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Shahi - A visual dictionary. FastStone Image Viewer, Screen Capture, Photo Resizer ... Abel's Teacher Training Page. Mind Mapping Software - Brainstorm Online. Vallbona English Corner. Colleagues at SPICE UP YOUR LESSONS WITH EDUTECH. Synonym Finder » Find synonyms, antonyms & definition for (almost) any word. Online Etymology Dictionary. Urban Dictionary, SLANG. eTwinning - Portada. eTwinning es la comunidad de centros escolares de Europa.

eTwinning - Portada

Wikipedia. Google. How do you pronounce it? - definition of How do you pronounce it? by The Free Dictionary. Voki - Home. Adictivoz: Música, Letras, Traducciones, Videos y Noticias. English news and easy articles for students of English.

Human Rights in Europe. ECLIPSE – Enhancing Cultural Literacy Through Innovative Practice and Skills in Europe. The idea of ‘Cultural Literacy’ stems from the belief that students need to have good cultural, artistic and historical background knowledge in order to access a literary or factual text.

ECLIPSE – Enhancing Cultural Literacy Through Innovative Practice and Skills in Europe

Hence, we need to give students the opportunity to combine music, art and languages to enhance and improve their understanding and deepen their knowledge about culture, music and art work as well as help them achieve academic success and fulfill their true potential regardless of their ability, color or background. Students will explore other aspects such as the role of music, drama and other art forms to bring our cultures together and foster a culture of tolerance and eradicate stereotypes. As well as improving our students’ linguistic skills when understanding historical facts, workshops will be organised for students to be creative and explore different genres of art such as photography, sculpture in each country.

…involucra'm i ho aprenc… (B. Franklin) El passat dia 26 de maig i durant quatre dies vaig participar del projecte “Jobshadowing” dins del projecte Erasmus+ E.C.L.I.P.S.E com a part d´una experiència on professors de diferents llocs d’Europa com ara Catalunya, Itàlia, Noruega, Eslovènia o Anglaterra viatjaven a altres instituts públics per compartir, aprendre i conèixer diferents tipus d´ensenyaments i pedagogies.

…involucra'm i ho aprenc… (B. Franklin)

Comprovar in situ com s’aplicaven a les aules i alhora agafar allò que vèiem més interessant per poder ampliar i enriquir les nostres eines i metodologies docents. A mi em va tocar anar a l’institut Small Heath School a Birmingham (Anglaterra) i he d’admetre que al principi estava una mica insegur i espantat perquè sóc professor de música i encara que he estudiat anglès quasi tota la meva vida i segueixo estudiant, i és una llengua que m´apassiona per la seva connexió amb tants músics que admiro, no les tenia totes amb mi en quant a tenir el nivell que requeria aquesta tasca.

Anterior Següent. SESVallbona_2016 #microhistoriesdexploradors en Pinterest. SES Vallbona d'Anoia high school - Erasmus Creativity Club in Vallbona d'Anoia. Secció d’Institut Vallbona d’Anoia also known as SES Vallbona d'Anoia caters to 12-to-16-year-old students’ compulsory education (from 1st to 4th ESO, i.e. from Year 7 to Year 10).

SES Vallbona d'Anoia high school - Erasmus Creativity Club in Vallbona d'Anoia

The school is public, mixed, young (2008), small (23 teachers-195 students), set in a provisional building and very active. Our students come from the surrounding villages (i.e. La Pobla de Claramunt, Cabrera d’Anoia, Sant Joan de Mediona, Sant Pere Sacarrera and Vallbona d’Anoia). Families contribute to the running of the school actively by means of the Parents’ Association (AMPA). We also count on the support of the local authorities in the town hall and cultural non-profit organizations. The school is set in a quiet valley which is very well connected to other places of educational and cultural interest such as Barcelona, Igualada, Montserrat or Vilafranca del Penedés by railway or on road. This is the presentation we prepared for the 1st ECLIPSE meeting in Antalya, Turkey.

English to French, Italian, German & Spanish Dictionary.