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Critical thinker.

Science. WikiLeaks. The Skeptic's Dictionary. Logical Fallacies. Logical Fallacies. Logical Fallacies Logic is the study of reasoning -- the nature of good (correct) reasoning and of bad (incorrect) reasoning. Its focus is the method by which an argument unfolds, not whether any arbitrary statement is true or accurate. Thus, an argument can be both deductively valid and perfectly absurd, as in 1. All telephone poles are elephants. 2. Sally is a telephone pole. 3. As a "branch" of philosophy, logic is often broken down into many subsets: for instance, modal logic, many-valued logic, modern logic, symbolic logic, formal and informal logic, deductive and inductive logic.

A fallacy is an invalid form of argument, an instance of incorrect reasoning. List of Fallacies: affirming the consequent anthrocentric fallacy appeal to authority a priori fallacies arguing from "is" to "ought" argumentum ad baculinum argumentum ad captandum argumentum ad crumenam argumentum ad hominem argumentum ad ignorantiam argumentum ad lazarum argumentum ad misericordiam argumentum ad populum circular reasoning. The Mind. Psychology. Service Unavailable. Skepchick.

The Rogues Gallery. Sam, an SGU listener, brought this to our attention the other day (thank you, Sam.) A new podcast has hit the iTunes shelves. It is called Scripture on Creation. And of course, it is correctly categorized under the ‘Religion and Spirituality’ category, isn’t it? Nope. It is in iTunes ‘Science and Medicine’ category. Strange. “The Bible is not intended by God to be a science textbook, but everything it does say about the material world is accurate. Browsing around their website for a few minutes, it does not take long to realize these are unapologetic creationists, featuring interviews with “doctors” from ‘Answers in Genesis’ and ‘The Discovery Institute’ , and promoting movies such as “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed”, which they “highly recommend” to their audience. I gave up long ago trying to figure out how Apple manages iTunes from both operational and customer relations standpoints. Neuroscience. James Randi Educational Foundation.

PBS: Public Broadcasting Service. Talks | List. Help. Chess. Supercook: recipe search by ingredients you have at home. Socio-political economics (domestic & intl.)