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Is crip the new queer? Confessions of a Social Constructionist. If I had known, 20 years ago, that my side in the ideological wars over gender and sex was going to win so decisively, I would have been ecstatic.

Confessions of a Social Constructionist

Back then, I spent many evenings at the pub or at dinner parties debating gender and identity with other graduate students; or, really, anyone who would listen—my mother-in-law, my relatives, or just a random person unlucky enough to be in my presence. I insisted that there was no such thing as sex. Erkek yazar güçlü kadın yaratabilir mi? - Doğuş Sarpkaya. “Resist With Tenacity, Not With Swear Words”: Feminist Interventions in the Gezi Park Protests. This article is part of our Enough!

“Resist With Tenacity, Not With Swear Words”: Feminist Interventions in the Gezi Park Protests

Feature on Europe’s exploding social movements. by Tuğçe Ellialtı Seven months have passed since the heavy-handed evacuation of the Gezi Park in central Istanbul by the riot police, yet traces of the massive mobilization of hundreds of thousands of people have been reverberating ever since. Ligue du Lol : ces misogynes créés par le féminisme libéral – Racine Rouge. Un ami m’a envoyé l’article de Libé hier sur la #Liguedulol.

Ligue du Lol : ces misogynes créés par le féminisme libéral – Racine Rouge

Je suis évidement tombée des nus quand j’ai vu le nom de Stephen des Aulnois, le rédacteur en chef du Tag Parfait, un webzine consacré à la culture porn pour lequel je bosse depuis deux ans et demi. […] En tant que femme et féministe, je ne peux que vomir ces actes délibérés de haine qui ne dénotent qu’une volonté malsaine de domination liée à la culture parisienne, bourgeoise et masculine.Manon des Sources — Twitter. Plages algeriennes. The Next Wave of Extremists Will Be Green. If military strategists are always fighting the last war, the same is true of those who work on countering radicalization.

The Next Wave of Extremists Will Be Green

In 2001, Western intelligence services, mostly focused on localized terrorist groups like the Irish Republican Army and ETA, were stunned by al Qaeda. The Next Wave of Extremists Will Be Green. Move over testosterone, another hormone is also vital for making boys – and it doesn't come from the testes.

Often the first question parents are asked after the birth of their child is “congratulations, girl or boy?”.

Move over testosterone, another hormone is also vital for making boys – and it doesn't come from the testes

For parents of one in 2,000 to 4,000 births, however, there is not an easy answer. This is when the baby has “ambiguous” genitalia, where it is not clear which sex they belong to. In baby boys, this was long thought to be caused by problems linked to testosterone – as were more common disorders such as undescended testicles and malformed penises, which respectively occur in 9% and 1% of births. But now it is clear that the reality is slightly different. Bruce Bueno de Mesquita: A prediction for the future of Iran. Consentir avec Geneviève Fraisse. Dans le cadre dans la journée spéciale #ViolencesSexistes : et maintenant ?

Consentir avec Geneviève Fraisse

Fatiha Boudjahlat: «Leïla Slimani, nouvelle cible de la censure antiraciste» FIGAROVOX/TRIBUNE - Leïla Slimani s'est attiré les foudres des Indigènes de la République pour son livre Sexe et mensonges, une enquête choc sur le traitement des femmes dans la société marocaine. Le décryptage de Fatia Boudjahlat. Fatiha Boudjahlat est cofondatrice avec Céline Pina du mouvement Viv(r)e la République. Elle est aussi l'auteur de l'essai à paraître aux éditions du Cerf:Féminisme, tolérance, culture: Le grand détournement. «Native informant». C'est une notion que les études postcoloniales ont forgée pour désigner les personnes de couleur qui, surcompensant un complexe d'infériorité à l'égard des Blancs, imitent ces derniers pour leur plaire et être reconnues par eux. THEY AND ITS LEMMAS AS NON-BINARY THIRD PERSON SINGULAR PRONOUNS IN THE WASHINGTON POST - UCL. It's Not Populism Waging A War On Women, It's Liberalism. Liberal democracy is in trouble, but Peter Beinart of The Atlantic knows how to save it: Man the vacuums!

It's Not Populism Waging A War On Women, It's Liberalism

Truly. His solution is for men to do more housework. Free speech row at LSE over Prophet Mohammed and Jesus t-shirt. Why Are Young People Pretending to Love Work? Christianity's future looks more like Lady Gaga than Mike Pence (opinion) Do you stand with Lady Gaga and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or Mike Pence and Sarah Sanders?

Christianity's future looks more like Lady Gaga than Mike Pence (opinion)

Two disputes in the last week between prominent Christians from the faith's progressive and fundamentalist sides might help you decide. Covington Catholic student in video issues statement with his side of the story. I Thought the MAGA Boys Were Shit-Eating Monsters. Then I Watched the Full Video. The Burqa, Islam, and Liberal Ideals; A Response to Martha Nussbaum — Essays on Politics and Culture. Martha Nussbaum: “There’s no tension in supporting #MeToo and defending legal sex work” Sadiq Khan says there is 'question to be asked' about use of hijabs in London.

