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A Wine Lover’s Guide to Sardinia. Over the past decade, the Italian island of Sardinia has become famous for being one of the blue zones, regions where people live longer than average.

A Wine Lover’s Guide to Sardinia

With its beautiful beaches, artisan food traditions and mountain scenery, it’s easy to see why people would want to stick around as long as possible.


Best Cruises For Land Lovers: Fun Destination Immersion By Azamara. Menu Plan: Lamb Biftekia + Roasted Potatoes Recipes. For tonight's dinner, we'll rely on our senses.

Menu Plan: Lamb Biftekia + Roasted Potatoes Recipes

Our hands will do most of the work, picking up a tool or two along the way to muddle a sauce and grill our meat. The biftekia, a cross between kebabs and hamburgers, encourages us to play with our food to form purposefully imperfect patties to our liking. The wedged Yukon Golds are carefully arranged, coated in a good amount of oil and salt and left cut-side down to crisp in a hot oven. We won't pay much mind to time -- instead, we'll rely on the deep mahogony color of the potatoes to tell us they're done. And when dinner is ready, we won't even need to call for our friends and family -- the sheer smell will bring them to the table. Click through on the recipe photos or titles to see (and save and print) the full recipes, but we've also written you a handy grocery list and game plan below.


Holiday guide to Basilicata, Italy: what to see plus the best restaurants and hotels. Imagine a region that has miles of white sand beaches on one coast, picturesque rocky bays on the other, two mountainous national parks, and one of the world’s oldest cities.

Holiday guide to Basilicata, Italy: what to see plus the best restaurants and hotels

Add lots of warm sunshine plus fine food and wine and you might expect the area to be a tourist mecca, busy with hotels and tour buses. The new type of hotel rescuing Italy's hill villages. It was an unusual invasion: well-to-do people, most speaking strange tongues, and pulling their belongings behind them on little wheels.

The new type of hotel rescuing Italy's hill villages

Arriving as couples, families, groups of friends, they spent money in the village shop and ate at its few restaurants. Burano, Italy – A Study in Color & Tone. Our last trip to Venice for Carnival included a half day on the island town of Burano, easily one of the most colorful towns on earth!

Burano, Italy – A Study in Color & Tone

Before I dive into my tutorial on color and tone enhancement, take a look at this small sampling of images from the trip—all captured with my trusty Fuji X-T1 mirrorless—click on any thumbnail to launch a larger slideshow… There is a classic view of the tilted church that I have been drawn to since my first visit in 2015. This year I captured the following image from one of the little bridges that cross the many little canals that run through the town. Looking down the canal at the tilted church tower—there are no parallel lines in this image!

There is a kind of fun-house mirror quality in the image, where there are no perpendicular lines—everything is tilted at a diagonal ! Top Destinations in Italy Where Italians Go. Castelo dos Mouros Moors Castle Sintra.


Ribollita - Tuscan White Bean Soup. This day will never come again.

Ribollita - Tuscan White Bean Soup

~Merton Throughout Tuscany, White Bean Stew is called Ribollita, which translates to “re-boiled.” This hearty stew originated in hilltop villages throughout Tuscany during the Middle Ages, where hungry, hard-working peasants who served table-side to their wealthy landowners, would pocket the leftover crusts and crumbs and bits of meat after abundant feasts and add these to their soups and stews at home. Nothing was wasted. Traditionally, it’s a big pot of soup made with simple garden vegetables like onions, carrots, celery, kale, tomatoes and cannellini beans (or white beans) in a flavorful broth, thickened with bread, then reheated and eaten several days in row, getting better and better each day.

This recipe can be made vegan or vegetarian – the pancetta is optional and can be omitted all together – but for extra depth of flavor, try adding a bit of Parmesan rind to the simmering soup.


What to do on a Six Day Trip to... Zahav's Hummus Tehina Recipe on Food52. Cooking is more fun with friends.

Zahav's Hummus Tehina Recipe on Food52

Find your friends who are already on Food52, and invite others who aren't to join. Let's GoLearn more Join Our Community Follow amazing home cooks. Collect recipes and articles. Sign Up ♥ 349 + Save ▴ 5 Insider Tips for an Authentic Amalfi Coast Experience. Italy’s Amalfi Coast has long been considered a must-see destination, since the golden days when old Hollywood made it their playground, visiting dignitaries used it as a place to unwind, and adventurers flocked to its mountainous peaks and turquoise seas.

5 Insider Tips for an Authentic Amalfi Coast Experience

Today, the coast is as popular as ever, and many travelers are taking advantage of the wealth of luxurious amenities that the area has to offer. Discover Monaco - The Gem of the Mediterranean Any Time of the Year. Monaco entices travelers with a year-round calendar of glamorous events in 2016 across sports, culture and entertainment.

Discover Monaco - The Gem of the Mediterranean Any Time of the Year

The Mediterranean Principality is legendary for its casinos and world famous Monaco Grand Prix. But these icons are just the tip of the iceberg among a wealth of unforgettable experiences throughout every season of the year at Europe’s most prestigious destination. With SPRING in the air, the luxury, glamour and excitement steps up a gear with coveted cultural experiences in the main social season for discerning world-travelers.

Two special highlights take place in March; As Monte Carlo Opera closes its season on a high note before embarking on its annual world tour, the fairy tale Rose Ball is a prestigious fund-raiser for the Princess Grace Foundation graced by Europe’s high society, with entertainment by top-name performers. One of the year's most exciting cultural events is the annual Spring Arts Festival held in April. Visit website:


Italian Table Talk: Ragu di coniglio, a family recipe. Italian Table Talk: Ragu di coniglio, a family recipe Posted by Emiko Davies on Monday, October 28, 2013 · 21 Comments It’s perhaps a tad stereotypical but the idea of the family recipe and Italian cuisine really go hand in hand – that idea of the Italian nonna, apron on, standing over bubbling, steaming pots, weaving magic without the use of recipe book, putting her secret touches here and there, getting ready to feed an army, even if there are only four of you eating.

Italian Table Talk: Ragu di coniglio, a family recipe

It may not be everyone’s nonna, but some still remember her like that. Savoring the good life in Spain's Sherry Triangle.