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Chaucer's Canterbury Tales ~ presented by ELF. Libboo - Welcome to Libboo. Find the Meanings and Definitions of Words at Dictionary. 100 Most beautiful words in the English language* A Wheel of Time Community. "Never Date a Writer" by xstephens [821940-1] - Never date a writer because she’ll fictionalize everything.

"Never Date a Writer" by xstephens [821940-1] -

She’ll write about things you have done to her, or things you never did for her. She’ll write about how you never bought her flowers. Not once. She’ll say in well-constructed prose how the whole time you were together, she never came home from a long week to see a vase full of roses, or daises, or anything. Luciferous Logolepsy. Welcome to Luciferous Logolepsy, a collection of over 9,000 obscure English words.

Luciferous Logolepsy

Though the definition of an "English" word might seem to be straightforward, it is not. There exist so many adopted, derivative, archaic or abandoned words in what we loosely define as the "English Language", that a clear-cut definition seems impossible. For the purposes of this project though, words are included that may stretch any basic definitions. Particular attention has been paid to archaic words, as they tend to be more evocative - as if their very age lends additional meaning or overtones. Current personal favorites include "skirr", "epicaricacy" and "schizothemia".