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Accueil - Gratuit. Pourquoi faut-il oublier Maslow ? Approche critique d’un modèle dépassé. – LaborAgora. L’intégration de la liste des besoins – Guillaume CNV. Je viens de visionner les quatre vidéos d’Alain Ducept dans lesquelles il nous lit la liste des 48 besoins fondamentaux puis la liste élargie des 240 besoins, que l’on peut trouver sur le site de la Voie de l’Écoute.

L’intégration de la liste des besoins – Guillaume CNV

J’ai alors eu l’élan de lui laisser un commentaire. Et puis au fil de l’écriture, ce commentaire s’est tellement étoffé, que j’ai décidé de le publier ici, sous forme d’un nouvel article. Cela nourrit en même temps mon besoin de partage (B). Notez que dans cet article, j’ai mis un B entre parenthèses chaque fois que j’ai mentionné un besoin, par souci de clarté (B) et de simplicité (B), car cela m’évite de mentionner systématiquement le mot besoin. Les liens vers les vidéos et documents en question sont donnés en bas de cet article. Et voici donc mon message à Alain. Merci beaucoup Alain pour ce partage ! ARTICLE: Assertivité - l'affirmation de soi dans le respect d'autrui. Communication Nonviolente. Entre ce que je pense, ce que je veux dire, ce que je crois dire, ce que je dis, ce que vous voulez entendre, ce que vous entendez, ce que vous croyez comprendre, ce que vous voulez comprendre, et ce que vous comprenez, il y a au moins neuf possibilités de ne pas se comprendre.

Communication Nonviolente

Mais, essayons quand même. (Bernard Werber) CNV1. Lista des sentiments et des besoins nueva ok. How A Few Offhand Remarks Can Cause Your Biggest Problems At Work. "As usual, you didn't turn off the light when you left the conference room.

How A Few Offhand Remarks Can Cause Your Biggest Problems At Work

" This seemingly simple sentence is actually a ticking team bomb set to wreak havoc on your relationships with your coworkers. Even if you formulated it with the best intentions, this sentence is made up of judgments, evaluations, strategies, and demands. Indeed, just a few offhand remarks like these might be causing some of your biggest problems at work. The fact is, in order to be productive and achieve your goals, you need to communicate well with others.

It’s important to be aware of how you talk to the people around you: You’ll have better working relationships, and thus be more successful. The Circles Of Life (And Communication) The daily interactions you have with others typically break down into three different cycles: The Innermost Circle: Intimate relationships with frequent communication. You are constantly interacting with these three circles in fluid ways. Communication NonViolente. Living Compassion and the Center for Living Compassion. "I have learned that human beings are not searching for philosophies, even though it may seem that way sometimes.

Living Compassion and the Center for Living Compassion

We are searching for something we can trust. And when we find ourselves in the midst of change, the philosophies are like a broken crutch. They do not hold us up. What supports us is a force, an energy, a vortex of love that expresses through us as warmth, creativity, service, and compassion. " — Stephen Schwartz My deep inquiry in life has led me to develop practical pathways of living in the fullness and flow of life as a daily spiritual practice—what I call Living Compassion. A foundational practice of Living Compassion is what I call cultivating and dwelling in the Beauty of Needs. In the work of Living Compassion, there are the inner dimensions of cultivating self-compassion and living life in fullness. The heart of self-compassion is coming to our inner experience with complete and total allowing.

The Way of Tenderness. Cheryl Jones is a grief counselor.

The Way of Tenderness

During her education as a Marriage and Family Therapist, her first wife was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, which was at the time a uniformly terminal illness with a six month to one year prognosis. In the eight years that followed, Cheryl engaged daily in the work of preparing for her death. She received training during this period from Stephen and Ondrea Levine (Who Dies and Grieving Into Life and Death) and Richard Olney (founder of Self-Acceptance Training). After her wife’s death, Cheryl immersed herself in her own multifaceted grief, surprised by frequent moments of joy. Cheryl is a consultant and group leader at the Free Therapy Program of the Women’s Cancer Resource Center. Before becoming a therapist, Cheryl enjoyed careers as a musician, a restaurant owner and a carpenter. Key Assumptions and Intentions of NVC - OnlineSocialTeacher. Assumptions Underlying the Practice of Nonviolent Communication Our ideas about individual and collective human nature have evolved and will continue to evolve.

Key Assumptions and Intentions of NVC - OnlineSocialTeacher

These ideas shape our expectations of what’s possible, the social structures we create, and how we interact with ourselves and other people. Therefore the assumptions we make can have a profound effect on the life we live and the world we collectively create.Following are key assumptions that NVC practice is based on. Many traditions share these assumptions; NVC gives us concrete, powerful tools for putting them into practice. When we live based on these assumptions, self-connection and connection with others become increasingly possible and easy. Key Intentions when Using Nonviolent Communication Having clarity about our intentions can help us live and act in line with our values.

Open-Hearted Living.

Byron Katie

The magic button — Make Everything OK. COMMUNICATION NON VIOLENTE (CNV) AMIS D'ISABELLE PADOVANI. NVC. Le journal d'une apprentie girafe. Non violence et +