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Enhancing HyperDocs - Our Professional Development Resources. "Around here we don't look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious...and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths. " - Walt Disney We've updated some of our HyperDoc Professional Development Resources.

If you are curious about HyperDocs or are planning some HyperDoc Professional Development, there might be something here for you. HyperDocs Professional Development Slide Deck - This is a web copy of the slide deck. When using this during face to face professional development, Pear Deck will be modeled as a resource to engage and reflect. Have something you love that can help enhance HyperDocs, please share in the comments below? Why You Should Start Using Hyperdocs for Edtech PD. Last weekend I attended the Indiana GAFE Summit put on by EdTechTeam (it was awesome, and I highly recommend attending if you get a chance!). One of the sessions I attended was about Hyperdocs presented by Tricia Jones Hall. I had seen and understood the basics of Hyperdocs, but I wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing the mark.

I think I might have been a little bit. I had an ah-hah moment: I should be using more Hyperdocs for edtech professional development! What is a Hyperdoc? According to the ladies who coined the term “Hyperdoc” (Lisa Highfill, Kelly Hilton, and Sarah Landis) on the official website, a Hyperdoc is, “a transformative, interactive Google Doc replacing the worksheet method of delivering instruction, is the ultimate change agent in the blended learning classroom. Here are the Hyperdoc basics: It is NOT just a Google Doc with links. As you build a Hyperdoc, think through the following information: How will learners Explore the information? So what do you think? Hyperdocs. Home | Home | Summer Project – Getting Started with Hyperdocs – Shawn Beard – The TechyCoach. It was about a year ago this month that I sat down to develop a 3-day workshop on Chromebooks for our Science teachers. At that time, I had just spent the previous year working with our ELA teachers on Chromebook deployment in the classroom.

As I was working on curating resources for teachers, I ran across the topic of Hyperdocs. As a learning tool, Hyperdocs are the coolest thing since WiFi. With a Hyperdoc, you can essentially create a paperless learning tool, that includes all of your links, questions, activities, etc… – similar to a modern webquest. Fast forward to today, and in a class recently we discussed Hyperdocs. Since there were many in the class that had not used them, I thought I would pass on a few tips and resources to get started. How To If you’ve never created a Hyperdoc, this video will help you get started at creating a Hyperdoc in Google Docs. Format Hyperdocs can take on any format – Google Doc, Google Slide Deck, or Google Site.

Google Docs – Google Slides Google Sites. Supporting the 4Cs in Learner-Centered Classrooms - Creativity. Use Hyper Docs To Increase Student Engagement - 2 Peas and a Dog. Tracy Enos is an 8th Grade teacher from Rhode Island, United States. I met Tracy in the #2ndaryELA Facebook Group I co-moderate where she is an active contributor and freely shares her ideas and passion for teaching. One of the topics she has frequently mentioned is HyperDocs. Today’s post is written by Tracy to share her knowledge and excitement for bringing this technology to your classroom. The Classroom Environment When I plan my lessons, I think further than just content. What are the skills that will help my students succeed in their futures? Today’s Students The kids in front of us have the world at their fingertips. HyperDocs The lessons we bring to our students must be designed with these kids in mind. The district that I teach in has been one-to-one with Chromebooks for the past 3 years.

I learned about blended instruction, the combination of technology, face-to-face, and collaborative learning. The HyperDoc Movement Teacher Resources. Mrs. Leban's Tech Blog: Do You Even HyperDoc? My favorite thing lately is the HyperDoc. You probably use elements of HyperDocs in your classroom in some form or another, and didn't even know it. "HyperDoc is a term used to describe a Google Doc that contains an innovative lesson for students- a 21st Century worksheet, but much better. " I found a great website that goes into depth about the definition, philosophy, and structure of HyperDocs (a best practices overview) over at - I've been re-vamping many of my units into the HyperDoc format, and I really love the simplicity of it. Here's where it started: I was noticing that my Google Classroom assignments were becoming a bit of a jumble of attachments to videos, rubric doc files, web resources, and templates for work.

Then, in the middle of a unit, I'd find another relevant resource, and I'd go add it to the assignment by editing it and adding yet another link, or adding a comment with the link on the assignment. This gets really confusing for students really quickly. Supporting the 4Cs in Learner-Centered Classrooms - Collaboration. Collaboration Resources on the Web "Alone we are smart together we are brilliant. " Steven Anderson Collaboration - Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. Students will: Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media.Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats.

Develop cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of other cultures. I believe that content should support the development of student skills connected to the 4 Cs or collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and creativity. If you are interested in resources and tools to support student collaboration, then we have this document for your exploration. Have an additional resource or want to share how you use one of the tools? #Ditchbook with #HyperDocs #BetterTogether Sharing Extravaganza! The Teachers Blog - Middle School Minds. Hyperdocs: Create Interactive Google Docs. HyperDocs are an interactive Google Doc and provide teachers with a way of presenting information to students in a fun and engaging way.

They replace the standard, passive worksheet model of instruction and increase student agency. HyperDocs are much more than Google Docs that contain hyperlinks. They are carefully crafted activities that includes all of the components of the lesson in one central location. Click here to view an example of a HyperDoc. This particular lesson takes students on a journey around the United States.

HyperDocs can be used with students across grade levels and subjects. Applications for Education HyperDocs help increase student agency by providing choices and options to allow them to demonstrate what they have learned and how they can apply this new knowledge. What’s the Hype with Hyperdocs? - Google Slides. Hyperdoc Library. Home. YtCropper - HyperDocs: Digital Lesson Design Using Google Apps.

Introducing HyperDocs - Google Slides. EdTech Tools for Hyperdoc. EdTechTeacher 3 Ways to Differentiate Learning in the Classroom with HyperDocs. This is a post from Guest Instructor Shaelynn Farnsworth. HyperDocs or “HyperLearning” as I prefer to call it, involves a well-crafted digital lesson for student use which engages them in inquiry-based learning and can differentiate learning in the classroom. It typically involves the hyperlinking of material, resources, tasks, and information students can access from a single document or access point.

HyperLearning is most commonly associated with Google Suite for Education because of the cloud-based and collaborative options provided by Google Docs, Google Slides, Google Forms, etc. but anything with a link can be used in HyperLearning. In classrooms around the world there are two givens, there will be content requirements in the form of standards and students will vary as learners. HyperLearning, when aligned to Carol Ann Tomlinson’s research and findings, can directly impact student learning through differentiation in Process, Content, and Product. Process Content Product. Hyperdoc Library.