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MAGIC Decal Transfer Tutorial with Free Printables! Some of you may remember, a little while back I posted a tutorial for DIY waterslide decals. Among other things, I mentioned how awesome they are for creating custom embellishments without the need for any fancy-pants equipment. Yep, waterslide decal paper is a truly fab product, though as great as it is, there is one drawback – although it’s somewhat tough it’s not especially durable. So, whilst it’s perfect for ornamental purposes, it’s not ideal for more practical applications…until now that is! Magic decal coating paper is a product designed to be used in conjunction with standard decal paper to make the finished transfers super durable – yes, even dishwasher resistant! If you’re already familiar with magic decal coating paper then please excuse my tardy excitement, though for everyone else who is just getting to the party now too, feel free to start throwing the streamers!

1 Image to transfer. Use anything you like. 2 Printer. You can use either a laser or an inkjet printer. 6 Scissors. EDDIE ROSS - No Wire Hangers! (Well, Maybe Just One) Here's a Christmas wreath so darling and dear, even Miss Crawford would approve. Take one of these... and bend it into the form of a circle. Then, grab your glue gun and as many round ornaments in varying sizes as you can find. You'll need about 80 in all. Whenever I do my tree, I like the more unusual shapes, so it's always the round ones I have left over. Even if you don't, though, you can always find them for reasonable prices at a discount retailer, especially after the holidays. To secure the metal cap to the ball, dab a little hot glue and press. Next, untwist the end of the hanger, then string one ornament at a time, making sure to alternate the placement and colors as desired.

Check out the final result! Suitcase vanity & towel holder. When I visit a friend’s home, it’s the little details filling the house that stand out and make me feel welcome. In my own home, I want to find ways to make my guests feel special. Baking cookies or having a favorite drink on hand is easy. What is not so easy is the tiny size of our guest bathroom. The small space makes it difficult to have extra little items on hand for guests. To add a bit of storage that is both pleasing to look at and practical, I attached a thrifted vanity suitcase to the wall to serve as a towel holder and small cabinet. Depending on the space you have available, there are numerous ways to create your own wall storage units from found suitcases. — AshleyAnn Read the full how-to after the jump!

Materials Instructions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Keep in mind that many old suitcases are made of a heavy cardboard. A Wordy Egg - Beyond Beyond | Beyond Beyond. Over in Beyond Beyond towers we have one weakness, of the Achilles Heal variety and it is eggs. Scrambled, poached, sunny side up, boiled – whatever way you can imagine them we have had them in all the many fangled ways that you can imagine! What we have never had is an invitation in an egg and this exploded our minds not even blew them. So, if you want to fry people’s minds like eggs then you can learn how to make these eggtastic wonders here on Poppytalk. Droolsome, and after you make your message in an egg we like paprika and parma ham in our scrambled eggs.

The dopeness glory goes to: Elephantine (thanks for the find) and Poppytalk (a big make WOW). About the author I'm the big kahuna with the whole shebang. Little guiding stars. Since the new year has started I’ve been trying to think of ways to be more kind to my self. Especially when that nasty gremlins try to creep in and stump me.

I remembered this origami star video on You Tube and had to get them involved in my plan. I thought it would be fun to make a whole bunch with kind words and “you are….” phrases inside. I made 60 of them, enough to last me the whole year if I open one a week, plus a few extra just in case. I used 12 x 12 inch scrapbook paper and cut 1/2 x 12″ strips, then followed the video HERE*.

I put them all in a little jar and prettied it up. *UPDATE! Be Sociable, Share! HOW TO: Create a Home Made Wax Seal (16 Pics. Heartbreaker Valentines. Who said valentines were only red and pink? In bright colors, these Heart Breaker Valentines work great for boys and girls.

