5 sources payantes de trafic que tout bon marketeur devrait connaître. Il existe une multitude de solutions payantes pour développer son activité online, et choisir une source payante de trafic dans l’immensité des solutions existantes n’a rien d’aisé.
Ne pas trop se disperser est essentiel pour un Mix Marketing réussi. Dossier #JeSuisCharlie. Sur Twitter, la conversation s'emballe. Stigmergic foraging. In the locality of an ant colony, ants will lay down a trail of pheromones as they forage for food.
They will have receptors to recognise the pheromones of other ants. There will be a decision function that activates appropriate ant behaviour when it encounters pheromone trails. The functions of the ants are genetic; the genes being supplied to each worker by the queen ant. La crise et ses haruspices : les mots et les maux des Français. « Crise » : le mot sans les choses.
Objets connectés : que feront les entreprises de vos données ? Human Nature Lab. D.A.
Kim, A.R. Hwong, D. Stafford, D.A. Hughes, A.J. A NEW KIND OF SOCIAL SCIENCE FOR THE 21st CENTURY. This new frontier in the social sciences is being abetted and even accelerated by three things that are happening.
The first is that a biological hurricane is approaching the social sciences. Discoveries in biology are calling into question all kinds of ideas, historically important ideas, in the social sciences—everything from the origin of free will, to collective expression and collective behavior, to the deep origins of basic human behaviors. All of these things are being challenged and elevated by discoveries in biology. For example, as we sequenced the human genome, we did it initially with an eye towards physiologic phenotypes (whether people express certain hormones, or what were the sources of certain variations in risk for diseases like diabetes, etc).
La réputation est-elle soluble dans le numérique ? IBM supercomputer Watson will answer questions with Twitter data. IBM is to bring social media data from Twitter to its Watson Analytics service, with tweets to also become available on its Bluemix cloud developer environment.
The company first announced a partnership with Twitter in October last year, gaining access to the social media site’s database going back into 2009. Since then, Twitter has announced IBM as it’s only global consulting partner, and this week's announcement fulfills the promise of integration between the company's services.
Ginni Rometty, IBM CEO, said: "Twitter provides a powerful new lens through which to look at the world – as both a platform for hundreds of millions of consumers and business professionals, and as a synthesiser of trends. "This partnership, drawing on IBM’s leading cloud-based analytics platform, will help clients enrich business decisions with an entirely new class of data. This is the latest example of how IBM is reimagining work. " WDMTG.COM - @TheEllenShow: If only Bradley's arm was longer. Best photo ever. #oscars. All The Social Data Sources You Need - Gnip. How Google "Translates" Pictures Into Words Using Vector Space Mathematics.
Translating one language into another has always been a difficult task.
But in recent years, Google has transformed this process by developing machine translation algorithms that change the nature of cross cultural communications through Google Translate. Now that company is using the same machine learning technique to translate pictures into words. The result is a system that automatically generates picture captions that accurately describe the content of images. That’s something that will be useful for search engines, for automated publishing and for helping the visually impaired navigate the web and, indeed, the wider world. Nos langues à l’heure du capitalisme linguistique. MemeTracker: Download MemeTracker data. Data contains phrase clusters.
For each phrase cluster the data contains all the phrases in the cluster and a list of URLs where the phrases appeared. Download: clust-qt08080902w3mfq5.txt.gz (220mb) Data format: Tab separated file with the following nested structure. Each block of the data has the following structure: Wikidistrict, une exploration ludique de Wikipédia. Wikidistrict est un projet de longue haleine, qui nous permet de démontrer la maturité technique des technologies autour du graphe, ainsi que la pertinence de ce modèle de données pour des tâches complexes d'extraction d'informations, notamment en ce qui concerne la découverte d'informations inédites.
Le projet s'est naturellement imposé à nous de par la nature de Wikipédia. L'encyclopédie collaborative est devenue ces dernières années une référence sur internet. App. Algopol. Sans titre. Gillespie%20-%20The%20Relevance%20of%20Algorithms.pdf. La pertinence des algorithmes. Sur l’excellent Culture Digitally, le sociologue Tarleton Gillespie (@TarletonG) vient de publier un court essai (.pdf) sur la « pertinence des algorithmes » pour réfléchir à la place des algorithmes dans la culture et la connaissance (cet essai se veut l’introduction d’une anthologie sur le sujet qui devrait paraître… à l’automne 2013 aux presses du MIT).
Tarleton Gillespie s’est longuement intéressé à comment les plates-formes utilisent les algorithmes pour gérer les « mauvais contenus » (voir « ces algorithmes qui nous gouvernent ») ce qui lui a permis de dresser le tableau des techniques algorithmiques émergentes en cours de déploiement. Une manière d’approfondir les propos d’Evgeny Morozov dont nous vous faisions part récemment. Qu’est-ce qu’un algorithme ? « Les algorithmes jouent un rôle de plus en plus important dans le choix de l’information que nous considérons comme la plus pertinente pour nous. Ils sont un élément crucial de notre participation à la vie publique. Dblp: Jon M. Kleinberg. Floodwatch. Dividual. "dividual"—a physically embodied human subject that is endlessly divisible and reducible to data representations via the modern technologies of control, like computer-based systems. ( "A prolific social theorist and philosopher, Gilles Deleuze sought new ways to theorize the potential for emancipation in an epoch where neither the proletariat nor the bourgeoisie were the historical agents of liberation (see Patton 2001).