Only a quarter of EU countries have consent-based definitions of rape, Amnesty reveals. The majority of women living in Europe are being put at risk by laws that fail to recognise sex without consent as rape, a study by Amnesty International has revealed.

Only a quarter of EU countries have consent-based definitions of rape, Amnesty reveals

Three-quarters of EU member states only legally recognise rape when physical violence, threats or coercion is involved, according to analysis published ahead of International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on Saturday. The charity said the findings highlight how “flawed and outdated” legislation is perpetuating a dangerous culture of victim blaming across the continent, allowing rape cases to fall through the gaps in legal systems, despite the momentum of the #MeToo movement. Join Independent Minds For exclusive articles, events and an advertising-free read for just £5.99 €6.99 $9.99 a month Get the best of The Independent. Why I'm giving up on intersectional feminism — Quartzy. “I built a white feminist temple.

Why I'm giving up on intersectional feminism — Quartzy

Now I’m tearing it down.” —Layla Saad. Sexual abuse survivors deserve more than us blaming brown men – The Brown Hijabi. Content warnings: discussion of rape, victim-blaming, sexual abuse, child abuse. After first avoiding all news relating to the sensationalist and provocative headline, ‘British Pakistani men are raping and exploiting white girls’ I’ve decided to throw my hat into the fray over Sarah Champion, Labour’s shadow secretary for Women and Equalities (which women? Which equality?) Writing a piece for The Sun (who does that?) In light of the conviction of one woman and 17 men found guilty of involvement in a sex grooming network in Newcastle. Islamic feminism and miniskirts: The veiled truth about women in Iran.

“I used to subscribe to that popular narrative about women in Iran,” she tells me. “But that narrative is far from the truth.” VIVRE EN ENFER. Par Christine Dalloway Au cœur de l’Europe, bercées par le murmure de la société de consommation, on nous répète à nous, femmes, que tout va bien dans nos vies, que nous sommes heureuses, du moins que nous devrions l’être. Nous ne sommes pas les afghanes qui luttent ne serait-ce que pour obtenir une carte d’identité, nous ne sommes pas les indiennes à qui on jette de l’acide au visage, nous sommes les femmes vivant en Europe de l’Ouest, les privilégiées, celles qui ont soi-disant tout, et ont encore le culot de se plaindre. Les mots ont perdu leur sens, que veut dire la dignité quand on a été violée par plusieurs hommes et que les images du viol circulent sur la toile dans l’indifférence générale, ou au pire suscitant quolibets et moqueries de la plèbe ignare ? Comme cela a été le cas pour la victime de La Manada en Espagne ? Piers Morgan and Saira Khan clash amid debate over court ruling on headscarves.

Who are the new jihadis? There is something new about the jihadi terrorist violence of the past two decades. Both terrorism and jihad have existed for many years, and forms of “globalised” terror – in which highly symbolic locations or innocent civilians are targeted, with no regard for national borders – go back at least as far as the anarchist movement of the late 19th century. What is unprecedented is the way that terrorists now deliberately pursue their own deaths. Hijabs and Modest Clothing Are Trump Era’s Corporate Trend. Nike released its first sports hijab last December, heralded with sleek, black-and-white photographs of accomplished Muslim athletes wearing the Pro Hijab emblazoned with the iconic swoosh. The same month, TSA pulled 14 women who wear hijab out of a security check line at Newark Airport; they were then patted down, searched, and detained for two hours.

From February to March, Gucci, Versace, and other luxury brands at autumn/winter fashion week dressed mostly white models in hijab-like headscarves. Around that time, two women filed a civil rights lawsuit against New York City related to an incident in which the NYPD forced them to remove their hijabs for mugshots. Gap, a clothing brand known for its all-American ethos, featured a young girl in a hijab smiling broadly in its back-to-school ads this past summer. Yes, there is a war between science and religion. As the West becomes more and more secular, and the discoveries of evolutionary biology and cosmology shrink the boundaries of faith, the claims that science and religion are compatible grow louder. Au nom des athées en string. Je suis une femme et rien de ce qui concerne les femmes ne m’est étranger.

The Itsy-Bitsy, Teenie-Weenie, Very Litigious Bikini. Qui sono stata molestata: le donne tornano sui luoghi degli agguati a testa alta. E adesso vogliamo i nomi di tutti gli stupratori. “Ciao amore, ciao”: 50 anni fa la morte di Luigi Tenco. Feminist politics holds the key to a post-patriarchal social order. America Is Still a Patriarchy. Examining the strange synergy of Heisei Era crimes in Japan. Nexis®: Sign In. Sinéad O'Connor's open letter to Miley Cyrus. It’s Judith Butler’s World. Fenomeno migratorio e sinistra italiana: basta, gli italiani si son stufati. Fenomeno migratorio e sinistra italiana: basta, gli italiani si son stufati.