So get out your scissors and stapler, because today, you’re tearing up my heart….. (cue N Sync) Each valentine is stapled together to create a pouch full of secret candies. Skill Level: AnyNeeded: * colorful paper* computer printer* stapler/staples* scissors* candy Start by printing this template from your computer.Two options….1) You can find the PDF file HERE. I chose to print on bright colored paper so the Heartbreakers work for both boys and girls. Another option: print to white paper and let the your kids color the hearts themselves: Most of all, make sure your kids check out what you’re doing. Staple around the outside of each heart, leaving an opening at the top of the heart for inserting candy (or, use your sewing machine to sew around the edge…though it might be more difficult to sew it shut. Then, stuff them with your favorite candy! Or big hands to do: How to Make Clothing Buttons from Shrink Plastic

This tutorial is an old one of mine that’s too good not to share again. Since posting the first time, I’ve had lots of questions about these buttons which will hopefully be answered in this revised post. Equipment Some handy notes: 1. The buttons. Single hole, hole punch (like this one here). 2. 3. Okay.. lets get started! Tracing tips: You can use either coloured pencils or permanent pens. Words must be writted backwards in order to be readable. Shrinking the buttons: To shrink the buttons, you can use an oven or a heat gun (the kind used for embellishing). After the buttons have twisted and twirled, and are LYING FLAT, it’s time to take them out. Note: If the skrinking is taking too long, you may need to turn your oven up. Here’s a short little stop-motion to make sure you’ve got the gist of how easy this is! Shrink Paper {here} Circle Punch {here} Hole punch {here} Pens {here} Update: I’ve made a video to show how to shrink the buttons using a craft embellishment heat gun.

Kimanh. Tutorial: Making a Stencil. UPDATE: If you are here at All Things Thrifty for the first time, WELCOME!! Since I wrote this post about making a stencil I have found that making stencils are MUCH easier with my Silhouette Machine. So, if you would like to see an easy way to make a stencil with a Silhouette check out that post! UPDATE:Also, if you would like some FREE stencil designs, check out that post also! A few weeks ago, I came across this amazing image fromWhitewall and Co. Step 1: Go to Office Max or Staples and get some clear folders like the ones in this picture below. Step 2: Cut the folders and tape them together. Tape the two folders together to create a large enough area for your stencil. Step 3: Find an image that you like for your stencil and have it printed large enough to trace. Step 4: Trace your image on to your plastic folders with your narrow sharpie. This is what it will look like once you have the image traced.

Step 5: With an exact-o-knife, cut out the image. Here is when the FUN begins! Toilet Paper Origami Book. Silk-Dyed Eggs {aka TIE-Dyed!} I posted this tutorial a few years ago and it has become somewhat of a tradition to bring it back every year! One of our family Easter traditions is dying eggs with pieces of silk. I saw a cute lady show Martha how to do it a few years ago and I ran upstairs right then to steal a tie! It’s way cooler than those cups of neon liquid that end up all over your clothes, your furniture and your hands plus it gives you an excuse to rid a man’s closet of ugly ties. Here’s the run-down: You need 100% silk for this to work. Make sure to check the labels to make sure you’re not buying polyester, which can look similar.

I grab old ties at the thrift store where they’re usually pretty cheap. I try to find an assortment of colors and patterns. Usually it will tell you if it’s 100% silk right on the main label of the tie, but a lot of them don’t, and if that’s the case, check that little tiny end, it’s usually hiding there. The first step is to deconstruct the tie. Below are some of my results. Your source of daily updated funny pictures and gifs. ORANGE RIND VOTIVES. Justina’s valentine’s day fort. There are so many different ways to express feelings of love on Valentine’s Day: some are sweet and sentimental, others are bold and celebratory. For kicks, I’m thinking I might want to surprise my loved one with an amazing and decadent love fort, like this one from designer Justina Blakeney.

Justina is the woman behind the LA-based design and consulting firm Compai Creative. She always shows a fearless use of color and has an amazing talent for mixing print and pattern to produce sophisticated, eclectic designs. You can read more about the making of this project from Justina after the jump, and be sure to check out Justina’s Before & After projects, as well. Styling by Justina Blakeney and Caitlin Levin. CLICK HERE for the full how-to after the jump! In my family, building indoor forts was a weekly enterprise. Materials Instructions For the Fort: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. For the Newspaper Heart Garland: 1. 2. 3. For the Pom-Pom Garland: 1. 2.