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Matériel pédagogique, didactique, primaire, Les Traces de Jalory. 10 Free Text to Speech Web Tools for the Classroom. Are you looking for FREE text to speech technology web tools that do not require downloading software and can be used on Chromebooks, laptops or computers?

10 Free Text to Speech Web Tools for the Classroom

There are a lot out there. Here is a list of 10 different easy to use text to speech (TTS) tools students can use to assist with text read alouds as well as their own writing. TTS technology is also a helpful tool for ELL students and those who struggle with dyslexia. Text to Speech with Google Drive is a text to speech converter that allows you to listen to text with your Drive files!

Picto et images libres

Achats. Banque d'images. Blogues, sites, Scoop it, etc. Cartes à tâches. C'est pas sorcier. Classe inversée. En ligne. Google Éducation. QR. Tablette. TIC. TNI. Utilitaires, trucs et conseils.