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Accueil - Langues en ligne - Centre National de Documentation Pédagogique. How to: verify content from social media. There are a wealth of questions, tools and techniques journalists can use to verify content from social media The mass of information now available and being shared online offers a fantastic arena for journalists to engage with online communities and pick up on breaking news at the same time.

How to: verify content from social media

This means journalists are also having to sharpen their verification and fact-checking skills in a digital environment. This how-to features advice from a panel of experts on the key considerations, questions and tools journalists should have in mind when carrying out verification of content that surfaces via social media, be it a news tip, an image, a piece of audio or video. The process covers three main stages: monitoring of social networks and the online community before news breaks, checking the content when it comes into play and subsequently reporting that content once verified. Our panel of experts on this topic includes: Valider l'info : et les journalistes ?

La vérification a, de tout temps, été un élément de base du travail de journaliste.

Valider l'info : et les journalistes ?

Mais, à l’ère d’Internet et des réseaux sociaux, à l’heure où les informations se déversent en un flux continu, les journalistes, comme tout un chacun, voient leur repères bouleversés. Mais ils ne sont pas non plus démunis. Petit tour d’horizon des pratiques, outils, méthodes… Qu’en disent les manuels.