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Origami. Photoshop. 18 Awesome Photoshop Text Effect Tutorials | Design Shard. Creating Smoke In Photoshop From Scratch (Noscope) As a fan of interface design, operating systems — Android, iOS, Windows — have always been a tremendous point of fascination for me. We spend hours in them every day, whether cognizant about that fact or not.

And so any paradigm shifts in this field intrigue me to no end. One such paradigm shift that appears to be happening, is the phasing out of the desktop metaphor, the screen you put a wallpaper and shortcuts on. Windows 8 was Microsofts bold attempt to phase out the desktop. Instead of the traditional desktop being the bottom of it all — the screen that was beneath all of your apps which you would get to if you closed or minimized them — there’s now the Start screen, a colorful bunch of tiles. Aside from the stark visual difference, the main difference between the traditional desktop and the Start screen, is that you can’t litter it with files. Apple created iOS without a desktop. For the longest time, Android seems to have tried to do the best of both worlds. Photoshop Zombie: Flesh Wounds. For the final installment of Photoshop Zombie, we will be upping the horror-factor with the creation of flesh wounds and blood.

By using textures we can replicate torn skin, crust and gouge marks, but it’s definitely an exercise in subtlely. Texture layers can often have a ‘flattening’ effect on the layers underneath, so the key is to use layer masks to effectively blend these elements into the composition. Changing the Hue The first step I took here was to reduce the hue of the model to take away the healthy pink colour of her skin; I selected the model and created a new Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer above all the existing layers (see Adjustment Layers tutorial to learn more).

See the screenshot below to check out the values I used, with your own settings adjust to personal preference and taste. Lets Rip Flesh! I tend not to use texture layers that much these days, but in the creation of Zombies – they are very useful. Wound Definition More Blood Pls 1. 2. 3. Result: Review Conzz reddit. Photoshop Zombie: Undead Eyes. Zombifiying people in Photoshop is ridiculously good fun, there’s no doubt about it. In this new series of tutorials I will guide you through the various steps for creating top-tier Photoshop Zombies. I wanted to focus on the Undead Eyes look first, as it was an aspect of Zombie manipulations I had a few difficulties with when starting out. The trick here is to replicate the lighting, giving the illusion of glassy orbs as opposed to dull shapes slapped onto the model’s face. The Stock For this piece I have selected a quirky alternative model with an engaging pose – the clarity, lighting and resolution is good; which will benefit the final results.

For those of you familiar with earlier posts, you’ll know what a stickler I am for using high quality resources! Dodge the Eyes The first thing I usually do is duplicate the model layer (right click background layer, select Duplicate Layer), that means if anything goes wrong I can revert back to the original. Creating the Base Shading the Base. Photoshop Zombie: Skeletal Features. In this installment of Photoshop Zombie, we will be working on the bone-structure of the model, bringing out skeletal features using simple lighting techniques.

This is a great step in the overall process because you can literally sculpt the expression of the model’s face by accentuating the brow using highlights and shadows. Read on for the skinny! Sketching the Bones As you can see from the image below, I have taken all my layers and adjustments from the previous tutorial and placed them in one group called ‘eyes’ – nice and neat. The first step for creating your skeletal features is to create a new layer, set to Multiply. Using the Eyedropper tool (I), select a dark tone from the models skin, and draw out some bone outlines using your preferred method. I like to use the Pen Tool (P), because I can keep everything nice and sharp. Make both of the ‘Bone Lines copy’ layers visible (eye icon on layers palette). Burn Baby Burn Highlights Finishing Touches The Result: Review Conzz stumbleupon.

Introduction to Mapping - MapToolDoc. Introduction First Things First: What is MapTool? Although you probably have an idea what MapTool is and does, I just want to take a moment to reinforce the main goal of MapTool: MapTool is a program that helps you share a "virtual tabletop" with your friends, so you can play games on it. That is what MapTool does, and its features are aimed at providing a continuum of options, from the simple to the complex, to achieve that goal.

In all the talk of macros and properties and tables and scripting that will follow in this and other guides, don't lose sight of the reason you're checking MapTool out anyway: it's a way to play games with friends. About this Guide The purpose of this guide is not to delve into the seamy underbelly of MapTool's macro scripting system, lighting, properties, or any of that complex stuff.

The following instructions should get you up and running with MapTool to use as a battle mapping/general mapping tool. You know how to create or get some map images. So here we go. Help.

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How-to-build-pc.pdf (application/pdf-tiedosto) Send Your Name to Mars. Kuu. Kuu on vuorovesilukkiutunut Maan kanssa. Tämä tarkoittaa, että Kuusta on kääntynyt Maahan päin aina sama puoli, jolloin ns. Kuun pimeä puoli jää aina näkymättömiin. Kuu heijastaa Auringon valoa, ja on taivaan toiseksi kirkkain kohde Auringon jälkeen. Noin kuukaudessa Kuu käy läpi säännölliset vaiheet uusikuusta puolikuun kautta täysikuuhun. Kuun uskotaan syntyneen samoihin aikoihin kuin Maankin, lähes 4,5 miljardia vuotta sitten. Kuu on ainoa vieras taivaankappale, jonka pinnalla ihminen on kävellyt. Synty[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä] Vallitsevan teorian mukaan Marsin kokoinen planeetta törmäsi Maahan.

