfc. Bradley Manning, who is accused of providing an enormous stash of classified government documents to WikiLeaks for publication, deserves a Nobel Peace Prize more than President Barack Obama, according to former Texas Rep. Ron Paul. "While President Obama was starting and expanding unconstitutional wars overseas, Bradley Manning, whose actions have caused exactly zero deaths, was shining light on the truth behind these wars," the former Republican presidential contender told U.S. News. Manning was nominated for the award in 2011, 2012 and again earlier this year. The WikiLeaks documents Manning allegedly leaked "pointed to a long history of corruption [and] war crimes" and "helped motivate the democratic Arab Spring movements," according to the Icelandic, Swedish and Tunisian politicians who nominated Manning.

[ENJOY: Political Cartoons About WikiLeaks] Since his arrest in May 2010, Manning has been kept from the public eye. [FLASHBACK: Manning Supporters Disrupt Obama Campaign] How Bradley Manning Became One of the Most Unusual Revolutionaries in American History. On the night of February 21, 2009, a year before Army private Bradley E. Manning allegedly leaked the largest cache of classified information in American history, he sat at a computer in his barracks at Fort Drum in upstate New York.

It was a Saturday in midwinter, and the barracks were nearly empty. He pulled a chair up to the computer in his cinder-block room, briefly debated between a pizza and a sandwich from Domino’s, went with the sandwich, and passed over into his “digital existence,” as he thought of it. He logged on to AOL’s instant-messenger service under the handle Bradass87, and off he went to transform himself. On the web, he could be whomever he chose.

It was 8:27 p.m. at Fort Drum when he popped up on the computer screen of ZJ Antolak. “hi,” he began. “hi,” ZJ responded. “You don’t know me, i apologize, i got this [address] from your youtube channel.” Manning was an atheist himself—“I’m godless,” he told an acquaintance. ZJ played along with Manning’s espionage narrative. Manning trial may be closed. Government plays secrecy games in Manning trial. Manning Acquitted of Aiding the Enemy. Déclaration du Pfc. Bradley E. Manning devant la Commission d’enquête préparatoire. Reflets a joué au traducteur. La presse française est silencieuse sur le procès de Bradley Manning alors qu’il a des répercussions insoupçonnables. Voici donc sa déclaration devant la commission d’enquête préparatoire visant à déterminer si un accord sur la base du plaider coupable est possible.

Nous avons traduit les notes de Alexia O’Brien que vous trouverez ici en anglais. Greetz : Reflets remercie tous ceux qui ont participé à la relecture de la traduction pour l’expurger des erreurs. Il ressort principalement trois choses de ce témoignage. 1) Bradley Manning semble être une personne équilibrée qui réagit aux événements auxquels il est confronté sur la base d’une éthique et d’une morale raisonnables. 2) Bradley Manning a eu accès à une foule d’informations parce que les néocons de Washington avaient décidé de fournir toutes ces informations à tous les « combatants » afin qu’ils puissent prendre des décisions fondées et rapides.

Déclaration du Pfc. Par Alexa O’Brien Juge Lind: Pfc.