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Google Hangouts Guide for Teachers. Module #3 - Becoming a Google Drive Master. Back to School With Google Docs. Last year all of the students in our school district received Google Docs accounts and I was kept quite busy all year getting students up and running and then finding innovative ways to use the tools for learning. Upon reflection,if I got the opportunity to do it all over again there are three things I would make sure to do at the start of the year to kick off Google Docs. 1. Encourage Teachers to Create an In Box with a Google Form One of the challenges of using Google Docs with a class full of students is in managing all those Google Docs. Teachers create and publish a Google Form, or In Box, in a convenient place for students to access. 2.

The Google Docs revision history tracks all changes that have been made to a document by each collaborator, which makes this a useful feature for student accountability. 3. If you're looking for an easy and efficient way to provide students with a starting point for a digital project, Google Docs Templates can help. How to Use an Existing Templates. Peer Editing Jobs - Google Docs Templates. Find facts and do research inside Google Documents. Today we’re introducing the research pane—a new feature that brings the web’s wealth of information to you as you’re writing documents.

The research pane taps into Google Search directly from Google documents, so whether you want to add a cool destination to your itinerary for an upcoming trip to India or you're looking for the perfect presidential quote for a political science paper, you don’t even have to open a new tab. You can access the research pane from the Tools menu by right clicking on a selected word that you want to learn more about, or by pressing Ctrl+Alt+R on Windows or Cmd+Alt+R on Mac. From the research pane, you can search for whatever info you need to help you write your document.

With just a couple clicks you can look up maps, quotes, images, and much more. If you find something you like, you can add it by clicking the insert button or, for images, by dragging them directly into your document. 50 Google Docs Tips Every Teacher should Know about. 8 Things Every Teachers should Be Able to Do with Google Docs. Today I am sharing with you a little guide I have created specifically for readers of Educational Technology and Mobile Learning.

Each time I write about Google Docs I get several emails from people asking about how to apply a certain tip. I know Google Docs keeps improving and adding more features to it but the basic features it started with are still the same. Just give it some time and play around its features and you will learn a great deal of new things from. Use the the guide below to help you better master Google Docs. 1- Add a title to your document and save it in a folder 2- Search your Google Drive for docs 3- Connect apps to Google Drive 4- Highlight to add comment 5- Add comment to highlighted words 6- Research highlighted words in Google, Scholar, Images..etc 7- Sharing a doc with others 8- Track Revision.

Apps for Education. 50 Little-Known Ways Google Docs Can Help In Education. Google Docs is such an incredible tool for college students, offering collaboration, portability, ease of use, and widespread acceptance. But there are so many options, both hidden and obvious, that there’s a good chance you’re not using Google Docs to its fullest capability. We’ve discovered 50+ great tips for getting the most out of Google Docs as a student , with awesome ideas and tricks for collaboration, sharing, and staying productive. Access your documents from anywhere : Whether you’re in your dorm room or the school library, you can access your Google Docs.

Take advantage of this to make it easy to do your work on-the-go. Use Docs reference tools : Take advantage of the Define option to use Docs’ built in dictionary, as well as a thesaurus and an encyclopedia available for use right in your document. 40 Ways to Use Google Apps in the Classroom. Get started with Hangouts On Air - Google+ Help.

A Must See Google Plus Cheat Sheet for Teachers. I still remember how reluctant we were to embrace Google Plus. Google did all its best to push it forward and "force" us to use it. Many people did not see in it any good addition to the already teeming world of social media. However, as days passed by, the importance and centrality of this social networking site grew bigger and bigger till it finally secured its place among the top social media sites in the calibre of Facebook and Twitter. One of the best things that make Google Plus stand out from the crowd is its being ad-free. Finally we have a place where we can network with each other without being annoyed by those stupid ads and pop-ups as is the case in Facebook. related: 5 Excellent Tools to Use with Google Plus Google Plus has a huge potential in the world of academia and education both as a platform for teaching and learning and as a tool for professional development.

