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Esotericism. - Your Guide To The Gods. Welsh Herbalism. Herbs have always been known to have “magickal power”. Considered a major ingredient for medicines in cultures all over the world, many of whom considered them magickal or spiritual. Earth worshiping belief systems centered around herbs appear in dozens of ancient cultures including the Celts, Indians, Chinese, and Native Americans. Each of these societies religions revolved around a relationship with a great Earth spirit and their people. Most importantly it had an herbalist take on disease, using herbs in accordance with their religious beliefs.

It could be said that a nature-focused religion is still the basis of herbalism in the modern age. It’s our belief that herbalism is an important piece of that nature religion, that stands for balance of the mind, body and spirit. Modern pagans still work in sync with nature, worshiping the natural forces they perceive. It would be impossible for us to give you a complete list of herbs and their uses. Basil Based Psychic Power Spell. Groups. Wiccan Wisdom Forums - Powered by vBulletin. Wiccan Moonsong.

The White Goddess - Pagan Portal. AMC Pagan Daybook. For Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1. Pagan Daybook is a calendar to keep track of the days of the week, the ancient and modern tides and the pagan festivals and observances that fall on each day of the year. Far more interesting than a conventional calendar, it's something unique to put in the Startup group of Windows, or use as your screen saver. Never miss another solstice... or, perhaps more importantly, another saturnalia. Pagan Daybook features an extensive database of listings — with five or six thousand years of civilization to draw on, it has at least one observance for every day of the year — full color graphics, an integrated screen saver, animation, user-configurable entries, selectable themes and various bits of magick.

WARNING: This software contains references to pagan beliefs and details from classical paintings in which some of the subjects aren't wearing very much. This software is available for electronic delivery and on CD-ROM. Spiritual - Pagan. Witchhunter. Journal: Personal Experience in the Light and Sound of God. The following story is from the 2010 Eckankar Journal, an annual collection of real-life accounts of spiritual experiences, written by members of Eckankar. Recent issues of the Eckankar Journal can be requested at the Eckankar Online Bookstore. For more stories, follow the links at right. » By AA A few years ago, I had a very challenging experience. It allowed me to see all the precious gifts I have in my life—the love of my family and friends, the love of my pets, and especially, the amazing love and protection of the Mahanta. At the time, I'd been having recurring dizzy spells.

I wasn't worried, because I've always been a healthy person. The doctor found nothing wrong with me. But a few days later, the doctor called me at my office. "Is it serious? " "Yes," he replied. Then he went on to say the dizziness had nothing to do with the aneurism. "But thank goodness you had that spell of dizziness so we could find this out! " Still, I was devastated. This was not the answer I expected. Cantrap - Your site for spells, magical technique, magical theory, and divination. Cauldron of The Gray Witch - An eclectic gathering of Witches,Mystics and Pagans. The Book of Shadows. Here you will find one of the largest online Book of Shadows. This page may seem a bit unorganized but I can't think of any other way to do it and I would hate to have a bunch of links for you to have to click on to get to the information you are looking for.

So check back often for more items. If you would like to have a spell or information posted here, e-mail me! If you see *UPDATED* next to a section, the new information is listed first. Magick is the art of causing change to occur in accordance with one's desires. It is the power to manipulate, channel, and direct sources of energy to empower one's mind. The mind creates mental images or sigils of its desire which can be empowered by those sources of energy to which the practioner has access. Table of Contents Please choose one of the following: Tips For The Solitatry Practitioner A Book Blesssing | Beliefs | Wiccan Rede | Pagan Terminology| What is Magick? Circle Casting | The Wheel of the Year | Misc. Mirror Magick.

Ritual « witchery. Seasons Of The Witch, Winter's Peaceful Cloak. "And when we were children, staying at the Archduke's My Cousin's, he took me out on a sled, And I was frightened. He said, Marie, Marie, hold on tight. In the mountains, there you feel free. I read, much of the night, and go south in the winter. " TS Eliot - The Wasteland Winter - 2009 In Australia , the youthful vigor of Spring peeks out from every corner now.

My Midwestern friends and family all mourn the loss of the sun. But I am a Hedge Witch, not a snow bird. In a setting of sparkling beauty and crackling fires, Winter is a time of peace, rest, introspection, and planning. The air is clean and quiet. My tradition takes me to our woods on the Winter Solstice. As we head toward the oldest oak in the woods the search for our Yule Log begins in earnest. This year, after collecting our Yule Log, I joyfully went to the old tree. As I turned from the tree, I looked on the ground, where I found another forest gift - A wand. After returning home from the woods, I light our solstice candle. BOS Thumbnails. Pagan Living© » Home of Orbis de Sanctus Silva™ Essential Oils, Perfume Oils for Ritual. Family tree of the Greek gods. Key: The essential Olympians' names are given in bold font.

See also List of Greek mythological figures Notes External links Media related to Family trees of Greek mythology at Wikimedia Commons. Pagan Roots. Seasons of the Witch. "THIS PLANNER ROCKS!!! " -FB post "LOVE THE NEW PLANNER....was a little hesitant to order because I am so used to carrying mine with me I bought a tablet to put it so much for going electronic with it. " -FB post "I LOVE THE DESKTOP VERSION and I have told all my witch friends to devour it! Introducing our Seasons of the Witch Desktop Program 2014. System Requirements: PC (Windows 7, XP, or Vista) English language U.S. time zones. Refunds cannot be made on electronic versions.