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Schumann Frequenz - Resonanz - Live - Daten aus Tomsk. Über die Schumann Frequenz Die Daten die Du oben sehen kannst, nennt man allgemein die Schumann Frequenz. Korrekter wäre die Schumann Resonanz. Da diese Frequenz von Winfried Otto Schumann entdeckt wurde, wird es als Schumann-Resonanz bezeichnet. Schumann war Physiker an der TU München. 1952 erkannte Schumann, dass der Raum zwischen diesen beiden Faktoren, Erde und Ionosphäre, einen Resonator darstellt. Zwischen der Erde und der Ionosphäre, werden stetig elektromagnetische Wellen erzeugt. Die Schumann Resonanz Winfried Schumann berechnete aus Linien mit geringer Intensität und extrem niedriger Frequenz, gemessen in Hz, diese Resonanzen.

Später in den 60ern, wurde dieser Nachweis bestätigt. Die Daten der Schumann-Frequenz erhalten wir von dem russischen Weltraumbeobachtungssystem in Tomsk. Quelle: Weltraumbeobachtungssystem Tomsk. Map The Power - Toolkit. LittleSis - Profiling the powers that be. Homepage | NOAA / NWS Space Weather Prediction Center. GOES X-ray Flux | NOAA / NWS Space Weather Prediction Center. Skip to main content NOAA Scales mini none Current Space Weather Conditions on NOAA Scales R1 (Minor) Radio Blackout Impacts HF Radio: Weak or minor degradation of HF radio communication on sunlit side, occasional loss of radio contact.

Navigation: Low-frequency navigation signals degraded for brief intervals. More about the NOAA Space Weather Scales GOES X-ray Flux The GOES X-ray plots shown here are used to track solar activity and solar flares. The latest event is the latest X-ray flare detected by the GOES satellites, either automatically or manually entered if the detection algorithm fails, without regard to any earlier events. The particulars for defining the begin, maximum, and end-time of an X-ray event are: Sometimes the algorithm will not trigger on a flare with a gradual rise-time (common for limb events), and the forecaster will have to enter the particulars manually.

Space Observing System | Данные комплексного мониторинга в г.Томске. Aktuelle Position der ISS. NASA’s Eyes. FERI Institut. Home page Bee sensors take flight to help farmers. Thousands of honey bees in Australia are being fitted with tiny sensors as part of a world-first research program to monitor the insects and their environment using a technique known as 'swarm sensing'. The research is being led by CSIRO and aims to improve honey bee pollination and productivity on farms as well as help understand the drivers of bee Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), a condition decimating honey bee populations worldwide. Up to 5 000 sensors, measuring 2.5mm x 2.5 mm are being fitted to the backs of the bees in Hobart, Tasmania, before being released into the wild. It's the first time such large numbers of insects have been used for environmental monitoring.

"Honey bees play a vital role in the landscape through a free pollination service for agriculture, which various crops rely on to increase yields. The research will also look at the impacts of agricultural pesticides on honey bees by monitoring insects that feed at sites with trace amounts of commonly used chemicals. Money Chart. Earthquakes - Earthquake today - Latest Earthquakes in the World - EMSC. HAARP VHF Riometer. Gamma-ray Burst Real-time Sky Map. Bureau van Dijk - Bureau van Dijk. Earth's gravity revealed in unprecedented detail. Best view yet of global gravity Earth's gravity revealed in unprecedented detail 31 March 2011 After just two years in orbit, ESA's GOCE satellite has gathered enough data to map Earth's gravity with unrivalled precision. Scientists now have access to the most accurate model of the 'geoid' ever produced to further our understanding of how Earth works.

The new geoid was unveiled today at the Fourth International GOCE User Workshop hosted at the Technische Universität München in Munich, Germany. Media representatives and scientists from around the world have been treated to the best view yet of global gravity. The geoid is the surface of an ideal global ocean in the absence of tides and currents, shaped only by gravity. Prof. To understand ocean circulation "Now the time has come to use GOCE data for science and applications. "They show that GOCE will give us dynamic topography and circulation patterns of the oceans with unprecedented quality and resolution. New GOCE geoid GOCE in orbit Prof. Ölweltmarkt - TECSON. US-Ölmarkt Die aktuellen US-Lagerzahlen von Mittwoch 17 Uhr:[Erhebung EIA/DoE; Stand 09.04.2014; in Mio. Barrel] Der Anstieg der US-Rohöllager fiel nicht so deutlich aus wie gestern vom API gemeldet.

Dennoch setzte sich der Lageraufbau der US-Rohölbestände mit +4 Mio. Barrel auch laut den neuesten DOE-Zahlen weiter fort. Abgesehen von der Vorwoche, wurde somit in 2014 bisher in jeder Woche ein Aufbau der US-Rohöllager gemeldet. Auf der Produkteseite legten die Bestände für Heizöl+Diesel um 0,2 Mio. Weltwirtschaft, Finanzmärkte Von der zweitgrößten Volkswirtschaft der Welt kamen am Morgen wieder einmal schwächere Handelsdaten als erwartet. Demgegenüber konnte Deutschland seine Exporte aufgrund der steigenden Nachfrage aus Europa weiter steigern. Die aktuellen Zahlen des IWF zeigen, dass sich das Weltwirtschaftswachstum in 2013 mit plus drei Prozent solide entwickelt hat und sich in 2014 und 2015 mit plus 3,6 bzw. 3,9 Prozent weiter verbessern wird. RadNet Map Interface. EPA's nationwide radiation monitoring system, RadNet, consists of two components.

First, stationary and deployable air monitors measure radiation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The map below provides monitoring results as graphs that are updated several times daily. You can also search the RadNet database in EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) to find monitoring data. Second, EPA samples precipitation, drinking water, and milk on a routine schedule and tests them for radiation in a laboratory. The latest RadNet sampling results are available in Envirofacts. More Info Routine and Emergency Schedules The interactive map below provides access to monitoring data. Hints for navigating around the map Zoom: use the + and - icons at the top left, double-click, or roll your mouse wheel Move around the map: hold down the left mouse button and move the mouse Stationary Monitoring Locations Birmingham Dothan Laboratory: Drinking Water Data available in Envirofacts Montgomery Muscle Shoals Scottsboro Alaska Yuma.

Proton.gif (GIF-Grafik, 640x480 Pixel) 3-day GOES X-ray Flux Monitor.