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Anet a8. Home made 3d printer/CNC linear motion. Design it yourself. 12 Ways to Fight Warping and Curling. EmailShare 105EmailShare Curling As printed plastic parts cool the different areas of the object can cool at different rates.

12 Ways to Fight Warping and Curling

Depending upon the parts being printed, this effect can lead to warping and curling. Although PLA has a much lower shrinkage factor than ABS, both can warp and curl, potentially ruining a print. Two circles intersection calculator. 3D Printing. OpenSCAD - The Programmers Solid 3D CAD Modeller.

Printable 3D models

3d printers. MCAD 3D Printing and Prototyping: Functional 3D Printed Clock. This week's blog is by John Luongo, Z Corporation Associate Engineer.

MCAD 3D Printing and Prototyping: Functional 3D Printed Clock

As a machinist and engineer; mechanical time pieces have always fascinated me. They are a perfect meld of both skill sets.


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