Kaasua alkoi tiivistyä hitusiksi samaan tapaan kuin rakeita syntyy kuuro- ja ukkospilvissä. Kivenmurikat törmäilivät toisiinsa ja aikaa myöten kasautuivat yhä suuremmiksi kappaleiksi. Lopulta syntyi Kuu, jonka rata muuttui paljon vuorovaikutuksessa renkaan kanssa. Kuun kuori oli kiinteytynyt viimeistään 4,4 miljardia vuotta sitten. Fyysiset ominaisuudet[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä] How can parts of Canada be" For more than 40 years, scientists have tried to figure out what's causing large parts of Canada, particularly the Hudson Bay region, to be "missing" gravity. In other words, gravity in the Hudson Bay area and surrounding regions is lower than it is in other parts of the world, a phenomenon first identified in the 1960s when the Earth's global gravity fields were being charted.

Two theories have been proposed to account for this anomaly. But before we go over them, it's important to first consider what creates gravity. At a basic level, gravity is proportional to mass. One theory centers on a process known as convection occurring in the Earth's mantle. A new theory to account for the Hudson Bay area's missing gravity concerns the Laurentide Ice Sheet, which covered much of present-day Canada and the northern United States. To get a better idea of what happened, think about what happens when you lightly press your finger into the surface of a cake or a piece of really springy bread. How Quantum Suicide Works". ­­A man sits down before a gun, which is pointed at his head. This is no ordinary gun; i­t's rigged to a machine that measures the spin of a quantum particle. Each time the trigger is pulled, the spin of the quantum particle -- or quark -- is measured.

Depending on the measurement, the gun will either fire, or it won't. If the quantum particle is measured as spinning in a clockwise motion, the gun will fire. Nervously, the man takes a breath and pulls the trigger. Go back in time to the beginning of the experiment. But, wait. This thought experiment is called quantum suicide. Runebergin tortut (kahdella tavalla) Runebergin tortut taitavat olla niitä leivonnaisia, joista jotkut tykkäävät ja joista jotkut taas eivät missään nimessä tykkää. Syinä Runebergin tortuista kieltäytymiselle voivat olla karvasmanteli- tai manteliaromi tai sitten se yksinkertainen seikka, että Runebergin torttu on perinteisesti liian korkea suhteessa hillon määrään. Jos Runebergin tortut tekee itse, voi huoletta jättää ikävät manteliaromit pois ja laittaa torttuihin niin paljon hilloa, kuin sielu sietää.

Itse tykkään tortuista, joissa on paljon hilloa ja myös sitä manteliaromia. Runebergin torttuja voi varioida moneen suuntaan. Olen kirjoittanut resepteihin sulkuihin sen vaihtoehdon, jota suosittelen vasta toisena: Niissä voi käyttää korppujauhoja, murskattuja piparkakkuja tai näitä molempia. Lisäys 21.1.2012: Blogista löytyy nyt myös gluteeniton Runebergin torttu, Lisäys 18.1.2014: Mutkat suoriksi!

Runebergin tortut margariinilla. Finding Vegan | Vegan food photos - Vegan Recipes - Vegan Products. The Christmas Cookies That Weren’t. Despite best intentions, holiday gifts always end up as a rushed, last-minute affair. What with the endless waffling over precisely what to make and share, there ends up being little time to actually bake, wrap, and ship those treats off so that they arrive before the appointed holidays have passed.

Well, for the first year in recent memory, those sweets never made it to the post office at all, let alone their destinations. To put it simply, it was an “epic fail” on my part. Still borderline delirious after being taken out by a vicious head cold, perhaps it was not the best idea to leap into a project of such scale. But oh, what false confidence I had!

No dice. So, to all of my friends and loved ones, these are the cookies that you should have received this holiday season: Can you accept an IOU, and the (successful, small batch) recipe, instead? Minted Matcha Wreaths Decorative White Sugar Crystals, or Turbinado Sugar Makes 40 – 50 Cookies Printable Recipe Like this: Like Loading... Vegan Cheesecake (version 1) Cheesecake has always been a weakness of mine. This recipe is called “version 1″ because I guarantee that I will be making many more cheesecakes in the near future. This version is slightly sweeter and wetter than your typical NY style cheesecake. It is more like a “Washington” cheesecake. When I served it to a group of omnivores and vegans, it received rave reviews. Graham Cracker crust: I was pressed for time and out of graham crackers and used a ready made graham cracker crust by Keebler: called “Ready Crust” for this particular cheesecake- it’s vegan!

