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Russia announces plans to set up its first ever military base in the Caribbean. Russia announces plans to set up its first ever military base in the Caribbean - the country's largest presence in the region since the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962.

Russia announces plans to set up its first ever military base in the Caribbean

Histoire des services secrets israéliens en Algérie. War Profiteer Story. The Revolutionary Distemper in Syria That Wasn’t. By Stephen Gowans Apparently, the US Left has yet to figure out that Washington doesn’t try to overthrow neoliberals.

The Revolutionary Distemper in Syria That Wasn’t

If Syrian President Bashar al-Assad were a devotee of the Washington Consensus–as Counterpunch’s Eric Draitser seems to believe–the United States government wouldn’t have been calling since 2003 for Assad to step down. Nor would it be overseeing the Islamist guerilla war against his government; it would be protecting him. There is a shibboleth in some circles that, as Eric Draitser put it in a recent Counterpunch article, the uprising in Syria “began as a response to the Syrian government’s neoliberal policies and brutality,” and that “the revolutionary content of the rebel side in Syria has been sidelined by a hodgepodge of Saudi and Qatari-financed jihadists.” This theory appears, as far as I can tell, to be based on argument by assertion, not evidence. Mass demonstration in support of Syria’s secular Arab nationalist government, 2011. Assad would later complain that: 29.

Growing Risk of International Confrontation in the Syrian Desert. Russia’s Mideast Energy Diplomacy: Boom or Bust? Vladimir Putin yesterday said that “95% of the world’s terrorist attacks are orchestrated by the CIA,” and the St.

Russia’s Mideast Energy Diplomacy: Boom or Bust?

Israel and Russia are NOT on the verge of war. They are allies! The alternative media community, especially its social media iteration, is experiencing collective psychosis in hallucinating that “Israel” and Russia are on the verge of war with one another.

Israel and Russia are NOT on the verge of war. They are allies!

The prevailing narrative is that Israeli “Defense Minister” Lieberman’s threat to destroy Syria’s air defense systems is tantamount to a declaration of war against Russia, with the assumption being that Moscow is on a crusade against Zionism and has thus become Tel Aviv’s worst enemy. There’s no diplomatic way to say this, but the presumptions on which such a crazy conclusion has been reached are absolutely and utterly wrong. What Russia said to Israel after the Palmyra raid. A lot of speculation is swirling around nowadays concerning the words of Syrian UN Ambassador Bashar Jaafari in relation to Israel’s illegal and aggressive airstrikes against the Syrian Arab Army near Palmyra last weekend.

What Russia said to Israel after the Palmyra raid

Many people are interpreting Jaafari’s comment as conveying the idea that President Putin supposedly issued a threat to the new Israeli Ambassador, who was unprecedentedly summoned to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs just a day after presenting his credentials. Before diving into what he really meant and why people are so confused, let’s take a look at Jaafari’s exact words. The US-Saudi Plan To Prompt An Iranian Pullback From Syria. Eurasianism: How A Better Middle East Would Look. Russia and Islam, connecting the dots and discerning the future.

This article was written for the Unz Review Russia has often been in the news over the past years, mostly as the demonized “Empire of Mordor” responsible for all the bad things on the planet, especially Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton, the Russian intervention in Syria and, of course, the “imminent” Russian invasion of the Baltics, Poland or even all of Western Europe.

Russia and Islam, connecting the dots and discerning the future

Israel's Declining Sperm Quality Tied To Depleted Uranium Exposure By Tim King. Israel's Declining Sperm Quality Tied To Depleted Uranium Exposure.

Israel's Declining Sperm Quality Tied To Depleted Uranium Exposure By Tim King

Israeli-Palestinian & Middle East Conflict – From Oil To Climate Genocide. The 100 year Middle East conflict including the genocidal Zionist colonization of Palestine has been about Anglo-American desire for hegemony and control of oil.

Israeli-Palestinian & Middle East Conflict – From Oil To Climate Genocide

However the horrendous deaths from the now global US War on Muslims may be dwarfed by a predicted 10 billion deaths in a near-terminal Climate Genocide from burning fossil fuels. Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Apartheid Israel, its supporters, US Alliance war criminals and terracidal climate criminals are our last hope to stop this War on Humanity. Introduction. (a) Personal disclaimer. Some advice from Confucious - Deprogramming Tips and Techniques - Quora. Le Guide suprême de la Révolution a distribué en 2016 plus d'1 milliard de dollars dans le monde. Le Guide de la Révolution est une institution particulière à l’Iran.

Le Guide suprême de la Révolution a distribué en 2016 plus d'1 milliard de dollars dans le monde

Inspiré du gouvernement des sages de la République de Platon, le Guide dispose à la fois d’un pouvoir de veto sur toute décision des dirigeants politiques de son pays et d’un pouvoir d’initiative à l’étranger. Son budget est composé des revenus extraordinaires du pétrole. En l’occurrence, la fin de l’interdiction de commercialiser le pétrole iranien découlant de l’accord sur le nucléaire a soudain fait bénéficier le pays, et donc le Guide, de revenus exceptionnels —ce qui ne devrait plus se reproduire—. Après le Califat, le Rojava, par Thierry Meyssan. Cette carte a été publiée par Robin Wright neuf mois avant l’offensive de Daesh en Irak et en Syrie.

Après le Califat, le Rojava, par Thierry Meyssan

Selon la chercheuse du Pentagone, elle rectifie celle publiée en 2005 par Ralf Peters pour le remodelage du Moyen-Orient élargi. Selon la Grande stratégie états-unienne, définie par l’amiral Cebrowski en 2001 et publicisée en 2004 par son adjoint Thomas Barnett, l’ensemble du Proche-Orient élargi doit être détruit à l’exception d’Israël, de la Jordanie et du Liban. Par conséquent, la victoire imminente contre Daesh ne changera pas les intentions du Pentagone. Le camouflet infligé au président Macron en Arabie saoudite, par Thierry Meyssan. Cet article fait suite à : « Coup de Palais à Riyad », par Thierry Meyssan, Réseau Voltaire, 7 novembre 2017. Le président Macron (ici avec « MBS ») n’est pas le seul responsable de l’humiliation que lui a infligée le roi d’Arabie saoudite.

Il paye tout autant les crimes de ses prédécesseurs que son incapacité à déterminer une nouvelle politique au Moyen-Orient. La démission du Premier ministre sunnite libanais et son discours télévisé anti-perse n’ont pas provoqué l’affrontement attendu dans son pays. Pis, son adversaire de toujours, le chiite sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, secrétaire général du Hezbollah, s’est offert le luxe de prendre sa défense, dévoilant qu’il était prisonnier à Riyad et dénonçant l’ingérence saoudienne dans la vie politique libanaise. En quelques heures la communauté religieuse d’Hariri a commencé à s’inquiéter pour son chef. La France est l’ancienne puissance coloniale du Liban qu’elle a occupé jusqu’à la Seconde Guerre mondiale.

Anatomy of a purge: MBS's actions, Saudi Arabia's crisis, and its coming collapse. Message from The Duran: If you like this article then please consider supporting our Crowdfunding campaign. We depend on your support to continue to provide you with articles like this one. The ongoing purge in Saudi Arabia, together with the kidnapping and extorted “resignation” whilst on a trip to Saudi Arabia of Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri, is posing a host of questions about the man at the centre of this drama: the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia and the country’s de factor ruler Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman. 2 radically different interpretations of Saudi's 'great purge' and Lebanese PM Hariri's 'resignation' Yesterday was among the most strange of days in recent Saudi history. It started with the shock resignation of Lebanese Prime Minister and Saudi citizen Saad Hariri shortly after he met with Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman and ended with the announcement that 11 princes, 4 serving ministers and around 30 ministers in total have been arrested on corruption charges, ostensibly as part of Muhammad Bin Salman’s (MBS) sweeping “reforms” to the Wahhabi Kingdom.

In between these events, Houthi rebels in Yemen fired a missile which nearly hit King Khalid International Airport in the Saudi capital of Riyadh, before being intercepted by a Saudi missile. Later, Saudi media stated that the Houthi rocket was an attempt on Hariri’s life, a claim which seems quite outlandish given the crude nature of Houthi weapons.

In putting the pieces of this puzzle together, it is important to explore both obvious, subtle and counter-intuitive hypotheses for what all of this means. How the U.S. Aristocracy Made a Foreign-Policy Chump Out of Trump. By Eric Zuesse for the Saker blog In order to understand Donald Trump’s foreign policies, a person must be totally open-minded to at least the possibility that the U.S. is the world’s most aggressive, war-mongering nation, so that when an international poll was taken of the publics in 65 nations in 2013 as to which country is “the greatest threat to peace in the world today”, the 67,806 respondents were correct to place the United States as being overwhelmingly in that position, “the greatest threat to peace in the world today” — far ahead of any other nation.

In other words: to understand Trump’s foreign policies, one must first recognize the reality of the broader background. There is, indeed, a very dark reality about the United States that is covered-up in virtually all ‘histories’ about this country except for the Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick masterpiece, Untold History of the United States. The Flow of Immigration Towards Europe - The Sounding Line. Submitted by Taps Coogan on the 29th of November 2017 to The Sounding Line. The following infographic from Lucify shows the current flow of immigration from Eastern Europe, Africa, and Asia into Western Europe according to data from the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR). It shows the biggest migration of people into Western Europe since WWII. Note: The infographic is describing all of the immigrants represented as asylum seekers.

Sacrificing Gaza: The Great March of Zionist Hypocrisy. Oh, Gaza, Strong as Death. No Attack on Iran, Yet. No Attack on Iran, Yet. A Short History of Collective Punishment: From the British Empire to Gaza. A Short History of Collective Punishment: From the British Empire to Gaza. Shattered Dreams Of Peace. Israel will not allow Iran to obtain nuclear weapons: Netanyahu.

© Provided by AFP Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu chairs the weekly cabinet meeting at his Jerusalem office on January 3, 2016 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Iran on Sunday that Israel would not allow it to obtain nuclear weapons, after sanctions were lifted under Tehran's historic nuclear deal with global powers. "Israel's policy has been and will remain exactly what has been followed: to not allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons," Netanyahu said during a cabinet meeting, according to his office. Netanyahu strongly opposed the nuclear deal with Israel's arch-foe Iran and argued that it would not prevent Tehran from obtaining nuclear weapons. Occupation. Among the most discussed long-term results of the war is Israel's administration of territories it occupied during those six days of fighting — especially the West Bank and, until Israel withdrew in 2005, the Gaza Strip.

The Historical Context. Parallel Realities - Resolution 242 And The Aftermath Of 1967. Lecture 4 — Notre Dame OpenCourseWare. — filed under: Societies, Religion, Middle East, Culture, Islamic Societies, Arabic, History, Arabic and Middle East Studies, North Africa, Islam. Empires to Nation-States: Islamic Period, A. Holly Shissler and Erin L. Glade. 3 of 3. Israel-Palestine-Resource-Packet. Hezbollah has U.S. armored personnel carriers. But how did they get them?

Hezbollah has U.S. armored personnel carriers. But how did they get them? Mexican Drug War.