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TheGlasgowStory: 1950s to The Present Day: Buildings and Cityscape: Tenement Life. My Glasgow in the 1950s was a warm bustling sort of "Dirty Old Town" where everybody, it seemed, stayed up a "close".

TheGlasgowStory: 1950s to The Present Day: Buildings and Cityscape: Tenement Life

Tenements still dominated the urban landscape, whether in the working-class districts of Anderston to the north of the River Clyde, or Gorbals to the south. West-end Hyndland and east-end Dennistoun were among the more douce residential areas where quality building prevailed. Whatever the community's profile, there were shared features of tenement life. Why the battle for breakfast is hotting up. It's 8.20 on a Wednesday morning, and Chris is about to tuck into a chocolate twist pastry and an orange juice, with a coffee (Guatemalan beans) on its way.

Why the battle for breakfast is hotting up

He doesn't have to be in the office until later but will use his time in this South London coffee shop to catch up on his emails in peace. He does this about once a week, he says. Why is globalisation under attack? Image copyright Getty Images Free trade and globalisation seem to be under siege from a broad and loud range of opponents.

Why is globalisation under attack?

For decades there has been a strong consensus that globalisation brought more jobs, higher wages and lower prices - not just for richer countries but also for developing and poorer nations. Is government spending on roads and railways a good idea? Hurricane Matthew is strongest storm in Atlantic in nine years. Image copyright Reuters The most powerful hurricane in the Atlantic for nine years is moving towards Jamaica with wind speeds of up to 260km/h (160mph), strong enough to wreck houses.

Hurricane Matthew is strongest storm in Atlantic in nine years

Weather forecasters have upgraded Hurricane Matthew to category five, the highest on the scale of intensity. Mexico's erupting Colima volcano triggers evacuations. Mexico's erupting Colima volcano triggers evacuations.