1 1/2 cups finely ground vegan graham cracker crumbs3 tbsp cup sugar6 tablespoons melted Earth Balance margarine Mix all ingredients until well blended. Pastry Style Crust: 1/3 cup Earth Balance margarine1/3 cup sugar1 1/4 cup all purpose flour Mix all ingredients together by hand until crumbly. Vegan Cheesecake Filling: Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Bake for 1 hour. Rapeat maissivohvelit. En muista syöneeni aikaisemmin tuoreita karhunvatukoita, joten kaupasta piti ottaa niitä rasiallinen maistiaisiksi, kun niitä sieltä kerran löytyi.

En mitenkään yllättynyt siitä, että ne maistuvat ihan hullun hyviltä! Ne käyvät oikein hyvin kavereiksi näille vohveleillekin. Rapeat maissivohvelit (n. 5 kpl) 2 dl maissijauhoja*1 dl vehnäjauhoja0,5 tl leivinjauhetta0,25 tl suolaa1 rkl sokeria3 dl soijamaitoa tai muuta kasvimaitoa2 rkl öljyä (+ lisää öljyä paistamiseen)Sekoita kuivat aineet ja mittaa niiden joukkoon soijamaito sekä öljy. Sekoita tasaiseksi.Kuumenna vohvelirauta, öljyä sen pinta ja paista vohvelit kauniin ruskeiksi ja rapeiksi.Älä kasaa vohveleita päälletysten, vaan säilytä ne ritilän päällä, jotta ne eivät lötkisty. Tarjoile mahdollisimman heti mieleistesi täytteiden kera: marjojen, hedelmien, hillojen, vaahterasiirapin tai vaikka soija-, kaura- tai riisijäätelön kanssa vohvelit maistuvat kaikille!

The Best Veggie Burgers on the Planet: 101 Flavor-packed Patties of 100% Vegan Goodness - With More Taste and Delicious Nutrition Than Anything You'd Find at the Store : Joni-Marie Newman : 9781592334766. Finding Vegan | Vegan food photos - Vegan Recipes - Vegan Products. Finding Vegan | Vegan food photos - Vegan Recipes - Vegan Products. Alien's Day Out: Vegan in Seoul, South Korea: Soy Milk Maid. As I announced in my previous post, I’m making an effort to eat more locally this month. I love one-month challenges like this because they push me to try new things that I keep putting off. For instance, I’ve wanted to make my own soy milk (and tofu) for the longest time, but I just never got round to it cuz I could buy it so easily.

But ever since I began this ‘Locavore’ challenge, I haven’t bought any commercial soy milk as they almost all use imported beans. Rather than giving up soy milk altogether and resort to eating watery oatmeal, I figured this was my opportunity to just do it and make my own. Every once in a while you need an official challenge to give you a little kick-in-the-butt.

So I did a bunch of online searching to learn how to make soy milk. Oh wait, first thing’s first: buy soy beans. To start the process, I soaked about a cup of dry soy beans in plenty of water overnight. Leftover okara (비지 “biji”), to be saved for later use! All done! “It’s so fluffy, I’m gonna die!” Apple Pie Cheesecake. Fall is officially here. And with the coming of Fall, also comes an abundance of apples and pumpkins. Even though I loathe the impending cold temperatures, I relish the slight chill of autumn weather and the comfort foods that accompany it. Especially comfort food that includes apples–whether it be a nice mug of cider (preferably the adult versions) or a hefty slice of cheesecake with the addictive flavor of apple pie strewn throughout. Apples are a staple in my house come the end of September… and they remain there all the way until December.

I used honeycrisp in this cheesecake only because my default baking apple, the granny smith, is nowhere to be found in any grocery store or market I’ve perused in Philly. Anyways, even with honeycrisps–which I truly hate to bake with, as they are a superior snacking apple straight to the core–this cheesecake takes apple pie to a whole new level. Apple Pie Cheesecake ~ Vegan & Gluten Free crust: filling: topping: Crust: Filling: Bake for 70 minutes. Broccoli Slaw And Perfect Vegan Cheesecake | Vegan Cookbook Recipes - I Eat Trees. This morning, while my little man ate his oatmeal with organic blueberries and green juice, I decided I just had to organize my pantry right then and there. There I am, it’s 5:30am, in my yoga pants and tee shirt pulling out flours, oils, and ingredients galore, left and right, running out of places to put them as I clean off the empty pantry shelf.

As I was mentally pre-organizing my ingredients, I realized it was the perfect time to start storing items that are supposed to be stored in the freezer… in the freezer! So the emergency frozen organic vegetables and Gardein stash got pushed into a little corner as I piled in flours, nuts, and seeds, mostly unopened or newly opened packages. Most everyone I know “in real life” finds the concept of storing nuts or flour in the freezer quite foreign, so I can only imagine the strange looks I’ll get when a family member opens the freezer looking for ice and ends up with whole wheat instead. Classic Vegan Cheesecake Ingredients: