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The Thinker Builder: 8 Ways to Encourage Summer Reading. Summer break is drawing near, and during these last couple of weeks, I inevitably get asked the question by a smattering of parents: "Do you have any suggestions to get Billy to read this summer?

The Thinker Builder: 8 Ways to Encourage Summer Reading

" Why our children are so bored at school, cannot wait, get easily frustrated and have no real friends? — Victoria Prooday - Occupational Therapist. “My son doesn’t like vegetables.”

Why our children are so bored at school, cannot wait, get easily frustrated and have no real friends? — Victoria Prooday - Occupational Therapist

“She doesn’t like going to bed early.” 10 Must Watch TED Ed Lessons for High School Students. May 28, 2016 Looking for some challenging educational video content to share with your high school students?

10 Must Watch TED Ed Lessons for High School Students

The list below has you covered. These are 10 TED Ed talks that we have curated from TED Ed's library. They Put A Pre-School In A Nursing Home And It Changed Everyone’s Life. Contrary to popular belief, nursing homes can be very lonely places for elderly people.

They Put A Pre-School In A Nursing Home And It Changed Everyone’s Life

In fact, it is not uncommon for elderly people to experience social isolation that is associated with depression and loneliness. Many believe that a nursing home would alleviate these issues, but these feelings of depression don’t go away, in many cases they only worsen. In the Western world, a nursing home is the most common place for seniors to go once they reach a certain age. It seems this is symptomatic of our culture, because in many other countries the elderly people live with their children and the children take care of them in their old age. Study Confirms What We Already Knew: Living Near Water Can Reduce Stress.

Beachfront property is considered the pinnacle of real estate for the views, the lifestyle, and, of course, the shoreline access.

Study Confirms What We Already Knew: Living Near Water Can Reduce Stress

Everyone knows that being on the water makes us feel good, but now there's scientific proof: a new study confirms that living near a body of water improves wellbeing, even for city dwellers. The report was published in the journal Health & Place. Scientific interest in so-called "blue" and "green" spaces is relatively recent, but cultural awareness of nature’s therapeutic power is quite old. Poets, Christian mystics, and nature-worshiping pagans alike all celebrated the power of the trees and tides. The Daily 5 in Primary Classrooms - The Brown Bag Teacher. Over the last 8 weeks, we have covered a lot of ground.

The Daily 5 in Primary Classrooms - The Brown Bag Teacher

We've explored each other's classrooms, traded ideas, asked questions, and remembered why The Daily 5 matters. Creating lifelong readers requires daily, dedicated time to read. We, as teachers, must give students time to fall in love with books. In this post, I've shared where we have gone and given you a 'hub' for all things Daily 5. The importance of rhyme in early literacy development. Fridrih Niče: Svako posjeduje onoliko taštine koliko mu fali razuma - BUKA Magazin. The Art of Science Communication: William Zinsser on How to Write Well About Science. I have always considered writing a way of organizing reality — of organizing one’s own mind and, in recording that process, decluttering the reader’s understanding of some subtle or staggering aspect of the world.

The Art of Science Communication: William Zinsser on How to Write Well About Science

Few writers have articulated the philosophies and practicalities behind this artful organization with more clarity and conviction than William Zinsser (October 7, 1922–May 12, 2015) in his 1976 classic On Writing Well: An Informal Guide to Writing Nonfiction (public library) — a masterwork partway, in both time and tenor, between E.B. White’s vintage bible The Elements of Style and psycholinguist Steven Pinker’s contemporary counterpart The Sense of Style. With the hindsight of three decades, Zinsser — who had written the book in the early 1970s with nothing but “a dangling lightbulb, an Underwood standard typewriter, a ream of yellow copy paper and a wire wastebasket” — reflects in the preface to the 30th anniversary edition: Imagine science writing as an upside-down pyramid. How to (seriously) read a scientific paper.

Adam Ruben’s tongue-in-cheek column about the common difficulties and frustrations of reading a scientific paper broadly resonated among Science Careers readers.

How to (seriously) read a scientific paper

Many of you have come to us asking for more (and more serious) advice on how to make sense of the scientific literature, so we’ve asked a dozen scientists at different career stages and in a broad range of fields to tell us how they do it. Although it is clear that reading scientific papers becomes easier with experience, the stumbling blocks are real, and it is up to each scientist to identify and apply the techniques that work best for them. The responses have been edited for clarity and brevity. Osam lekcija drevnih Maja za život pun zdravlja i harmonije - BUKA Magazin. Civilizacija Maja, koja je šet vekova cvetala u području koje danas obuvata delove Meksika, Belizea, Hondurasa, El Salvadora i Gvatemale, razvila je metode lečenja koje imaju svoje mesto u današnjoj holističkoj medicini.

Osam lekcija drevnih Maja za život pun zdravlja i harmonije - BUKA Magazin

10 Rhetorical Questions to Stop Using in the Classroom - 3 Ways to Boost Your Confidence in Seconds. 3 tips to boost your confidence. Need greater understanding of the fixed and growth mindsets?

3 tips to boost your confidence

Watch this TED Talk: The power of believing that you can improve, by Carol Dweck, author of the book Mindset. Pondering what your “mindset” might be? Take this quick test and get an idea about how you look at challenges and failures. Manjak znanja i višak samopouzdanja sad ima i 'službeno ime' * This article is available only in B/H/S language. 4 ways I sabotaged my success as a teacher (and how my thinking changed) There’s no question that being a new teacher is tremendously stressful. But when I reflect on my teaching practice and how it evolved over the years, I realize that I created a lot of my own stress simply through the way I chose to perceive my work. The mindset that I held toward my students and their parents, as well as how I viewed my role in the classroom, often made an annoying incident feel maddening, and a challenging situation feel impossible to overcome. Strategies To Help Slow Working Students.

A parent recently asked me for advice about her son. Although his academic skills are strong, he feels the need to complete every task to absolute perfection; this means he finishes his work long, long after the rest of his peers. Not only are his teachers frustrated by the time it takes him to complete assignments, he doesn’t especially enjoy spending hours every night making all of his work just right. It’s easy enough to say we want all our students to work at their own pace, and in most classrooms, some flexibility is built in to allow for this.

Still, when a student completes work at a significantly slower pace than his peers, sometimes taking three or four times longer than everyone else, it can create problems for the student and his teachers: Group work gets more complicated, whole-class instruction is limited, and the student is too often put in an uncomfortable position as the one everyone else is waiting for. 8 Things Teachers Do To Encourage Misbehavior. Teachers cause much of the misbehavior in their classrooms. True, students come to class with behavior issues and personal agendas. Some are prone to misbehavior and are difficult to deal with. A few may even enjoy trying to disrupt your class. But more often than not, the teacher is the problem. If you were a fly on the wall of teachers who struggle with classroom management, you would find many commonalities. Teaching is challenging enough. 3 Excellent YouTube Channels for Science Teachers. April 12, 2016 In today’s post we are sharing with you three YouTube science channels that we have recently discovered.

You can use these channels to access a wide range of video content covering different scientific phenomena. All of these videos are short professionally animated lessons ideal to use in your class instruction. For more options on YouTube channels for science teachers, check out this resource. Enjoy 1- Crash Course Kids. The Starr Spangled Planner: 10 Ways to Support Students with Hyperactivity & Attention Needs. I know I am not alone when I say that I struggle to sit through staff meetings without doodling on my paper, shifting in my seat, getting up to use the bathroom and occasionally whispering with my teacher friend next to me. Now, these are every other week, and only for an hour.

Every time I leave, I think, "How are kids expected to do it all day?!? " Teaching in an inclusion classroom, I have several students that struggle with hyperactivity and attention. Regardless of whether these struggles stem from a larger learning disability, are part of a complex sensory profile, or from psychological trauma, it can impact their ability to learn and feel successful in the classroom. Why We Need to See Each Other Teach. I have always taught with my classroom door closed. Officially, it’s because I have trouble with distractions, which is not a lie: Just ask my family how often I yell for quiet when I’m trying to figure out my next Quirkle move. The unofficial reason is that I don’t really want other people watching me teach.

Alone with my students, I’m a different person: I let my guard down in a way that I never do with co-workers, even people I’m comfortable with. My students get the most relaxed, funniest side of me, the side I’m not sure my colleagues would appreciate or approve of. It’s not that I do anything inappropriate – not really, anyway – but I am definitely more likely to say “booger” and “crap” when my door is closed. 12 Interesting Ways To Start Class Tomorrow. Eventbrite. Join Binu Dhindsa, M.Sc., Lifestyle Fitness Coach as she provides parents 3 important reasons why incoporating physical activity into learning is so important.

Binu is passionate about raising the activity level of children and adults alike. During this webinar, she will provide some research into the benefits of incorporating activity into learning, along with some fun tips for parents. A Mild Case of Fisheye. 5 Innovative Ways To Create Positive Classroom Culture. Teaching three years in a public primary school and the previous two years in a private middle school, I’ve gotten the chance to spend time in two very different classroom environments. I noticed that the main thing that really affected the ability for students to connect not only with the class content, but with each other and with me, was the culture that was developed in the classroom. Stop, Drop, and Roll With It: Teacher Burnout Prevention. Tired.

