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Scaffolding reading and writing to the CC

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Birth of a Musical - West Side Story: Birth of a Classic. The Broadway musical is a commercial art form that often aspires to, and occasionally attains, high art.

Birth of a Musical - West Side Story: Birth of a Classic

It is also a collaborative medium, in which the librettist, composer, lyricist, director, and choreographer determine together the details of plot and action, the style and tone of the production, and how music, movement, and language will be used to best convey the story they wish to tell. The collaboration also involves dozens of people who play key roles, including the designers of the set, lighting, and costumes, the orchestrators and musicians, and ultimately the performers who must embody not only the characters they play, but also must be able to sing and dance—in the case of West Side Story—this most demanding music and choreography.

The items on display in this section come from the Library’s Leonard Bernstein Collection and provide a rare window into this complex process. Bernstein's Annotated copy of Romeo and Juliet William Shakespeare. Early Scene breakdown Romeo Synopsis. Equal Access: Universal Design of Instruction. You Gotta Get Your Goggles On: Know The Lens You Want To Look Through. By Alan Sitomer, 2007 California Teacher of the Year As an ELA teacher, it’s too easy to lose the forest for the trees when teaching complex text.

You Gotta Get Your Goggles On: Know The Lens You Want To Look Through

After all, by definition, complex text is, well… complex. 5 Minute Marking Plan by @TeacherToolkit and @LeadingLearner. Marking is an occupational hazard for all teachers.

5 Minute Marking Plan by @TeacherToolkit and @LeadingLearner

Whilst the “5 Minute Marking Plan” can’t do your marking for you (sadly) it will help you focus on the job in hand and help ensure you maximise your students’ learning and your own. GRADE K: COMMON CORE/PARCC RUBRIC FOR ANALYTIC & NARRATIVE WRITING. <div class="deployment_message_block"><span> Hi, You need to enable javascript on your browser to use TpT.


&nbsp; <a href=" target="_blank">See how this improves your TpT experience</a>. </span></div> ABOUT US | BLOG | FAQs & HELP Not a member? Answer Frames How do I do it?

When asking and answering questions about literature, language learners may need support to cite the specific evidence that supports conclusions or inferences. After reading a text the laminated frames can be used as a whole class model and a volunteer can fill in the blanks with dry erase marker or individual students can use the frames when working in a small group or in pairs.

They are a good tool to scaffold speaking and writing in literature discussions. The larger text size can make it easier for language learners to utilize the tool. Secondary Solutions » Blog Archive » How to use Socratic Seminar: As English teachers, we are always looking for different strategies to engage our students in the core literature that we’re teaching.

Secondary Solutions » Blog Archive » How to use Socratic Seminar:

Today’s strategy spotlight is on the Socratic seminar. I’ve used Socratic seminar with low and high level classes with tremendous success and it is always one of the high points on my annual student evaluation forms. LA0911Childrens. Socratic Seminar links Cybraryman. EVIDENCE: FREEBIE! Showing Evidence ... Google. Drb_closerdglevels.jpg 3,901×2,948 pixels. Vocabulary building. Wpa-outcomes-statement. I Can Common Core Standards for K – 6. Top Ten Picture Books to Encourage Inquiry by Dawn Little. I’ve been thinking a lot about inquiry lately.

Top Ten Picture Books to Encourage Inquiry by Dawn Little

What is it? Ways to create a classroom where inquiry is a common occurrence. Asking questions leads to asking more questions, and eventually to discovery and understanding. This year, I worked with third graders on developing inquiry skills. As with most everything I teach, I typically turn to picture books to help me. How Annotation Reshapes Student Reading. Students cringe when teachers mention annotation because they know it’s time-consuming, detail-oriented, and just plain boring.

How Annotation Reshapes Student Reading

Combined Passage Selection Guidelines and Worksheets_0. Thoughtful Threads: Sparking Rich Online Discussions. ReadWriteThink couldn't publish all of this great content without literacy experts to write and review for us.

