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Mid-Atlantic Geomancy. Phases of the Moon. Enter a year between 1700 and 2035 in the form below and press the "Get Data" button to obtain a calendar showing the dates of the primary phases of the Moon for that year.

Phases of the Moon

Definitions For definitions of the phases, see the explanation of Phases of the Moon and Percent of the Moon Illuminated in the Astronomical Information Center. In addition, the explanation of Crescent Moon Visibility discusses the waxing crescent phase. Time Format In the output table, d, h, m indicate day, hour, minute, respectively, of Universal Time. Pagan Roots. Astral Voyage - Astral Projection - The Higher Planes. A reader asked me today about the higher planes.

Astral Voyage - Astral Projection - The Higher Planes

A common answer to the question of "What are the higher planes like? " is "You wouldn't understand. " But if I said that, this would be a really short and lame article. So I'm going to try and not only describe the higher planes, but tell you what they, and some of the mid planes, are for and a bit of their history. How can I do that? Druids_panorama.jpg (JPEG Image, 1289x369 pixels) - Scaled (78%) Astral Voyage - Astral Projection - The Higher Planes. Kitchen Witch - Craft & Magick .... Sefer Ha-Bahir - The Book of Illumination. Encyclopedia Mythica. Old Farmers Almanac: weather forecasts gardening moon calendar recipes. Consciousness, Metaphysics, World Beliefs. OWM Goddess Gallery. Internet Book of Shadows Index. This is a large (+9Mb) collection of articles related to Neo-Paganism which can be found archived at a number of FTP sites (for instance, here).

Internet Book of Shadows Index

This is a collection of posts to bulletin boards from the late eighties to the mid nineties, essentially predating the modern Internet. According to a recent communication, the original editor of this archive was Durwydd mac Tara at PODS net. We acknowledge Durwydd's hard work to preserve this archive. For ease of access, we have converted this archive to HTML using a C program. There are a number of technical difficulties with this collection including runtogetherwords in many places, problems with the table of contents and huge inconsistencies in pagination; due to the volume of this material we have left these intact for now. We have taken the liberty of removing about twenty-five articles which were too far 'off topic', posted elsewhere at this site, or had serious copyright issues. Witchcraft. Writing your own spells When you break down a spell it contains several things:- Timing Words Ingredient Paraphernalia (wands, cauldrons, incense, candles etc) Imagination / visualisation But where do you start when it comes to spell casting well most people start with spell books … Posted in Book of Shadows, Magicks, Spell Tagged Book of Shadows, Esoteric and Occult, Lunar phase, Magic (paranormal), Religion and Spirituality, Services, Shopping, Witchcraft Neo Paganism a history Paganism is really an umbrella term, which covers many paths and traditions and often used in historical context, referring to Greco-Roman polytheism as well as the polytheistic traditions of Europe before Christianisation.


The term neopaganism is used to describe pagan … Spell Kit Gift Ideas Here at the Cyber Cauldron we strive to bring you the best in information and products. Fabrisia's Boschetto - Home Page. Pagan Calendar - September 2011. Covenant of the Goddess. - Your Guide To The Gods. Magicka School.

Journey To The One. Witcheslore Online Book of Shadows. Menu. Celtic Zodiac Index. Celtic Astrology was created by the Druids sometime around 1000BC.

Celtic Zodiac Index

Esoteric Studies and Creative Arts. Sitemap. Spiral Goddess Grove - A Goddess Temple. Welcome - PastlivesParanormal&Pagans. Lady of the Earth. Here is my collection.

Lady of the Earth

I will be adding more files as time passes. Feel free to use what's here for your own personal use. You will not see a lot of advertising here as my site is dedicated to the Goddess and it is here for others who wish to learn Her sacred ways to do so without charge. If you would like to contribute an article, spell, story, etc. please feel free to contact me. Blessed Be! Graphic by Ashlyn Animals & Shamanism Blessings Candle Magick Celtic Charge Of The Goddess/God Circles & Castings Consecration & Cleansing Covens Crystals - Gems - Stones Divination Dragon Druids Elements Faeries Goddesses - Gods Handfasting Healing Herbs - Flowers - Trees Homespun Treasures Humor Incense Initiation & Dedication Invocations Learning Center Magick & High Magick Meditation Moon Facts & Esbats Oils & Scents Poetry Prayers Recipes Religious Talks & Discussions Rituals Sabbats Songs & Chants Spells Stories-Myths-Legends-Folklore-SuperstitionsThe Laws Tools Wicca Witches & Witchcraft.

The Book of Shadows. Here you will find one of the largest online Book of Shadows.

The Book of Shadows

This page may seem a bit unorganized but I can't think of any other way to do it and I would hate to have a bunch of links for you to have to click on to get to the information you are looking for. So check back often for more items. If you would like to have a spell or information posted here, e-mail me! If you see *UPDATED* next to a section, the new information is listed first. Magick is the art of causing change to occur in accordance with one's desires.