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Mark Stevens’ Blog Unconventional Thinking. This week I was interviewed by NPR’s Marketplace program on the reason men would buy a fancy new Gillette razor for $15 or so when they could easily get a damned good shave for less than a buck. Although the question appears to be sound, it is–to my thinking–rather naïve. In the vast majority of cases, we pay more than we need to for virtually everything precisely because we rarely need any of the stuff we buy. It all boils down to what makes people tick. As a businessperson, a marketer, it’s the most important question we must grapple with. And as far as I’m concerned, the the most powerful force that makes people tick comes in the form of dreams.

Which brings us to the $15 razor, the $9,000 Gucci purse and the $500 “age defying” skin cream/youth serum. No one buys a $15 razor: the marketers create an image that serves as a Rorschach test of sorts: people see in it what they want to see. Is it manipulative? Because it is those dreams that make people tick. B2B Marketing Strategies. Dear Sales Professional: Your business, your sanity, your entire future may be in SERIOUS PERIL if you’re buying into any of these sales and marketing lies: “Make more phone calls today than you did yesterday.”

B2B Marketing Strategies

“You’ve just got to get in front of more people.” “You should run some ads and get your name out there.” “Prove to your customer that you’re willing to work harder, drive more miles, and bend over further than everyone else to earn his business.” Let me ask you an honest question… Don’t you despise spending three-fourths of your day on the phone with people who can’t wait to hang up on you, when you could be having customers eager to call you? What would you give to be able to come in to work every morning and find a fresh stack of e-mails, faxes and voice mails ready and waiting for your response? Robert Skrob.

I Love Marketing. Small business marketing consulting and coaching ideas and strategies. Email Marketing Solution - iContact. Direct Mail Landing Page Test. Login to ABTests. PB-EX-08011-SE.pdf (application/pdf Object) Starting From Scratch: How to Find and Fill Holes « Jonathan Leger. I recently created a new board on my forums at .

Starting From Scratch: How to Find and Fill Holes « Jonathan Leger

The purpose of this board is to find out what my readers want me to write about that will help them in their online business. I've gotten a lot of questions from a lot of people, so there's plenty of material to work from in my future blog posts, but the question that stood out to me the most, that was asked in different ways by different people, was basically this: "If you had to start over again, from scratch, what would you do to earn a living online? " Let me start my answer to that question by being very specific: I am a software developer, both by trade and in heart.

It's what I love and what I'm good at. So, specifically, I would start from scratch by creating software tools that help people in some way. You're probably not a software developer (though if you are, let me tell you, there's a lot of room for you in the world of online business). So let me go through the steps, one at a time: 1. 2. You see? 3. Summary. 50 Inspiring Vintage Advertisements. Like many others I find myself captivated with vintage advertising.

50 Inspiring Vintage Advertisements

There have been numerous articles, blog posts and websites dedicated to the subject and I just can’t seem to get enough. Specifically, it is the advertising of the 50′s and 60′s that is most aesthetically pleasing to me. It seems every ad in that era was either a beautifully shot photograph or a stunning Rockwellian painting. Not to mention the incredible attention given to layout and typography. The following are 50 of my personal favorites. Western Electric [Source] Volkswagen [Source] Sony [Source] Lightolier [Source] Video Series Part 1A of 3 - Managed Services Technology Marketing Blueprint Grows IT Business. Managed Services Technology Marketing Blueprint Grows IT Business. Henry Evans - Effective Marketing for Entrepreneurs (Glazer-Kennedy SD) (San Diego, CA.

Introduction Entrepreneur, geek, marketer, sales-guru, teacher, husband and father to two wonderful girls, Henry Evans has been involved in getting results with sales and marketing for over 20 years.

Henry Evans - Effective Marketing for Entrepreneurs (Glazer-Kennedy SD) (San Diego, CA

Henry’s passion is improving things and making them better. What was it about this Meetup that interested you? Helping fellow San Diego (and surrounding area) entrepreneurs grow their businesses with the power of direct response marketing -- even in today's economic environment. What are you looking to accomplish with your business through marketing? Grow and impact 1,000,000 entrepreneurs starting with helping my fellow Southern California entrepreneurs and business owners. The Six Figure Mentors - Tools, Training, Community & Coaching.