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Opendataviz | open data mining and visualization. Quandl - Find, Use and Share Numerical Data. Junar · The Open Data Platform. Open Knowledge Foundation Community Notebook. Ckan - The open source data portal software. Welcome - the Datahub. Welcome to the Registry of Open Access Repositories - Registry of Open Access Repositories. Data | European Union Open Data Portal. Socrata. The White House - Nominations & Appointments | Socrata. Data repositories. From Open Access Directory This list is part of the Open Access Directory. This is a list of repositories and databases for open data. Please annotate the entries to indicate the hosting organization, scope, licensing, and usage restrictions (if any).

If a repository is open in some respects but not others, please include it with an annotation rather than exclude it. If you're not sure whether a given dataset or data collection is open, post your query to Is It Open Data? Archaeology Also see Social sciences. Astronomy Also see Physics. Biology Also see BCO-DMO, Marine Biology data, listed with Marine Sciences repositories. Chemistry Also see BCO-DMO, Marine Biology data, listed with Marine Sciences repositories. Computer Science CiteSeerX provides its databases of nearly 2 million documents and the associated texts and pdfs for research. Energy DOE Data Explorer. Environmental sciences Also see BCO-DMO, Marine Biology data, listed with Marine Sciences repositories. Geology Linguistics Medicine. The goal of the W3C SWEO Linking Open Data community project is to extend the Web with a data commons by publishing various open datasets as RDF on the Web and by setting RDF links between data items from different data sources.

Kjetil, I had the good fortune of seeing the site and when I saw an mage, titled "The origin of the world" I knew hackers would take down the site. There is a text on the temporary site" The Europeana site is temporarily not accessible due to overwhelming interest after its launch (10 million hits per hour), which smells of denial of service after a massive attack. The site is part of the Digital Library Project of the European Union. I recommend you check with Jonathan Purday ( go to" and look for semantic web programs and projects. Open Data Institute.