Culture2 Inc. PicStats. Toutes les stats d’un compte Instagram. PicStats. Climate Meme. ClimateMeme2. Latest Updates 01/24/14: Initial responses to our campaign have prompted us to ask a lot of questions about why people are uncomfortable talking about global warming. About the Climate Meme Project. Our mission is to reach a global tipping point on climate action.
We are providing essential research to help good memes spread that reach a majority of the people in the world. Global warming is a meme that doesn’t spread well on its own. It needs our help to break past all the resistance to change and create ripples that transform our political and economic institutions. This is how we are helping humanity make the transition to a sustainable world. The Climate Meme Project is a crowd funded, open collaboration initiative to reveal the meme landscape for climate action. Culture2 Inc. 536.full.pdf. 536.full.pdf. Meg Pickard sur Twitter : "Ever noticed how viral videos/links spread out across the social web like a Tsunami, or nuclear fallout? Here's a map. Click-Through Rate Prediction. The end of Netvizz (?) Today Netvizz, an app that allows researchers to download data from the Facebook platform, was suspended by the company and I received a mail explaining why: Your app is violating the following Platform Policies:Platform Policy Section 1: Build a quality product.
Platform Policy 1.1: Build an app that is stable and easily navigable.Platform Policy 3.3: Only use friend data (including friends list) in the person’s experience in your app.To clarify, your app should be stable and easy to use and shouldn’t stall escessively. Additionally, you should not allow friend data export, even if that data is anonymized. You can access the full list of our Platform Policies here:
Applications de santé (1/3) : que captent les capteurs. Nous vivons dans un monde de capteurs. Nous en avons presque tous plusieurs dans notre poche, au coeur de nos smartphones. Wex-wdc-integration-samples/watson-concept-expansion-readme.md at master · Watson-Explorer/wex-wdc-integration-samples. Wex-wdc-integration-samples/watson-user-modeling-readme.md at master · Watson-Explorer/wex-wdc-integration-samples. Jessi Slaughter. Overview Jessi Slaughter (real name: Jessica Leonhardt), formerly known as KerliGirl13 on YouTube, is a Florida teenager who became a target of a massive 4chan raid in July 2010 after launching a public tirade against the image board community in a series of YouTube videos.
The feud quickly led to the creation of hundreds of image macros and remix videos mocking Jessica and her father, who later became involved in the drama, and prompted one of the first public discussions of cyberbullying as a serious issue in the news media. Background On July 10th, 2010, StickyDrama user tdomf_e8e13 posted an accusation that the vocalist of electronica band Blood On The Dance Floor (BOTDF) Dahvie Vanity was pursuing a sexual relationship with the underaged Jessica Leonhardt. The End of Theory: The Data Deluge Makes the Scientific Method Obsolete. But faced with massive data, this approach to science — hypothesize, model, test — is becoming obsolete.
Consider physics: Newtonian models were crude approximations of the truth (wrong at the atomic level, but still useful). A hundred years ago, statistically based quantum mechanics offered a better picture — but quantum mechanics is yet another model, and as such it, too, is flawed, no doubt a caricature of a more complex underlying reality. The reason physics has drifted into theoretical speculation about n-dimensional grand unified models over the past few decades (the "beautiful story" phase of a discipline starved of data) is that we don't know how to run the experiments that would falsify the hypotheses — the energies are too high, the accelerators too expensive, and so on. Now biology is heading in the same direction. WebHome < Digitalmethods. The Link | The Website | The Engine | The Spheres | The Webs | Post-demographics | Networked Content Welcome to the Digital Methods course, which is a focused section of the more expansive Digital Methods wiki.
The Digital Methods course consists of seven units with digital research protocols, specially developed tools, tutorials as well as sample projects. Thingful - a search engine for the Internet of Things. [Slides] ‘Etudier Facebook avec Algopol’ séminaire #ecnEHESS (Irène Bastard & Cristophe Prieur, 15 déc 2014) La productivité à l’heure des Big Data. Nous avons souvent évoqué sur InternetActu.net les badges sociométriques imaginés par Sociometric Solutions (@sociometric), cette spin-off du MIT, lancée sous la houlette de Sandy Pentland. Des badges qui nous semblent assez emblématiques des nouveaux capteurs et des nouveaux indicateurs que les nouvelles technologies peuvent imaginer pour changer notre conception de la productivité et notre rapport au travail. Les beacon, traqueurs invisibles de clients. VIDÉO - Les beacon permettent de diffuser des réclames géolocalisées et personnalisées sur smartphone, une aubaine pour les annonceurs, une menace pour les protecteurs de la vie privée.
Wit — Natural language for the Internet of Things. Idibon. Shivon Zilis - Machine Intelligence. Machine Intelligence in the Real World (this pieces was originally posted on Tech Crunch) . I’ve been laser-focused on machine intelligence in the past few years. I’ve talked to hundreds of entrepreneurs, researchers and investors about helping machines make us smarter. In the months since I shared my landscape of machine intelligence companies, folks keep asking me what I think of them — as if they’re all doing more or less the same thing. OpenSensors.io – Connecting Things.