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10 Garden Ideas to Steal from India. Older 10 Garden Ideas to Steal from India by Michelle Slatalla Issue 13 · India Song · April 3, 2014 Newer Issue 13 · India Song · April 3, 2014 Share on email What did Indian gardens look like before the invaders arrived?

10 Garden Ideas to Steal from India

While those early gardens are mostly lost to history, they would have been refuges: designed for fragrance, cooling breezes, and privacy. How To Make Newspaper Seed Pots. Okay, this is my new favorite project.

How To Make Newspaper Seed Pots

I’m so excited to share it with you! It’s easy, it’s practical, and it’s just so very Earth-friendly. ¡Qué bueno! Fellow farmers, this is hands-down the best way to start your spring seeds indoors. These individual containers are the perfect size for a sprout, and come garden time, there’s no stressful transplanting. Spread out a full sheet of newspaper and then carefully split it in half, along the crease. Take one of the halves and carefully split it in half again, along the other crease. Beautify your Rock Garden with Moss. Each summer, I like to get the kids involved in a DIY project of some kind.

Beautify your Rock Garden with Moss

At 7 and 5, they are still a tad bit young for the old hammer and nail but I always find “creative” ways for them to help me. This year, I thought it would be an excellent project for us to add a little age to some of the larger pots and stones in our yard with some artificially grown moss…to the dismay of my wife, she really loves that blender. We live in a home just outside of Toronto and are fortunate enough to have a fairly decent sized yard. Over the spring, I constructed a nice little rock garden in the corner of my property. A Nest for All Seasons. So hey....apparently planting a pineapple top as a hosue plant is big news...everyone's all pinning and asking questions about growing your own pineapple and gaining a cheap new houseplant, so I thought I would show you another one of my pantry planting successes.

A Nest for All Seasons

Ready for some NEW houseplants?? I've been on a major ginger kick lately, so a few months ago, I planted a few chunks of ginger to multiply my supply. Now, people are going to get on my case because you are supposed to lay the ginger on top of the soil, but I plant it right under the surface so my babies don't steal it and eat it. (Yes, they literally do things like that if plants aren't rooted down foxglove for THIS family!) I have had no issues growing ginger this way!! Tips for Gardening - Garden Vegetable Tips - How to Vegetable Garden.

Eat What You Sow: How to Start a Vegetable Garden. Even if you've never tried growing food, there are good reasons to sacrifice some of that green carpet for a starter bed.

Eat What You Sow: How to Start a Vegetable Garden

First, chances are you don't use your lawn as much as you think—how long has it been since you played Frisbee out there? Second, most turfgrass has a thirst that can only be satiated by overhead sprinklers, which lose a lot of water to evaporation and runoff; veggies, by contrast, can be watered by efficient drip irrigation. Then there's dealing with the weeds, the grubs, and the chemicals needed to keep that grass glossy. Making a Log Planter for Flowers - A Proverbs 31 Wife. You know it’s summer when flowers and gardening take over the blog.

Making a Log Planter for Flowers - A Proverbs 31 Wife

Like this post, making a log planter for flowers. Back in March I found and shared this photo on Facebook. I loved the idea and wanted Jason to help me make one. The response from every-one was overwhelming, and I was asked to share photos if I ever made one. Make Terrariums - How To Build Terrariums. 20 Awesome Indoor Garden Ideas. Many of us lives in crowded cities or in apartments where space is limited, having a green area or plants can be very hard and the desired for your own chunk of green space can be difficult and often go unfulfilled.

20 Awesome Indoor Garden Ideas

Therefore we know that you miss the green garden, so we have gathered over the internet ideas can you can use to create your own indoor garden. No worries if you are a plant growing novice, the ideas are simple and easy and it could also save you money, so get a head start on your garden by planting plants and veggies from seed in your limited space, and don’t be simply contented just with a odd pot plant or window box. 1. DIY Grow an Indoor Compost Garden 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Tiny Green Tea Garden. 5 Easy-to-Grow Container Plants Perfect for Making Teas. Tea can knock the sleep out of your system early in the morning, is perfect to sip on to keep naps at bay in the afternoon and can soothe before going to bed in the evening.

5 Easy-to-Grow Container Plants Perfect for Making Teas

And did you know you could be growing plants to make into tea, even if you only have a small container garden to do it in? We asked Cassie Liversidge, an avid gardener and the author of a new book about plants perfect for making teas to share her five favorite, easy-to-grow plants for tea making, plus brewing instructions!

1. Mint (Mentha) A well-known herbal tea, particularly good for digestion. Perfect to be grown in pots, as it is invasive in a garden. 2. 3. 4. Easy Urban Gardens. Utilizing the Garden Space You Have. Taking advantage of the little sun we get by using part of our driveway.

Utilizing the Garden Space You Have

When my family moved into this house, the very steep front yard was filled with pineapple plants (undeniably cool, I know). It was probably an easy way for the previous resident to use the awkward space, but we wanted more productivity from the only sunny spot in the yard. The pineapples ripened over the course of several months, and as they did, we pulled out the plants and shared them with friends and neighbors. We still have some pineapple plants, tucked here and there, but large-ish plants that bear only a single fruit just isn’t the best use of our small space. Instead, we terraced the area and have some veggies growing there.

I’ve also taken over the driveway. With our limited space, we’ll focus on plants that will offer a lot of produce for the space they take up in our yard. Make the Most of Your Garden by Choosing Plants Wisely. Let’s talk plant basics for those novice gardeners who are sitting in their cozy armchairs thumbing through seed catalogs and feeling completely overwhelmed.

Make the Most of Your Garden by Choosing Plants Wisely

Know your options An annual plant grows for one season and then it’s done. A perennial plant grows for more than one season. Some perennials are considered “tender perennials’ and won’t survive a cold winter; those most of us plant fresh each year, treating them as an annual, even though there are places in the world where they’d last for more than one season. Within those categories, there are a variety of different types of vegetable plants.

Build A Deck-Top Pond.