Thoughtful Threads: Sparking Rich Online Discussions

If you've got lessons plans, activities, or other ideas you'd like to contribute, we'd love to hear from you. More Find the latest in professional publications, learn new techniques and strategies, and find out how you can connect with other literacy professionals. More Teacher Resources by Grade Your students can save their work with Student Interactives. Slightly More Than 100 Fantastic Pieces of Journalism. My personal picks for must-read nonfiction from 2013.

Slightly More Than 100 Fantastic Pieces of Journalism

Wiertz Sebastien/Flickr Each year, I keep a running list of exceptional nonfiction for The Best of Journalism, a weekly email newsletter I publish. The result is my annual Best Of Journalism Awards. The Reading Workshop. Willingham. Creating Cross-Curricular Text Sets for the Middle Grades. By Amanda Wall A text set is a group of texts that share a common theme. Text sets are frequently found in elementary school classrooms, and they can also be a great resource in the middle grades, across the content areas. How I Learned about Vocab Instruction. When we were in our senior year of college and not yet married, I recall my husband asking one of our major English professors what he should do to improve his vocabulary in preparation for taking the GRE. This professor did not suggest a weekly vocabulary quiz or vocabulary flashcards.

Articles of the Week 2013-14. Close Reading Sites to Meet CCSS. Looking for some quality online close reading choices for your students? These sites all address Common Core standards, provide exposure to non-fiction, have embedded reading comprehension questions, and access to a teacher dashboard for easy management. I have spoke to teachers who have use at least one of these sites, and give each high marks. Newsela - This site is completely non-fiction, using the most current news articles as the reading.

Newsela is unique in that it scaffolds each article to five different lexile levels. 8995. Bold New Titles for Bolstering Visual Literacy and Discussing Design. Standouts for their elegant and inventive book designs, these newly published picture books make clever use of visual presentation to convey information and story essentials, establish ambiance and tone, and challenge readers’ imaginations. Packed with child appeal, the tantalizingly creative titles will fortify reading skills and engender enthusiasm for literature. They also enrich visual literacy by encouraging children to interpret symbols and pictures, explore the interaction between words and images, and analyze pictorial content to determine meaning and significance.

Lectures Aren't Just Boring, They're Ineffective, Too, Study Finds. Are your lectures droning on? Change it up every 10 minutes with more active teaching techniques and more students will succeed, researchers say. A new study finds that undergraduate students in classes with traditional stand-and-deliver lectures are 1.5 times more likely to fail than students in classes that use more stimulating, so-called active learning methods. “Universities were founded in Western Europe in 1050 and lecturing has been the predominant form of teaching ever since,” says biologist Scott Freeman of the University of Washington, Seattle. But many scholars have challenged the “sage on a stage” approach to teaching science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) courses, arguing that engaging students with questions or group activities is more effective. To weigh the evidence, Freeman and a group of colleagues analyzed 225 studies of undergraduate STEM teaching methods.

On argument, open-mindedness, the Common Core, and educational discourse in the blogging era. !Introduction-to-Vocabulary-Collecting. Expecting Excellence:Rigor Redefined. 854890. Bold New Titles for Bolstering Visual Literacy and Discussing Design. ANNOTEXTING. The Research Paper: Engaging Students in Academic Writing. Express 9.14 - Teaching Elementary Students About Revision. The mathematics I encounter in classrooms. Linking_research_w_practice_module2_v2b%20KH022814. Smart Talking: Tell Students to Feed Their Brains. Stanford University professor Carol Dweck discusses her research on intelligence. Propaganda Techniques in Literature and Online Political Ads. SentenceStarters. Writing: A Core Skill:What Does Multiplying Two Candy Bars Really Mean? 20 Quick Tips for a Successful Writer's Workshop.

Prompting Revision through Modeling and Written Conversations. Home › Classroom Resources › Lesson Plans Lesson Plan Overview. Express 9.14 - Writing in the <i>Other</i> Core Content Areas. Writing in the Other Core Content Areas.

Designing CC aligned Units

Content Area Unit Examples plus Ubd. Research CC. Scaffolding Academic Writing to Meet CCSS. Scaffolding Academic Writing to Meet CCSS. Scaffolding Academic Writing to Meet CCSS. Creating Cross-Curricular Text Sets for the Middle Grades.