How to Stop Yelling at Your Students. Breaking the Teacher-Student Conflict Cycle: 5 Steps You Can Take Now. Look to the grown-ups first! The key to improving student behavior is changing the way teachers and administrators react. This is the second in a three-part series on Building Positive School Culture, sponsored by Boys Town. To read the first article, click here. 25 Indispensable Life Lessons You Learn As A Theatre Tech. Recovering From a Bad Teaching Day. Don't Quit: 5 Strategies for Recovering After Your Worst Day Teaching. 30 Days of Genius: Sir Richard Branson. 7 Ways To Spot An Emotional Manipulator – Mystical Raven.

Rethinking Data: How to Create a Holistic View of Students. 25 Tricks to Get Your Students Through the Last Weeks of School. 7 Baffling Phenomena of the Teaching World. How to Teach a Middle School Class in 49 Easy Steps. Profesor uzvraća udarac – 35 načina da izludite učenike. Critical Thinking Lessons. How memories form and how we lose them - Catharine Young. The benefits of a good night's sleep - Shai Marcu. 49 Phrases to Calm an Anxious Child. Naučite od najboljih: Donosimo 7 tajni uspješne komunikacije. When Schools Help Students Transcend Chronic Stress to Tap Motivation. How to Stop Absorbing Other People’s Emotions. How To No Longer Take Things Personally. Ove savjete o djeci svako mora da pročita! - BUKA Magazin. Why Listening to Podcasts Helps Kids Improve Reading Skills. 7 Ways Successful Entrepreneurs Overcome Difficult Obstacles. 3 Ways of Getting Student Feedback to Improve Your Teaching.

Ultimate Teacher Wish List for a Dream Classroom Revealed. Reboot: 5 Resources for Teacher Inspiration. 7 Things You Should Insist On No Matter What People Say. Getting Inside Students’ Minds: Why Misconceptions Are So Powerful. Eliminate These 6 Conversation Patterns to Improve Your Relationships. 5 Simple Ways To Deal With Negative People. Checkups on emotional well-being start at door. 20 Tips to Help De-escalate Interactions With Anxious or Defiant Students. Reinforcing Language: Giving Middle Schoolers Supportive Feedback. 8 keys to avoiding teacher burnout (part one) The Thinker Builder: Step In, Step Out: A Strategy for Thinking Deeply About Text. 8 keys to avoiding teacher burnout (part two) 6 ways to support kids who don’t take ownership of their learning. 35 Facebook Pages for Teachers to Follow – USATestprep, Inc. 5 things I learned from quitting my teaching job twice.

“Children need art and stories and poems and music as much as they need love and food and fresh air and play. “ Life skills you learn from drama. A Virtual Teaching Assistant Fooled Hundreds of Students Into Thinking It Was Human. English Language Arts and Literacy, Science, Health and Physical Education, Professional Development. Čitanje istog teksta više puta najgora je metoda učenja! Evo kako efektivno učiti - BUKA Magazin. Harvard psychologist Amy Cuddy says people judge you on 2 criteria - Business Insider Deutschland. Untitled. Why Emotional Learning May Be As Important As The ABCs. If you're always late, science says you're likely more creative! Your Brain Has A “Delete” Button- Here’s How To Use It! – Mystical Raven. KQED Public Media for Northern CA. Quiz Yourself: How Good Are You at Teaching the Art of Learning? Big data in the classroom.

‘Big data’ was supposed to fix education. It didn’t. It’s time for ‘small data.’ Domain Specificity of Creativity: Theory, Research, and Practice. Three Simple Ways to Pay Attention. Eye Level: Communicating with Kids Who Have Lost Their Cool. 25 Psychology Facts Everyone Should Know. Judge calls evaluation of N.Y. teacher ‘arbitrary’ and ‘capricious’ in case against new U.S. secretary of education. A master teacher went to court to challenge her low evaluation. What her win means for her profession. 3 Strategies to Improve Student Writing Instantly. Emilie Wapnick: Why some of us don't have one true calling. 7 ideas about finding the work you were meant to do.

How to Turn on the Part of Your Brain That Controls Motivation. U SRBIJI DECU LOVIMO U NEZNANJU, UMESTO DA IH OHRABRUJEMO NA PUTU KA ZNANJU. 20 Creative Ways to Encourage Good Behavior at the End of the Year. 15 creative & respectful ways to quiet a class. Teaching In The Fast Lane: Giving Attention Seeking Students the Right Kind of Attention. The 2×10 strategy: a miraculous solution for behavior issues? The 2×10 strategy: a miraculous solution for behavior issues? 5 Things great communicators do #infografia #infographic #marketing. Behaviour Management Toolkit Posters - How do I raise a self-disciplined child with impulse control? 7 Best Coping Skills Worksheets From Around the Web - Unstress Yourself.