The Best Resources For Learning What Google+ Is All About. NOTE: Google Plus is now open to everyone (including teens), and they’ve announced huge improvements to the service at the same time. You can read more about their improvements here. Against my better judgment , I took advantage of Lee Kolbert’s generous offer of providing Google+ invites to her Twitter followers. I’m still trying to figure out how, and if, I’m going to find the time for another network (for those of you who don’t know, Google+ is Google’s brand-new effort to create a Facebook-like social network), but enough people whose judgment I respect seem to think it could be a valuable tool.

So I’m going to spend some time checking it out. In the process of beginning to do exploring, I’ve found some useful resources that I thought I’d here. Here are my choices for The Best Resources For Learning What Google+ Is All About: I’m going to start off with posts from educators. Lee Kolbert has written Google+ (Stay With Me Here). The Google+ Project: targeted is by Tom Barrett. iGoogle. 5 ideas for using Google Hangouts On Air. If you're an innovative educator, by now, you have probably tried Google Hangouts which let you conduct a video conference with up to ten people / locations FOR FREE! This by itself has terrific potential for teaching and learning tool. I explained here ways the following ideas could be put to use in the classroom: 1) Take a class without having to be in the same place. 2) Invite an audience to a performance. 3) Invite others to perform/discuss with you. What you may yet to have tried is livestreaming your Hangout and capturing it via YouTube.

You can see what it is here: You can find out how to set it up here. You can discover five great ways to use it for education below. 1) Online classes / webinars Forget that expensive software. 2) Professional development 3) The home – school connection In the 21st century where many students come from either single-parent working families or those where both parents must work, coming to school is difficult. 4) Meetings 5) Poetry Slam So, what do you think? How Search Works - The Story – Inside Search – Google. 5 Excellent Tools for Teachers to Use with Google Hangout. To increase users'productivity and enhance the smoothness of their workflow, Google has recently allowed third party apps to be integrated with certain services namely Google Drive and Google Plus. We have already seen some of the best apps to use on your Google Drive in"10 Great Tools to Integrate with your Google Docs".

Today I am introducing you to the best apps you can use with your Google Plus hangout. Remember, the same principle applies here, to enable these apps you need to be logged in to your Google Account. If you are not yet familiar with what Google Hangout is all about or how you can use it with your students, please read this visual guide to get started. To add the apps mentioned below to your Google Hangout, follow these steps : Head over to your Google Hangout, hover your mouse over the dots as is shown in the screenshot below and then click on " add apps". Now here is a set of my favorite apps to use with your hangouts: 10 Great Tools to Integrate with your Google Docs. Since Google officially changed Google Docs name to Google Drive and a number of updates have been introduced to improve its overall performance.

One very recent update is an increase of cloud storage capacity to 15GB usable across Gmail, Drive, and Google Plus. It is quite obvious that Google is trying to outsmart its immediate competitor Dropbox and I think Google is successful in its strategy so far. To make Google Drive stand out from the crowd, Google opened it to apps developers and allowed users to select from a wide variety of web apps to integrate into their Google Drive accounts. With the integration of these apps, users can now handle their files and documents ways not affordable by any other cloud storage tool out there. I have curated for you some interesting apps that are integrated into Google Drive and which you can install right from your Google Drive interface. Here is a list of some great apps to use with your Google Drive : 1- WeVideo 2- PicMonkey 3- Google Forms app.

10 Creative Ways To Use Google Tools To Maximize Learning. The following post was co-authored by EdTechTeacher’s Beth Holland & Tracy Sockalosky. When we think about the tools and resources that benefit all learners, certain key attributes come to mind: multiple modalities, scaffolding, communication, collaboration, and support. While there are hundreds of tools and devices available, we have found 10 strategies to maximize the learning possibilities through creative uses of All Things Google . 1. Google Docs At its most basic level, Google Docs provides students with a foolproof means to access their work from any device.

