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30 Things to Stop Doing to Yourself. 60 Ways To Become The Person You Love. Photo credit: Niffty.. Only the time and attention we give ourselves demonstrates how much we love and admire ourselves.

Self love requires that we place ourselves at the top of our priority list. Self-nurturing is everything that makes us feel positive, happy and joyful. When we decide to honor ourselves with the love we need and deserve like the sun we radiate a glow, touching everything and everyone in our lives. Below are 60 ideas for glowing: 60. 59. 58. 57. 56. 55. 54. 53. 52. 50. 49. 48. 47. 46. 45. 44. 43. 42. 41. 40. 39. 38. 37. 36. 35. 34. 33. 32. 31. 30. 29. 28. 27. 26. 25. 24. 23. 22. 21. 20. 19. 18. 17. 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.

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10 simple ways to save yourself from messing up your life. Stop taking so much notice of how you feel. How you feel is how you feel. It’ll pass soon. What you’re thinking is what you’re thinking. It’ll go too. Tell yourself that whatever you feel, you feel; whatever you think, you think. Since you can’t stop yourself thinking, or prevent emotions from arising in your mind, it makes no sense to be proud or ashamed of either.

Adrian Savage is a writer, an Englishman, and a retired business executive, in that order. Read full content. How To Deal With Negative People - 10 Strategies. By Catherine Pratt Negative people. They're like human black holes which suddenly come out of nowhere and just suck the life out of you. You try to stay positive and remain strong but their negativity ends up just completely draining you, you feel exhausted, and you may also start to feel depressed too.

So what can you do? One of the first things to do is to be aware of who the negative people are in your life. This may not be as easy as you first think. Some very nice people are as Judy Orloff says in her book, "Positive Energy" are really energy vampires. "- you experience a sense of being demeaned, constricted or attacked. - you intuitively feel unsafe, tense or on guard. - you sense prickly, off-putting vibes.

She also refers to them by the following names which you might recognize: the sob sister, the blamer, the drama queen, the constant talker or joke teller, and the fixer-upper (requires endless help). Also, pay attention to what the person talks about. Patience. Time Management Training. Mind Tools - Management Training, Leadership Training and Career Training. Become Who You Want To Be. » Be able to walk away. In any kind of negotiation, your ability to walk away is your strongest tool. Those who can walk away from the negotiation — legitimately walk away, not just make a show of it — are in the strongest position.

Those who are convinced they need to make the deal are in the weakest position. This is true of negotiating when you’re buying a car, closing the sale of your new home, haggling in a foreign flea market, or trying to get a raise. It’s also true of anything in life. Know that there’s almost nothing you can’t walk away from. If you are convinced you need a nice house with a walk-in closet and hardwood floors and a huge kitchen, you now have a weakness. If you are convinced that you need Stabucks grande lattes every day, or an iPhone or iPad, or an SUV or Cooper Mini or BMW … you are in the weak position, because you can’t give it up. If you know that there’s almost nothing you can’t walk away from, you can save yourself tons of money.

How To Get Totally Organized – Once and For All. 34 Rules Every Man (and Woman) Should Live By. 8 hair care treatments you can make yourself. Eggs, yogurt and honey are, at first glance, all components of a tasty breakfast — but they also happen to be hair treatment ingredients, and affordable, all-natural ones at that.

And they're not the only ones. Did you know, for instance, that the oils in avocados more closely resemble our own skin's oils than any product in the beauty aisle does? Or that the mild acidity in lemon is an effective — and gentler — alternative to chemical-laden products? Next time your locks need a lift, save money by using one of these kitchen fixes. For all hair types "The [raw] egg is really the best of all worlds," says Janice Cox, author of "Natural Beauty at Home". To use: For normal hair, use the entire egg to condition hair; use egg whites only to treat oily hair; use egg yolks only to moisturize dry, brittle hair, Cox says.

For dull hair To Use: Massage 1/2 cup sour cream or plain yogurt into damp hair and let sit for 20 minutes. For itchy scalp For limp or fine hair For dry or sun-damaged hair. How To Train Yourself To Be In The Mood You Want. Dec 27, 2010 When you have major changes going on in your life, or you’re just frustrated about where you are, it’s easy to get trapped in a cycle of depression, bad moods and frustration. I know, I’ve been there … and when I’m not careful, I still get there more than I want to.

But when I’ve had a particularly hard time, I hit these moments where I’m in a foul mood, or I’m just feeling paralyzed, and I’m just stuck. Sometimes I just stew in that and stay there, but sometimes I actually get intelligent and pull my way out of it. I’m going to outline the framework that I’ve been using successfully to really get myself resourceful and motivated (and in a better mood) when I’m feeling stuck.

First Up: Using A Framework to Escape From Paralyzing Emotions When we feel bad, it’s hard to “feel good” again. The reason for this is that steps take the emotion out of our situation and give us direction to simply act. A: AGREE With Yourself That You Don’t Want To Be In This Mood Right Now. Dave. Book - 9 insights on life. CogniFit's blog. Wisdom in few words: best motivational quotes. Throughout last couple of years I’ve been collecting my personal favorite quotations from various inspirational people in my Evernote.

As a result I got quite a long list of sayings which I personally consider to be one of the smartest, wittiest, daring and positive at the same time. Moscow, 2008. So, I thought why not to share them with you? Assuming I have a lot in common with my readers, you might enjoy them too. If you don’t then you might just skip the post and excuse me for wasting your time. “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi“Life isn’t about finding yourself. “Interviews I conducted with more than 70 CEOs and other leaders point to 5 essentials for success — qualities that most of those C.E.O.’s share and look for in people they hire. “Pause now to ask yourself the following question: “Am I dreaming or awake, right now?” You might also like:Thoughts, pictures, music.

10 Laws of Productivity. You might think that creatives as diverse as Internet entrepreneur Jack Dorsey, industrial design firm Studio 7.5, and bestselling Japanese novelist Haruki Murakami would have little in common. In fact, the tenets that guide how they – and exceptionally productive creatives across the board – make ideas happen are incredibly similar.

Here are 10 laws of productivity we’ve consistently observed among serial idea executors: 1. Break the seal of hesitation. A bias toward action is the most common trait we’ve found across the hundreds of creative professionals and entrepreneurs we’ve interviewed. While preparing properly as you start a new project is certainly valuable, it’s also easy to lose yourself in planning (and dreaming) indefinitely. 2. When our ideas are still in our head, we tend to think big, blue sky concepts. 3.

Trial and error is an essential part of any creative’s life. To avoid ‘blue sky paralysis,’ pare your idea down to a small, immediately executable concept. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.