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Home. The 45 Most Powerful Images Of 2011. Gentle, Public Activism: Magnusson’s I-75 Project. Don Waisanen at Thick Culture highlighted Norm Magnusson’s I-75 project.

Gentle, Public Activism: Magnusson’s I-75 Project

The project involves installing historical markers with a primarily political instead of historical message. Some examples: "Not Part of the 99%"? You're Fooling Yourself. "I'm not part of the 99%.

"Not Part of the 99%"? You're Fooling Yourself

" That's the catch-phrase of a counter-protest that misunderstands the entire nature of the Occupy movement. Buying the lies that 99% activists are just a bunch of unemployed hippies looking for handouts, people like the following young student trumpet their work-ethics, and chide the rest of us for not being them. Parodying the various signs held by Occupy demonstrators, this picture epitomizes a view that misses the entire point of the protests. "The 99%" does not refer to people who want handouts; it refers to the people who pay the larger share of taxes, work the longer amount of hours, do the harder degree of work, and yet continually have our pay, jobs, health, environment and economy endangered or destroyed by the other 1%. * Having her pay or job cut so that her CEO can get a pay raise.

Sen. McCaskill crafting legislation to crack down on waste in war zones. Sen.

Sen. McCaskill crafting legislation to crack down on waste in war zones

Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) announced Wednesday she is helping craft legislation intended to prevent the shoddy contracting practices that allowed billions of dollars to be wasted in Iraq and Afghanistan. McCaskill, chairwoman of the Senate Armed Services Readiness and Management Support subcommittee, said she is teaming up with Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.) and others to develop “comprehensive legislation” for improving wartime contracting.

McCaskill and Webb have worked together on the issue before, pushing the 2008 legislation that created the Commission on Wartime Contracting. That panel recently issued a final report that concluded between $31 billion and $60 billion spent so far on private contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan has been lost to waste and fraud. The senators plan to introduce their bill “later this year,” McCaskill said during a subcommittee hearing. A measure similar to McCaskill-Webb has already been introduced in the lower chamber. Those "socialist" countries? They're happy! I had to laugh as I read this article in Forbes magazine, of all places (OK, it was originally on Yahoo Travel): "World's Happiest Places: A new report reveals where people feel most positive about their lives" So America is #1, right?

Those "socialist" countries? They're happy!

Hmmm. You know those horrible "socialist" European countries that the wingnuts are always screeching about? They're hell, right? Oddly enough, Forbes magazine (whose motto is "The Capitalist Tool") reports that: ...happiness levels are highest in northern European countries. How can this be? Answers: 1) Read the article. 2) Never. The Top 10 list of Happiest Countries is as follows: Denmark Finland Netherlands Sweden Ireland Canada Switzerland New Zealand Norway Belgium. School superintendent to Governor: Please make my school a prison.

A school superintendent in Michigan has written a public letter to the editor asking Governor Rick Snyder if his school can become a prison instead.

School superintendent to Governor: Please make my school a prison

The full text is below. What do you think? Dear Governor Snyder, In these tough economic times, schools are hurting. And yes, everyone in Michigan is hurting right now financially, but why aren’t we protecting schools? One solution I believe we must do is take a look at our corrections system in Michigan. Consider the life of a Michigan prisoner. The List Blog. 10. Why are dogs committing suicide by jumpingoff the Overtoun Bridge?

The Media Beat - a multimedia commentary by David Tereshchuk. Do A Total Background Check On Yourself. They Say Nothing! Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines. If Americans Knew - what every American needs to know about Israel/Palestine. The Future Is Here Today…Robotics, Genetics, AI, Longevity, The BrainForgotten NY.

Politik Ditto. Hit & Run : Reason Magazine. PwCWith tax season upon us, if you were a foreign business owner regarding all of this scurrying around to file forms and pay the United States government its take, would you consider the activity as relatively attractive compared to the alternatives?

Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Or would you consider it a turnoff? To judge by rankings released last year by the consulting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (you can call it PwC), businesses may venture into the Land of the Free for market opportunities, but that may well be despite a pretty uncompetitive tax regime. The U.S. ranks 64 out of 189 for ease of paying taxes, has a total tax rate that's above average and, importantly, barely seems to be trying to compete with other countries that Americans once mocked as overtaxed and overgoverned. According to PwC, "Paying Taxes 2014 looks not only at corporate income tax, but at all of the taxes and mandatory contributions that a domestic medium-size case study company must pay. Hot Air.

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