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Learn languages. Project based learning. Learn French. Classroom management. Web 2.0 for teaching. Student portfolio. Assessment. Quia. Photovisi - Collage photo effects. Prazas|Real-time learning collaboration software. 10 Tips for Beginning Bloggers. My brother has recently started blogging and asked me for some tips. I thought I would share them here. I started blogging in 2006 and it has been some of the best professional development for me that I have ever done. Blogging forces me to think, reflect and write about my experiences.

Blogging helps me retain my learning and connects me to others who help and support me in my endeavors. If you don't yet have a blog, I recommend giving it a try. You don't have to blog every day or every week. Just establish a place Online to share your thoughts. Here are few tips to get you started. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Bonus: Include numbers in your post titles. Do you have a blog? Classroom-Management Video Tips for Teachers. Teacher: Guys, I know- I know-- just- just take a deep breath, you guys. Give us a few minutes, okay? Okay, Justin, can you stop, please? Okay. Ladies and gentlemen… Narrator: Having trouble managing your classroom? Here are some of our favorite "Tricks of the Trade. " Felipe: Are you going to play? Student: Mr. Felipe: Okay. Narrator: Kindergarten teacher Felipe Lara uses sign language to answer individual questions while maintaining focus on the class lesson.

Filipe: Well, when they ask me a question and I'll either answer yes or no, it helps me figure out-- it's less interruptive. Student: [Crying] I want my mama. Filipe: So you want your mama? Chris: All right. Narrator: Chris Opitz creates a fish bowl so that students can learn lessons in manners and math from each other. Chris: Audience, our voices are off. Student: Mike started with 8, Kelly had twice as much as Mike, and Joe had half as much as Kelly.

Student: I'm not quite getting why did you do those shapes there? Claudia: Ladies? Jefferson County SEL Resources and Downloads. Kentucky's Jefferson County school district shares details about administration, school culture, professional development, and curriculum -- materials that you may adapt for your class or school.

Click on any of the titles below to download a PDF of one of Jefferson County Public Schools' resources for success. PDF files can be viewed on a wide variety of platforms -- both as a browser plug-in or a stand-alone application -- with Adobe's free Acrobat Reader program. Click here to download the latest version of Adobe Reader. To download a free version of the Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer, visit Microsoft's Download Center.] Resources On This Page: Elementary School - Professional Training Documents CARE for Kids elementary-school professional development plan 640K Expectations of CARE for Kids schools 244K CARE for Kids implementation calendar, grades K-1 460K CARE for Kids implementation calendar, grades 2-5 260K CARE for Kids general implementation calendar 452K Middle School - Useful Resources.

Over 100 ideas for using Twitter in the Classroom | Emerging Internet Technologies for Education. This handful of resources provide about 100 different ideas for, and examples of, using Twitter in the classroom. It’s been almost 8 months since I published the post, “6 Examples of Using Twitter in the Classroom”, about uses of the popular micro-blogging tool in the instructional setting. This post generated a lot of traffic, and continues to attract hundreds of viewers every week. Since that brief posting, I’ve come across a lot of articles containing examples and suggestions for using Twitter in instructional applications. I’ve combed through many of these and tried to boil down the redundancies to create a rich set of idea-laden resources. I also want to mention these 100 Serious Twitter Tips for Academics, which are worth reviewing to learn more and plan your approach to using Twitter in (and out of) the classroom.

Here are the original “6 Examples” from last June’s post: About Kelly Walsh Print This Post. Languages - French. 50 Ways to Use Wikis for a More Collaborative and Interactive Classroom. Wikis are an exceptionally useful tool for getting students more involved in curriculum. They’re often appealing and fun for students to use, while at the same time ideal for encouraging participation, collaboration, and interaction. Read on to see how you can put wikis to work in your classroom. Resource Creation Using these ideas, your students can collaboratively create classroom valuables. Student Participation These projects are sure to get your students involved. Group Projects Allow wikis to facilitate group work by using these ideas.

Student Interaction Get your students to work together on these projects. For the Classroom Use your wiki to create spaces that are special to your class. Community Reach out to the community with these resources that everyone can appreciate. Other Here are even more fun and useful ways to improve your classroom with a wiki. Did you enjoy this article? The Cleverest Ways to Use Dropbox That You're Not Using - Clever Uses - Lifehacker. Communiquer en franais. ACTES DE LANGAGEJ'AIME / JE N’AIME PAS J'adore...Je suis fou (folle) de ... J'aime beaucoup... J'aime bien... les films italiens.Ça me plaît (assez, beaucoup...) Ça ne me plaît pas du tout...Je déteste....DIRE CE QUE L'ON PRÉFÈRE Je préfère...J'aime mieux...J'aimerais mieux... Il vaut mieux... aller au café.Il est préférable de / d'... Je préférerais...DIRE CE QU' ON A L' INTENTION DE FAIRE Je voudrais...J'aimerais...

J'ai l'intention de ... RACONTER UNE SUITE D'ÉVÈNEMENTS alors… et puis.... tout d'abord… après..... à la fin… au début... au bout d’un moment... enfin... ensuite... c'est alors que…Tout d'abord, ils ont creusé un trou, ensuite ils l'ont recouvert de branches et de feuilles sèches. POUR DIRE QU'ON EST D' ACCORD ACCORD TOTAL : Absolument ! Exactement… C'est bien possible… Peut-être bien…Si vous voulez… Si tu le dis… Sans doute… Ça se peut... Je ne suis pas du tout d'accord.Tu rigoles ! Pour lui (elle) ...Paris est une belle ville. Il (elle) trouve que... Qu'en pensez-vous ? Why the Net? An Interactive Tool for the Classroom: Explanation. What is the Internet? The Internet, also called the Net, is a collection of computers connected in a worldwide network. Since you are reading this on a Web site 1, your computer is part of the Internet. Not only is it part of the Internet, your computer is linked, through the network, right now to a computer in New York City that houses this CONCEPT TO CLASSROOM workshop.

That computer is called a Web server 2. Other Internet functions allow you to send and receive e-mail 3, participate in online discussion groups, and much more. The network between your computer and the Concept to Classroom computer in New York City makes it possible for the two computers to share information and exchange files. At the moment, the computer in New York is not only sharing this page with you, it is sharing thousands of other pages with thousands of other computers! Share and mark up documents online | crocodoc. Travel Photos & Videos: North America, Europe & Egypt. My English.