On a deeper level, working in shared Docs also creates an almost real-time feedback loop. Docs do not have to be used only for assessments. 2. Imagine having the ability to know your students’ comprehension level before they walk into class or immediately after you introduce a new concept. 3. What if your students could hear your thoughts as you read their work and provided input? 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Google Tools To Check Out. Most folks are familiar with the most common Google tools. Search, Hangouts, Docs, Mail, Drive all are used by countless folks around the world. In fact this blog is written with Google Blogger. I use Google and live there most days. But did you know there are some under used features outside of the typical ones that have great value? Here is just a handful of some of the Google Tools to check out for your classroom.

Google Custom Search Engine -This tool is one of my favorites. Google Keep -Keep is new to the Google tool lineup. Google Mars -Always wanted to visit Mars but thought it would take to long? Public Data -This one is one of my favorites. URL Shortner -Long URLs are ugly and not to mention hard to type in. Google For Teachers -There are so many more resources specifically for teachers that Google has curated. What about you? GCT Google Slam @ ISTE12. Google Sites for Teachers 2012. 10 Interactive Lessons By Google On Digital Citizenship. 10 Interactive Lessons By Google On Digital Citizenship Added by Jeff Dunn on 2012-07-22 YouTube has a firm place in the current classroom.

From Khan Academy’s videos to YouTube EDU and beyond, there’s a reason all these videos are finding a home in schools. In an effort to help keep the ball rolling, Google just launched a set of 10 interactive lessons designed to support teachers in educating students on digital citizenship. A topic obviously quite close to Google’s heart.

Google (which owns YouTube) built the lessons to educate students about YouTube’s policies, how to flag content, how to be a safer online citizen, and protect their identities. Below is a list of lessons, and the recommended flow for delivery. Or you can download the Full Teacher’s Guide or the Full Set of Slides in PDF . The killer feature for this curriculum is the extra features that come with each video. Category: Videos Tags: digital citizenship , guide , How To , presentations , Videos You may also like 4 Comments. Google Earth Resources for K-12. Teacher's Quick Guide to Google Best Services. I got you another poster that you will definitely love.

I am adding it to the list of posters I have created before and I am also preparing another list of awesome posters that you hang on your classroom wall.Yes, I am determined to help you make your classroom look completely different this school year. Below is a great infographic from GCF Learn Free that sumps up the services Google offers us. It would be great if you print it out and post it in your desk or in your classroom. Check out and tell us what you think. 50 Little-Known Ways Google Docs Can Help In Education.

5 Ways To Be A Better Public Speaker 7.16K Views 0 Likes If you've been asked to speak at a conference or host a seminar, you may be shaking in your boots. Not only is the thought of speaking in public nerve-wracking, but being in charge of a seminar that no one wants to at... My 10 Favorite Learnist Boards Of The Year 2.66K Views 0 Likes I wanted to take a moment and share my favorite Learnist boards from the past year.

Integrating Google Tools 4 Teachers. Google Certified Innovator & Trainer Colette Cassinelli's Google Apps for Education Workshops Explore our world with Google's Geo Tools (the new Google Earth, Tour Builder, MyMaps, Google Expeditions, and more) and see how they can engage students in storytelling, exploration and critical thinking. Build your own maps, add narrative to tours, and see how 360 photospheres will engage your students as they add their photos to Maps. Go Beyond G Suite for Education with Chrome Apps & ExtensionsChromebooks using G Suites for Education are powerful tools for students for word processing, presentations, data collection, and websites.

Add functionality to your Chromebook (or Chrome Browser) by installing Chrome Apps and Extensions. This hands-on session will show you how to install apps/extensions, provide reviews and examples from highly rated educational apps/extensions and give you time to play! Get Mobile and Go Google! Colette Cassinelli's iPad Workshops Get Mobile and Go Google! Got Books?