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iPads in Guided Reading. Before a class set of iPads I was differentiating my literacy centers for guided reading.

iPads in Guided Reading

Here were some of literacy centers and how I differentiated them: 1. Word Study--At the beginning of the year, it is beginning sounds. As the year progresses it is ending sounds, short vowel sounds, blends, digraphs, long vowels, irregular verbs. The three students that come to this center listen to their individual tape player and complete their work.

These tapes are direct feedback and have the students complete the work and then they check it at the end of the tape. 2. 6 Ways Students Can Collaborate With iPads. The following post is written by Greg Kulowiec of EdTechTeacher . Join EdTechTeacher at the iPad Summit in Atlanta on April 10-12. The app store is loaded with options that allow students to create content on their iPads. From comic strip creators to mind maps, video editing and publishing, screencasting & digital books, the options for individual student creation are expanding. Creative APP-titude: iPad Multimedia Tools for Creativitity. Kathy Schrock's Guide to Everything - Home Page.

100 Essential iPad Tips and Tricks. Change the way the default apps and the operating system behave, to make them suit your particular needs.

100 Essential iPad Tips and Tricks

You’ll also discover ways to squeeze more functionality out of the default apps. The guys over at have put together another great article on the iPad. Where many articles before have focused on the settings and technical aspects of getting the most from your iPad, this article is really about customising your ipad. The iPad is an incredibly versatile device that can enhance your life in many different ways but all iPads behave identically when you first get them out of the box. 68 Interesting Ways to use an iPad in the Classroom.

Bloom's Apps - 21nnovate. Blooms%20multiplication%20activities. Blooming%20Smarts%20Master%20Planning%20Matrix. Blooms-quicksheets-281yv1b. Bloomin' Apps. This page gathers all of the Bloomin' Apps projects in one place.Each image has clickable hotspots and includes suggestions for iPad, Android, Google and online tools and applications to support each of the levels of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy.I have created a page to allow you to share your favorite online tool, iOS, or Android app with others.

Bloomin' Apps

Cogs of the Cognitive Processes I began to think about the triangular shape of Bloom's Taxonomy and realized I thought of it a bit differently.Since the cognitive processes are meant to be used when necessary, and any learner goes in and out of the each level as they acquire new content and turn it into knowledge, I created a different type of image that showcased my thoughts about Bloom's more meaningfully.Here is my visual which showcases the interlocking nature of the cognitive processes or, simply, the "Cogs of the Cognitive Processes". 05-2Bloom-16-17+Stems+for+Instruction. Christmas. BloomsTaxonomy. 50 really useful iPad tips and tricks.

With great new features like two video cameras, a faster processor and a Retina display, the new iPad is the world's best tablet device.

50 really useful iPad tips and tricks

It's also fully capable of running the latest version of Apple's iOS operating system and great apps like iMovie and GarageBand. Here we present 50 really useful iPad tips. I Pad.


Ten apps for your new iPad. If you were lucky enough to receive a new iPad for the holidays this year, we hope you have fun exploring what the tablet has to offer.

Ten apps for your new iPad

By now you've probably acquainted yourself with the built-in apps on your iPad, so you may want to reach outside the sandbox for more interesting fare. The App Store, which you can access on your iPad or via iTunes on your computer, features more than 750,000 downloadable apps. If there’s something you want to do on your iPad, chances are good you can find a tool for it in the App Store. 5 Ways Apps Fit Into Curriculum and Learning Strategies. As the recently released "2012 Horizon Report: K-12 Edition" suggests, mobile devices and apps will become mainstream in a year or less.

5 Ways Apps Fit Into Curriculum and Learning Strategies

But apps aren't all about playing games. Converge asked three instructional technology coordinators and teachers to share how they're using apps to help students achieve learning goals. 1. Meeting state standards. MIT App Inventor. Quixey - Find apps that do what you want. 7 Ways to Collect Student Work in an #iPad Classroom #staar.

Next week, I'll be facilitating a short one-hour workshop on a topic that is deceptively simple on a computer, but can be complex on an iPad--how to get student work off an iPad in a place where the teacher can get to it in ONE place.

7 Ways to Collect Student Work in an #iPad Classroom #staar

This short blog entry tries to offer some solutions. Let me know what you think, ok? Many apps--here's a short list--will output to WebDav, video or image format that ends up in your Camera Roll. Others will go to YouTube, cloud storage, and allow email sharing. Which solution works best? For schools deploying iPads in carts, some options are outlined below: 10 Best Apps 4 Teachers. Most of what we do is for the students.

10 Best Apps 4 Teachers

The focus of this and many other blogs and websites is about learning, and rightly so, but there are also apps that will make our jobs easier too. I am talking about that catergory of apps that are designed specifically for the classroom teacher. iPads for Education. 50 Apps Students Will Be Using In Your Classroom.

5 Useful iPhone Apps For Student Bloggers 9.43K Views 0 Likes Student blogging is a wonderful way to get into the world of online writing and learning. These iPhone apps for student bloggers will enhance their skills. 6 Interactive Storytelling Apps For Younger Students 11.39K Views 0 Likes Getting younger students to tell stories can promote a variety of different language arts skills in a way that is a lot more fun than doing grammar drills. Anytime Anywhere Learning Foundation. iOSteacher.