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Shapeways - 3D Printing Service and Marketplace. Etching brass plates. This is how I etched a brass plate to use as a decorative plate for my laptop lid.

Etching brass plates

I've also used these stuck onto the front of notebooks and sketchbooks as presents for friends. My method draws heavily from this instructable and this website, so I thank the respective authors for their sterling work. There are many, many different ways of doing this, but when I was researching it, there weren't very many thorough tutorials, so I think this may still be useful for some people. But if you're interested, do scour the internet and you'll find a wealth of information about toner transfer and etching - some good, some bad, some just plain puzzling. The artwork I used is a piece called Tribal Eagle by *xx-trigrhappy-xx and is used with permission. Unión de cola de milano de apariencia imposible. Traducido al español por Sergio Esta unión de cola de milano de apariencia imposible fue un descubrimiento sorprendente. !

Unión de cola de milano de apariencia imposible

Es más fácil de hacer de lo que parece! Comenzó como pieza de prueba una vez que me construí mi plantilla para cortar ensambles de cola de milano con la sierra de mesa. Mechanical Hand : Make the fingers. Superpedestrian - The Copenhagen Wheel. Solar Energy for your Home. Toca Builders App Walkthrough : How to build a bridge in Toca Builders. Artist Interviews. The Pictorial Arts. I used to really enjoy Science Digest magazine.

The Pictorial Arts

This Robert McCall cover is a favorite. I've met with McCall on two different occasions, once at a conference and once in his studio, and it was such a pleasure talking with him and seeing his paintings up close—including the painting for this cover. I will have more about McCall down the line. Animation Backgrounds. Concept Root - Concept Art, Concept Artists from the Games and Movie Industry.

Wood Chopper Windmill. This is a fun to build toy/decoration that easily provides entertainment or simply catches one's eye.

Wood Chopper Windmill

It can be built with simple woodworking tools and can easily be throw together within a few evenings. I know this is probably annoying, but I've entered this in the Toy, Fathers Day, and Epilog V Contest's. If you like it, show some love by giving me a vote :) ( I included an image of the template I used) Xaxor - Showcasing the Best Pictures Online!

Casa que juega con el sol. FujiwaraMuro Architects, House in Muko, Kyoto, Japón, casa, asia, Actualmente 9.25/10 Calificación: 9.25/10 (24 votos contados) ¿Te gustó el artículo?

Casa que juega con el sol

Califícalo con estrellas. Esta residencia ubicada en Kyoto y diseñada por los arquitectos FujiwaraMuroque, consiste básicamente una sola habitación, y se ubica en un complejo terreno en forma de abanico. (Vie, 29 Mar 2013) Grandes lamas verticales dan a esta vivienda unifamiliar, una apariencia plegada. The History of Encryption. The History of Encryption 700 BC Scytale The Spartan military used scytales to send sensitive missives during times of battle.

The History of Encryption

Both sender and recipient had a wooden rod of the exact diameter and length. To encrypt a message, the sender tightly wound a piece of leather or parchment around the stick and wrote a message on it. The unwound leather was sent to the recipient, who could only read a message once it was tightly wound around his own scytale. 1467 Alberti cipher Leon Battista Alberti invented and published the first polyalphabetic substitution cipher, changing the course of encryption forever. 1797 Jefferson wheel Invented by Thomas Jefferson while he was George Washington's secretary of state, the wheel consisted of 26 cylindrical wooden pieces threaded onto an iron spindle. 1943 Enigma machine 1961 First computer password Developed by MIT's CTSS (Compatible Time-Sharing System), when computer time was scarce, extremely expensive and limited to research institutions.

Bicimotos- Motores para Bicicletas, Motor kit 80cc, Refacciones. El sorprendente origen de la creatividad. La mayoría de personas asocian la creatividad con el arte.

El sorprendente origen de la creatividad

Dado que la escuela pone más énfasis en las matemáticas, la lógica y las ciencias se concluye que de niños desarrollamos poco este lado del cerebro y de adultos somos poco creativos. Durante muchos años, la neurociencia respaldaba esta idea. La parte derecha del cerebro trabajaba la creatividad de forma independiente al lado izquierdo, en donde se trabajaba la lógica y las matemáticas.

Pero más recientemente se ha descubierto que el cerebro no funciona derecho o izquierdo sino que ambos hemisferios trabajan de forma conjunta y cooperativa y de hecho TODOS, tantos los niños como los adultos, podemos ser muy creativos. La creatividad además está presente en cualquier disciplina. Todos tenemos momentos de inspiración, momentos “eureka” (ya lo entendí) o también llamados momentos flash. 1.

La creatividad surge a partir de experiencias vividas. Pero estos bloques son la base para la concepción de nuevas ideas. 2. 3. Hay una razón. 4. Liter_Of_Light-How_to_build_a_Solar_Bottle_Bulb-English. Energía Solar en México, Soluciones en Energías Renovables, Paneles solares Conermex. Technology - Enphase Energy. Climodiagramas.