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Are You as Bored as I Am? :: Fun Stuff to Do When You're Bored. The 2 Easy Ways to Make Your PC Run Like New. Cute, clever and quite bitter. My Collection of Funny Emails. Send funny emails to your friends! Reynolds Wrap has lock in taps to hold the roll in place The color on the bread tab indicates how fresh the bread is And those colors are in alphabetical order: b, g, r, w, y.

You can divide and store ground meat in a zip loc bag. Just break off how much you need and keep the rest in the freezer for later. If you place a wooden spoon over a pot of boiling water, it won't boil over. Marshmallows can cure a soar throat. Stuffing a dryer sheet in your back pocket will repel mosquitoes. You can freeze cupcake batter for later use. You can paint upholstery You can make your own laundry soap. . You can dye plastic buttons. You can run a paper bag through your printer.

You can print directly onto fabric. A dry erase marker can be used on most desk tops. You can mail anything that will take a stamp and weighs less than 13ounces without a box? If you break your blender jar you can replace it with a mason jar. Cereal canisters make the perfect trashcan for your car. Quick Tip for College Grads: How to Retire with Over 4.3 Million on Only 197 per Paycheck. You no doubt want to do well in life. Part of that likely includes financial security. The idea of amassing huge sums of money may seem a little bit daunting.

I'm here to tell you that thanks to the magic of compounding, it's actually possible to amass a tremendous fortune by investing small sums of money for a long period of time. Imagine you make $40,000 annually working for a corporation that offered dollar-for-dollar matching on contributions up to the first 4.5% of salary. You are in the 28% tax bracket. Say you saved 20% of your income and had it put into your 401k, amounting to $8,000 each year. The answer isn’t difficult. (Side note: There has been quite a bit of discussion about the 10% rate of return assumption. Resources to Help You Get Started Now that you’ve seen the light, check out these great resources, articles, tips, and lessons to help you start on the path to wealth. Toys & Children's | Handcrafting Justice. Official Blog. Insight Course. For those who want to know: Reliable information on health, energy, media, war, elections, 9/11, more.

Weird World The Funny Stuff that Didn t Quite Fit Anywhere Else. Letters of Note. BBC Nature - Home.